Thursday, February 28, 2013

Vintage Babe of the Week

Tonight's Vintage Babe* is Dyan Cannon !
(*a.k.a. Rule Five Thursday)

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Like fine wines, the ladies improve with age!

Are You Ready for Fifty Years of Bondage?

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Obamacare...stimulus...fiscal cliff...sequester...we're on our way!

Quote du jour

"Participating in a gun buy back because you believe that the criminals have too many guns is like having yourself castrated because you believe that the neighbors have too many kids"

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Medal of Honor

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Petty Officer Robert R. Ingram


For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as Corpsman with Company C, First Battalion, Seventh Marines against elements of a North Vietnam Aggressor (NVA) battalion in Quang Ngai Province Republic of Vietnam on 28 March 1966. Petty Officer Ingram accompanied the point platoon as it aggressively dispatched an outpost of an NVA battalion. The momentum of the attack rolled off a ridge line down a tree covered slope to a small paddy and a village beyond. Suddenly, the village tree line exploded with an intense hail of automatic rifle fire from approximately 100 North Vietnamese regulars. In mere moments, the platoon ranks were decimated. Oblivious to the danger, Petty Officer Ingram crawled across the bullet spattered terrain to reach a downed Marine. As he administered aid, a bullet went through the palm of his hand. Calls for "CORPSMAN" echoed across the ridge. Bleeding, he edged across the fire swept landscape, collecting ammunition from the dead and administering aid to the wounded. Receiving two more wounds before realizing the third wound was life-threatening, he looked for a way off the race of the ridge, but again he heard the call for corpsman and again, he resolutely answered. Though severely wounded three times, he rendered aid to those incapable until he finally reached the right flank of the platoon. While dressing the head wound of another corpsman, he sustained his fourth bullet wound. From sixteen hundred hours until just prior to sunset, Petty Officer Ingram pushed, pulled, cajoled, and doctored his Marines. Enduring the pain from his many wounds and disregarding the probability of his demise, Petty Officer Ingram's intrepid actions saved many lives that day. By his indomitable fighting spirit, daring initiative, and unfaltering dedications to duty, Petty Officer Ingram reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

Petty Officer Ingram: We humbly salute you and thank you for your service.

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Hat tip Home of Heroes

There are fewer than a hundred living MoH recipients today. Their names and their stories should not be forgotten. My mission is to honor one of those heroes here each week, and salute them for their courage and sacrifice. In the words of John Fitzgerald Kennedy:
“A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces, but also by the men it honors; the men it remembers.”

Quote du jour

Pakistan is opening an amusement park and a zoo in the same town where the raid on Osama Bin Laden took place. The zoo is pretty cool, but I’ve heard you won’t be able to see the seals until it’s too late.
-Jimmy Fallon

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sex in Advertising

For all you connoisseurs of advertising...

I may not be sure exactly what she's selling, but, I'm pretty sure I'm in the market!

(In case you're wondering, "Didn't he just post this one a few weeks ago?", what I posted was a video on the making of this commercial: The Making of Nina Agdal's Carl's Jr. Super Bowl Ad , sans Bobby Darin's "La Mer". )

"Sequesteria" -The Word of the Day

Just heard the term "Sequesteria" on Rush's show. He was using it as a "tease", so I haven't heard what he has to say on it. But it sounds like an excellent word to describe the reaction to these supposedly "Draconian" cuts, that if all were enacted would still leave the US government spending more than they did last year. Brutal! /sarc

Quote du jour

"We all understand that it is Karl Rove’s mission to promote the Republican party. It was the mission of Bill Buckley to promote the conservative cause. There should be no confusion between the two."
Neal B. Freeman

Monday, February 25, 2013

There's No Escaping the Obamas

You know how you sometimes have a dream where you are being relentlessly pursued? Some nameless dread is after you, dogging your heels, through hallways and doorways and across fields and meadows, and when you've fallen and are just about to be overtaken, you wake up? That dread has a name. It is Michelle Obama.

I watched the Oscars last night, the Academy Awards, as we used to say. Is is unusual in itself. I doubt that I have sat down to watch the awards in at least two decades, maybe more. (Gone With the Wind was best picture which year exactly??) Anyway, it was a slow night, so I figured I'd watch it just to take the temperature of the culture and my waning knowledge of it.

