Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chinese Rule Five Lingerie

Kennedy had his "missile gap", Clinton had a "credibility gap", now Obama must contend with the Chinese "cleavage gap". The commercial is five minutes long. That's half your daily minimum requirement, guys!

My Chinese may be a little rusty, but I could have sworn they used the word "Boobzilla" in there! I'm not sure about the science, but they seem to be implying that if you clamp down hard enough, all your fat cells move to your chest. Could give a whole new meaning to "bondage"!

(They could have done without a couple of the "love handle" shots, though!)

H/T Mrs. Crankipants


  1. Outfrigging standing! But had to turn the volume down, 5 minutes was a bit much.

  2. Proof,

    I see your point on the science but honestly, with no prejudice implied, I have never seen a Chinese gal that voluptuous as featured in the commercial to begin with, ever.

    Also, being about 80% or more of the Chinese population only has the chance to eat enough to live to the next morning, then one must inquire as to how is it possible to get "love handles" in the first place?

  3. Randy: I'm sorry. There was sound?

    Christopher: I believe you are correct that these fair flowers of Chinese pulchritude are probably more the exception than the rule. But, hey! It's advertising! Watch the next US weight loss commercial for the fine print. The guys and gals in the videos are yelling "I lost 30 pounds. I lost 50 pounds, etc.", while the fine print disclaimer says "Results not typical".

    If the results aren't "typical" why are they the only ones you show??? Caveat emptor.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go cancel my Chinese mail order companion...

  4. Proof, I had to re-read am a happy you spelled it M A I L ,,,,lol

  5. Boobzilla, wouldn't that be a Japanese term?

  6. @ Left Coast,,,Only in the "B" Hollweird vernacular of spaghetti monster flics.

  7. "Boobzilla, wouldn't that be a Japanese term? " That's what I would have thought. But listen right about the one minute mark. It sounds like "Boobzilla".

  8. Christopher: Those pesky homonyms give a lot of people trouble!

  9. I'll buy that Proof. Midwest here, so as to English I "hang" on every word.

  10. Talk about making mountains out of molehills.

  11. Molehills into mountains? Is that a push up or an underwire molehill?
    See it's these kinds of tricks that you women play that get men all hot and bothered. It's why, in the 4H, they never judge the heifers with their blankets on!

  12. I suppose I could say the same thing about "you men" and rolled up sweat socks.

  13. Rolled up sweat socks? Never. As for that small Persian rug I was smuggling into the country...that coulda happened to anybody!