And for those of you who watched it, you know where this is going. Out of the blue, without warning, the biggest award of the night, best picture, and there is Jack Nicholson to present it. Now, Jack's a big deal and been around a long time, so no big surprise there! And then he introduces, via video, FLOTUS Michelle Obama to announce the winner.

My first thought was, "OMG! Is there no sporting event or television show that POTUS and FLOTUS will not insert themselves?" It's bad enough that Superbowl Sunday has to be tarnished with an annual sit down with the president, the day of the game. When did this start? I don't remember either Bush or Clinton or any president being asked his opinion of anything on Superbowl Sunday. Yes, there's a lot of pre-game hours to fill with the proverbial interview with the quarterback's grandmother, but, when did it get political? I mean it was not unusual for a president to give a congratulatory phone call after the game, but otherwise, it wasn't his day. It was a day about the game.

Likewise, last night, Hollywood of all people should know that movies are escapism. Their stock and trade is to divert people from thinking about life how it is and getting them to stop thinking for a while. So, on a night where glamor and celebrity reign, here is a politician's wife crashing the party. (I don't care if she was invited, IMHO she was out of place.) The Oscars are to get you thinking about the movies. The movie I heard mentioned most in connection with Michelle's appearance was a comparison to Big Brother in "1984".

I'm told that when Michelle's shining face appeared, there were audible groans from the press box backstage. I can believe it. I was groaning myself. Barry and Michelle are the most overexposed First Couple ever. Jackie O was on TV...occasionally. Never to extent of our current FLOTUS.

And it's not just a liberal thing. There were libs on stage all night. Even their queen, Barbra Streisand showed up, as did Hanoi Jane Fonda. But, they were entertainers first and liberals second. They'd earned a spot on the stage.

I even say that at the risk of some snot nosed, brain dead race-baiter coming up and saying, "Well then, it must be because she's black!" No, it's not because of her race, or her looks, or anything like that. It's because she and her husband are ubiquitous. There's just no getting away from them. If Barry could have started the Daytona 500 without getting booed, he probably would have been there, too!

There's an old show business adage, Mr. and Mrs. Obama, that says, 'always leave them wanting more'. In the immortal words of Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks, how can we miss you when you won't go away?

If I can channel my inner Siskel and Ebert: Two thumbs down, Mrs. O.

Quote du jour

"Hollywood: A place where they shoot too many pictures and not enough actors."
-Walter Winchell

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Themes Like Old Times

Frankly, I don't remember seeing 'Riptide' at all, but it's from Stephen J. Cannell with a Mike Post theme, so undoubtedly someone remembers it fondly!

Quote du jour

You think "Papal" is an online payment site.
-Dave Letterman, Top Ten Reasons You'd Make a Bad Pope

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday Linkaround

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Cartoon of the Day – NRO Home page

SCOTUS: Staffers Hide Pleadings, Docs from Justices – Remove Dockets? 5 of 9 Justices Get Nada?

The Illusions of Supplemental Security Income, from Someone Who Knows

Nancy Pelosi: Congressional pay cut would diminish the dignity of lawmakers’ jobs

Marco Rubio Has Sold More Than 3100 Water Bottles, Raising $100,000 –Heh.

Facebook to Receive $429 Million Dollar Refund Despite Paying Zero Income Tax in 2012

Walmart sets limits on ammunition sales after demand surges

Police Found Thousands of Dollars of Graphically Violent Video Games At Newtown Shooter’s Home

The Most Serious Threat to Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Graham: Obama Knew of Benghazi Threat, Acted 'After Everybody Was Dead'

White House: Obama Called Hillary on Night of Benghazi Attack

Obama Fiddled (while Benghazi burned)

3 Reasons to Build the Keystone XL Pipeline

Democrats Want Background Checks… Except When They Don’t

Universal to drop health insurance for part-time workers Thank you, Obamacare!

Afterburner: Bill Whittle - The Shooter...

Direct threat to Canadian economy posed by U.S. shale oil production

Cal Trans Blocking Veteran Memorial in California

Dems Clueless About Combat

FOX News Focus Group – By Large Majority – Prefers Rubio’s Vision For America Over Obama’s

Ohio Poll Worker Voted 6 Times

London scientists create crash-proof computer

UPROAR IN NYC After Supermarket Uses Obama’s Mug in a Chicken Ad

Obamacare Causing Employers To Dump Health Coverage For SPOUSES -Thank you, Obamacare!

A bright spot on the cultural landscape

Sensitivity And Hand Guns… Video

Rule Five Roundup
(While all Rule Five posts may be unsuitable for NSFW, I generally only flag the ones that are certainly NSFW)

90 Miles From Tyranny - Rule Five

American Power- Jennifer Nicole Lee, Jennifer Love Hewitt

A trainwreck Rule Five

The Right Way -Friday Babe

Hookers and Booze

Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World – Friday Pinup

Friday Treats

By Other Means

Camp of the Saints - Rule Five News

Conservative Counterpoint – Rule Five Friday – All American Cowgirl

The Daley Gator – Daley Babes - Dawn Richard, Kerri Taylor, Jennifer Hudson, Tika Sumpter, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Nora Salinas

Daily Mail – Candice Swanepoel seen with brown hair and youthful look in Polaroid from her early modelling days

Good Monday Morning

Dustbury – Morena Baccarin

EBL –Diane Lane

Eye of Polyphemus – Bar Refaeli, Kaley Cuoco, Helena Mattsson

Friday Night Babe – Danica Patrick, and Danica Patrick bikini

Pirates Cove - Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup, If All You See…, If All You See…, If All You See…, If All You See…


PostalDog - Daisy Dukes

Reaganite Republican – Mexican Weather Girls

Sex in Advertising – Kate Upton -video

Subject to Change –Rule Five Armed and Dangerous

Caption contest

Support your local Gunfighter – Kimmy Wishbone

The Classic Liberal – Charlize Theron

The Feral Irishman

The Last Tradition – Greta Garbo

Theo Spark –Bedtime Toddy , Bonus Babe, Thursday Toddy, Wednesday Toddy, Bedtime Toddy

The Other McCain- Rule 5 Sunday

Vintage Babe of the Week – Barbara Hershey

Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

*By no means comprehensive.

Use the comments as an open thread on any of these topics. If you feel that I’ve neglected a link, news, commentary, choice humor or Rule Fivage, send a link to:
Proof dot Positive at Hotmail dot com. Substitute "." and "@" where appropriate.
(All spambots must die!)

Quote du jour

"Every kiss begins with Kay. Every restraining order begins with rest. Let me show you the rest..."

Friday, February 22, 2013

Quote du jour

"It is a platitude, and none the less true for that, that we need to have an ideal in our minds with which to test all realities. But it is equally true, and less noted, that we need a reality with which to test ideals."
-G.K. Chesterton

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Vintage Babe of the Week

Tonight's Vintage Babe* is Barbara Hershey!
(*a.k.a. Rule Five Thursday)

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Like fine wines, the ladies improve with age!

Quote du jour

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
- Mother Teresa

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Medal of Honor

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Specialist Fourth Class Frank A. Herda


For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Sp4c. Herda (then Pfc.) distinguished himself while serving as a grenadier with Company A. Company A was part of a battalion-size night defensive perimeter when a large enemy force initiated an attack on the friendly units. While other enemy elements provided diversionary fire and indirect weapons fire to the west, a sapper force of approximately 30 men armed with hand grenades and small charges attacked Company A's perimeter from the east. As the sappers were making a last, violent assault, 5 of them charged the position defended by Sp4c. Herda and 2 comrades, 1 of whom was wounded and lay helpless in the bottom of the foxhole. Sp4c. Herda fired at the aggressors until they were within 10 feet of his position and 1 of their grenades landed in the foxhole. He fired 1 last round from his grenade launcher, hitting 1 of the enemy soldiers in the head, and then, with no concern for his safety, Sp4c. Herda immediately covered the blast of the grenade with his body. The explosion wounded him grievously, but his selfless action prevented his 2 comrades from being seriously injured or killed and enabled the remaining defender to kill the other sappers. By his gallantry at the risk of his life in the highest traditions of the military service, Sp4c. Herda has reflected great credit on himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army.

Sp4c. Herda: We humbly salute you and thank you for your service.

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Hat tip Home of Heroes

There are fewer than a hundred living MoH recipients today. Their names and their stories should not be forgotten. My mission is to honor one of those heroes here each week, and salute them for their courage and sacrifice. In the words of John Fitzgerald Kennedy:
“A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces, but also by the men it honors; the men it remembers.”

Remember Royal Pudding?

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I was remembering the jingle...perhaps you remember it too?

Rich, rich, rich in flavor!
Smooth, smooth, smooth as silk,
More food energy than fresh, whole milk!"

You know what else has "more food energy than fresh, whole milk"? Milk with sugar in it. "Food energy" was just another way of saying "calories". Associating it with "fresh, whole milk" has a wholesome, nurturing sound to it, doesn't it? Can you imagine anyone trying to market food like that today? "Hey, Moms! You make it with milk, but it's got WAY more calories than that!"

Quote du jour

Merely falling short of your ideals is not hypocrisy, it's humanity. We are all fallen. We are all sinners. We are all carved from the crooked timber of humanity.
-Jonah Goldberg

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sex in Advertising

For all you connoisseurs of advertising...

This looks like the director's cut of a commercial I'd seen before.

I may not be sure exactly what she's selling, but, I'm pretty sure I'm in the market!

Danica Patrick Takes Pole at Daytona

Really a challenge to write headlines about this that don't sound dirty

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Danica in one of her racing racy outfits

Danica Patrick is making history as the first woman to take the pole position at this coming weekend's Daytona 500 race.

She became the first woman to win the pole position for the Daytona 500 — and a Sprint Cup event — on Sunday when the rookie posted a lap of 196.434 mph.

"Pride. I'm proud of all the hard work that goes into making a pole car," Patrick said. "I'm happy for them (the team). It was a fast Chevy. ... If you're anywhere but the front row, it's hard to see on race day. ... This just speaks volumes about Stewart-Haas Racing. I thought we were going to be 1-2-3 for a while."

The previous best starting position for a female in the Daytona 500 was 18th by Janet Guthrie.

Danica is quoted as saying,
“I was brought up to be the fastest driver, not the fastest girl.”

Go get 'em Danica!

Update: Danica finished 8th at Daytona, the highest finish for a woman at the Daytona 500.

Quote du jour

"We cannot keep punishing the innocent for what the guilty do in this society."
-Bill Whittle

Quote du jour

"Just because a cat has kittens in the oven don't make 'em biscuits."

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Low Information Voters (Democrat) and the "102 Yr. Old Lady Who Had to Wait Six Hours to Vote"

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Desiline Victor, surrounded by the "racist" poll workers seeking to suppress her vote /sarc

Valentine's Day has come and gone. That means, it's the middle of February. But, something happened last November in North Miami that still has the knickers of liberals and Democrats in a knot. It seems as if those Wascally Wepublicans held a gun to the head of a 102 year old lady, Desiline Victor, and forced her to wait in line "six hours" to vote.

And this, the low information voter reasons that it just has to be one of those examples of "voter suppression" on behalf of the Republicans, because a) everyone I know says so, and b) didn't all the Republicans waiting in that line have to wait just as long?

(Wait! Don't think "B"! "B" makes our head hurt!)

Here's the story, in case one of your liberal friends hasn't berated you about it yet. According to the New York Times:
...she stood in line for three hours at her local library in North Miami, before a poll worker advised her to return later when lines would be shorter and she could get assistance in her native Haitian Creole language, which she did.

Well, three hours isn't six, but, that's too long to have to wait! I agree. But, before you blame those Wascally Wepublicans again, just who is in charge of allocating polling places and hiring poll workers and budgeting for election day turn out? In Miami, I believe it is the Miami-Dade County board of Elections, headed by Supervisor of Elections, Penelope "Penny" Townsley, who I believe is a registered Democrat.

In exactly none of the conversations I hear about how Republicans are "suppressing" the vote with long lines in heavily Democrat districts, have I ever heard a discussion of which party controlled the local county board of elections, or to which party that state's Secretary of State might belong?

Do I want an old lady to have to stand in line for hours to vote? Of course not! But, exactly how brain dead does one have to be to jump from the fact that one little old lady sat out in the sun for hours, to the conclusion that all Republicans want to suppress the vote by making octogenarians and their elders stand out in the sun in order to vote?

Using Occam's razor (look it up, libs!), can we attribute this snafu to poor planning by a Democrat controlled board of elections and a higher than expected turnout, or both? Must every anecdote be turned into a conspiracy with the Left?

To recap, it was not on election day, but the first day of eight days of early voting, in a district whose board of elections is headed by a Democrat. Hardly a conspiracy of voter suppression. Hardly an example of Republican hard heartedness, but somehow, it has transmogrified into a highly charged, emotional talking point, like most liberals, impervious to logic, reason or facts.

Ms. Victor was recently invited to attend President Obama's SOTU show.

Themes Like Old Times

Josh Groban sings a medley of TV themes at the 2008 Emmys

Sex in Advertising: Ladies! A Little Help Please?

Let me preface this post by saying that given a fairly good eye for composition, and a certain way with words, I toyed briefly with the idea of going into advertising at one time. And I still enjoy seeing what makes a good ad work, how they're put together, and so forth, but this one has me a bit stumped. I'm not even sure I have its scent.

I was reading my dead tree paper this AM when I came across this picture, which I have cropped to hide the product. Can you at first glance even tell what they are trying to sell?

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Now, aside from the man having two heads (BTW, is this how all you ladies see us?), the man is sipping through straws, with both heads, from a fruity drink, in which he is joined by a woman obviously attracted to him. My first question is, is the attraction of the deodorant, body spray, etc., sufficient to overcome the fact that he is brandishing a drink better suited for a gay bar* or a retirement cruise where you no longer give a darn what people drink? Oh, and the fact that he also has two heads, one of which is, quite literally, an animal?

Another ad features a different scent, represented by a hawk.

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Is the ad designed to be a joke, parodying the "manliness" or "animal attraction" promised by purveyors of other such products? And if it is a joke, to whom is it aimed? The man, or the woman?

Not being a lady, much less a woman, I cannot see the attraction in making out with someone who could be gently nibbling on one ear while ripping the flesh from the other! And if I may ask a second question, where would they even put the buttons on his shirt??** Would there be a bib over the space between their necks that would button on both sides?? Inquiring minds want to know! Where can one even buy a shirt like that? And what kind of discussion must go on between heads as to not only which tie to wear, but, should they match???

Now the part of the ad I do understand is aimed at the male: Smell like this if you want to attract this sort of woman...
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That comes across loud and clear. The rest? Not so much! So, if you have any insight to the thought process of the female mind (always welcome!), or the inspiration (or perspiration) behind this ad, please let us know. And finally, does it work?

Gents, would you be more or less inclined to try this product? Ladies, would you be more or less inclined to buy this for your significant other?

*Yes. I know it's a horrible stereotype. Also, feel free to give us your insight as to whether you would be more attracted to another male, or inclined to use this product to attract one, because of this ad?

**Upon closer examination of the second ad, with the bow ties, there do indeed seem to be one set of buttons in line with each collar. Upon further contemplation, would dry cleaning become a problem if you wanted one collar starched and the other no starch? Would a dry cleaner have the equipment to iron a two collared shirt?? Would this part of the ad be off putting to dry cleaners???

Top Ten Things Bronco 'Bama Says When You Pull His String

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Top Ten Things Bronco 'Bama Says When You Pull His String

10. “That’s above my pay grade.”

9. “I’m not the emperor of the United States.”

8. “‘Maybe they'll need a moat. Maybe they want alligators in the moat.”

7. "The Cambridge police acted stupidly."

6. "She is a typical white person”

5. "On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today…”

4. "I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go."

3. "We're the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad."

2. "Why can't I just eat my waffle?"

1. “It’s Bush’s fault!”

Quote du jour

"The road to despotism is paved with "fairness."
- Thomas Sowell

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday Linkaround

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Cartoon of the Day – NRO Home page

#BENGHAZI: Obama Did Nothing

White House 9-11-12 Photo During Benghazi 7 Hour Seige…. ?

CRA “Clearly Did” Lead To Risky Loans

California Has Shortage of Doctors Because of Obamacare

Cold Weather Stalls/Strands Electric Car Test Drive –What do you expect for a mere $100K?

Obama’s Top 50 Broken Promises

Mark Steyn on the SOTU

13 Million Americans can’t be wrong! -raw data on feedback from SOTU

FACT CHECK: Overreaching in State of Union speech

Russian nuclear bombers circle Guam

Iran uses Photoshop to give fighter jet appearance of flying when it totally wasn’t

Krauthammer: Obama’s Energy Policies Are Complete Contradiction From Reality & Ultimately Reality Wins (Video)

2 1/2 years ago Barack Obama promised Jim Chukalas a job. Jim's still waiting.

Three Takeaways from The Dear Reader’s “Early Education” Scam

Meet Sheila Jackson-Lee: Freed Slave?

New medal for drone pilots outranks Bronze Star

Smith: Asteroid, Meteor Stark Reminders of Need to Invest in Space Science

MOTIVATIONAL POSTER: Presidential Priorities

Obama SOTU: Rinse, Wash, Repeat

Car Laws vs. Gun Laws

Rule Five Roundup
(While all Rule Five posts may be unsuitable for NSFW, I generally only flag the ones that are certainly NSFW)

90 Miles From Tyranny - Ava Gardner

American Power- Katy Perry

A trainwreck Rule Five Valentine's Day
, Michelle Williams

BRight and Early – Sarah Palin

By Other Means

Adriana Lima's Valentine

Camp of the Saints -Rule Five Saturday, Rule Five News

The Daley Gator – Daley Babes - Maria Menounos , Aryane Steinkopf

Daily Mail – Rio Carnival

Good Monday Morning

Dustbury – Susan Oliver

EBL – Victoria Brink

One last time... El Opinador Compulsivo – Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Kate Upton in paint and…

Eye of Polyphemus – Katey Cuoco

Friday Night Babe –Reeva Steenkamp

The Right Way -Friday Babe

Hookers and Booze

Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World – Friday Pinup

Hopeless Romantic!

Pirates Cove - Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup, If All You See…, If All You See…, If All You See…, If all you see...

pitsnipesgripes –sprinkles

Randy’s Roundtable – Thursday Nite Tart

Reaganite Republican – Miss France

Sex in Advertising – Victoria's Secret -video

The Classic Liberal – Rule 5 – Piper Perabo

The Feral Irishman

The Last Tradition – Joan Crawford

Theo Spark –Bedtime Toddy , Bonus Babe , Saturday Toddy

The Other McCain- Rule 5 Sunday

Vintage Babe of the Week –Sharon Tate

Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

*By no means comprehensive.

Use the comments as an open thread on any of these topics. If you feel that I’ve neglected a link, news, commentary, choice humor or Rule Fivage, send a link to:
Proof dot Positive at Hotmail dot com. Substitute "." and "@" where appropriate.
(All spambots must die!)

Quote du jour

It looks like the White House warning about "altering" the Camp David skeet photo, inspired more people than ever to try their hand at it. Maybe Obama can do for Photoshop® what he's done for firearm sales?
- Proof

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Night Babe

Tonight's FNB*, tragically in the news this week, is Reeva Steenkamp!

(*a.k.a. Rule Five Friday)
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Quote du jour,

The claim that "1.7 million prohibited people have been prevented from buying a gun" what they really mean is that "1.7 million people have been initially denied buying a gun." Remember the five times that the late Sen. Ted Kennedy missed flights because his name was on the "no fly" list? This method of counting would be the equivalent of saying that the "no fly" list stopped five flights by terrorists. Sen. Kennedy may have been kept off those flights, but he still flew on later planes.
-John Lott

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Poetry Corner

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Ju Les Ver Negre En Cheese

Gagar inale xe
Ileon ovlu nikth reeze, rogas cendin
Gno de Claire, de Lunem
Arehy per bori umva nall eradia tiondi
Urnal libra ti onarte mus
Count? Dow nandge minied "Wardwhit" ecavor!
Ite sa turnfi velo-vell Teresko Vajames M.C.D.
I , Vittand ju, liussch midy "com"
Mandmo dule doer fulmoun

Tainsrob ertgod, dardret rorock et high!
dry denlif toffand luna cybluem oon peri
Lunebail lysbe ads bishop
Franc isgod, winandt hetid, albul gesun
riseter minat orco brahea danddon
Alds lay tonspla shdownsput
Nikallsy stems "Gooce anofs" torm swalt ersch irramis
Si oncon trolf lyme, tot hemo onsur
Veyore clipsemad?
Lerand beergor; Doncoo, Perran, Gerseven, Wernh
Ervon B. Raunro, gerch affeesay ro gerch affeeal
Anshe pherd bar rycen, terse ro gerch affeeal

Aofnec. Tarjo hannke plarla, lat mi nus
Fi vendco unting carpen?
Tercape kenne dyo negi antlea
Pformank indlala!
Ju les ver negre, en cheese
Ju les ver negre, en cheese
Ju les ver negre, en cheese

-Kniss Stookey

This was originally set to music. I could not find a recording, but I at least could set forth the words here. The meaning, incidentally, is hidden in plain sight. A sense of space may help you gain understanding.
You can hear the words and music here. It helps if you open another window for the audio while you follow along with the words.- proof