Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Medal of Honor

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Sergeant Gordon R. Roberts


For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Sgt. Roberts distinguished himself while serving as a rifleman in Company B, during combat operations. Sgt. Roberts' platoon was maneuvering along a ridge to attack heavily fortified enemy bunker positions which had pinned down an adjoining friendly company. As the platoon approached the enemy positions, it was suddenly pinned down by heavy automatic weapons and grenade fire from camouflaged enemy fortifications atop the overlooking hill. Seeing his platoon immobilized and in danger of failing in its mission, Sgt. Roberts crawled rapidly toward the closest enemy bunker. With complete disregard for his safety, he leaped to his feet and charged the bunker, firing as he ran. Despite the intense enemy fire directed at him, Sgt. Roberts silenced the 2-man bunker. Without hesitation, Sgt. Roberts continued his l-man assault on a second bunker. As he neared the second bunker, a burst of enemy fire knocked his rifle from his hands. Sgt. Roberts picked up a rifle dropped by a comrade and continued his assault, silencing the bunker. He continued his charge against a third bunker and destroyed it with well-thrown hand grenades. Although Sgt. Roberts was now cut off from his platoon, he continued his assault against a fourth enemy emplacement. He fought through a heavy hail of fire to join elements of the adjoining company which had been pinned down by the enemy fire. Although continually exposed to hostile fire, he assisted in moving wounded personnel from exposed positions on the hilltop to an evacuation area before returning to his unit. By his gallant and selfless actions, Sgt. Roberts contributed directly to saving the lives of his comrades and served as an inspiration to his fellow soldiers in the defeat of the enemy force. Sgt. Roberts' extraordinary heroism in action at the risk of his life were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army.

Sgt. Roberts: We humbly salute you and thank you for your service.

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Hat tip Home of Heroes

There are fewer than a hundred living MoH recipients today. Their names and their stories should not be forgotten. My mission is to honor one of those heroes here each week, and salute them for their courage and sacrifice. In the words of John Fitzgerald Kennedy:
“A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces, but also by the men it honors; the men it remembers.”

Wikileaker Hosed

Now I confess to not following this trial too closely, because, frankly, every time I saw the name Bradley Manning I had to stop and ask myself if he was the one playing for the Colts or the Giants?

So, yesterday was no small surprise when the radio news was telling us over and over and over that Bradly had been acquitted of the charge that would have brought him a life sentence. Whew. Dodged THAT one! Except, this AM's headlines read that Pfc. Manning could be sentenced to 136 years for the 20 counts he was convicted of.

Well, at least he didn't get life!

Cross posted at LCR.

Quote du jour

You know all that stuff about the Koch brothers pouring money into our politics? You know all that hoo-ha about Citizens United opening the floodgates for rivers of corporate money that will drown the poor and disenfranchised? Well, here's a list of the top all-time donors from 1989 to 2012. In the top 20, 14 lean Democratic, two lean Republican. The Republicans appear in slots 18 and 19, by the way. Oh, and Koch Industries? That behemoth trampling democracy? It's the 62nd biggest donor.
The horror!
-Jonah Goldberg

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Early Bird Doesn't Get Worm, if Worm is Packing Heat

Who are you calling a worm???

PRESCOTT, Ariz. – A 9-year-old boy digging for worms in northern Arizona found a gun buried near his home. Police in Prescott say the stainless-steel .38-caliber revolver was in plastic bag along with one bullet just under the ground's surface. Police say it appears the gun was only covered up to hide it until someone came back to get it. They say they don't know who owns the gun or how it ended up buried near the home of the boy who found it...

Apparently the kid did the right thing and informed his parents or authorities. The NRA runs a program for grade school kids, Eddie Eagle, which instructs kids that if they find a gun, they shouldn't touch it, but tell an adult. Can't let those NRA types near our kids, though. They might infect them with the idea that guns can be useful tools in the right hands sometimes...

Sex in Advertising

For all you connoisseurs of advertising...

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I may not be sure exactly what she's selling, but, I'm pretty sure I'm in the market!

Quote du jour

"A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams."
-John Barrymore

Monday, July 29, 2013

A Little Monday Night Music (and frivolity)

Mike Rayburn - "Hang the Jury"

With a little comedy thrown in...

Most Influential Blog Awards – Rules And Nominations

Influential? Yikes! Chris Wysocki over at Pretty Fly for a Jersey Guy thinks so! And he’s way cooler than I, so yeah, maybe I am!

There’s an award badge:

There is no voting, no stuffing the ballot box, no campaigning. It’s just a way to bring recognition to other blogs and bloggers that are out there.

Which means, as Ed McMahon used to say, I already may a winner!

Here are the rules:

1. Display the award logo on your blog.

2. Link back to the person who nominated you

3. Answer 7 questions decided up by your nominator

4. Nominate ( no limit of nominations ) other bloggers for this award and link back to them.

5. Notify those bloggers of the award requirements.

That's it! Piece of toast!

Here are Chris' seven questions:

1. Why did you start a political blog, and when?

I got my feet wet blogging over at Say Anything. I got better at it and being the independent sort of fellow, decided that I needed a place to express myself unfettered by anything other than my own high standards. Plus, 2008 was an election year and you'll never guess how horrible a candidate both parties ended up nominating! I had some small opinion on the matter.

2. If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would it be?

C.S.Lewis. He was a man of letters, a man of faith, and a man of wisdom who had to deal great sorrow and great joy in his lifetime. I think it would make for a very pleasant evening.

3. Do you think there is any hope of restoring the United States to a constitutional republic in your lifetime?

Gosh, I'd like to think so, but I'm not overly optimistic.
4. If you could choose one state for Conservatives to “take over” and reshape into a vision of America congruent with Constitutional / Conservative principles, what state would you choose and why?

California would be nice. A large scale economy and Mediterranean style weather...we'd have an awful lot of liberals to kick out, though! Realistically, we'd have a better shot at Idaho.

5. If you could retire anywhere, on or off the planet Earth, where would it be?

This is a tough one. I love the mountains and I love the beach. One is as good as the other. To me, I believe it is a matter of the companion(s) one is with rather than real estate.

6. What book has influenced your life (other than the Bible or Torah) and describe how?

So many books, so many authors...hard to choose just one. My bibliography was quite eclectic and broad.

7. iPhone, Droid, BlackBerry, or Windows Phone?

I have an iphone for work, a droid for personal use. I like both but have to give the edge to the iphone.

Now, I have some nominations of my own to make and questions to dream up. In no particular order:

Donald Douglas of American Power

Randy of Randy's Roundtable

Odie of Woodsterman fame

Curmudgeon of Political Clown Parade (who picked the wrong time to leave town!)

The Reaganite Republican

William Teach of Pirate's Cove

John of Sentry Journal

1. What do you like most about me? (Just seeing if you were paying attention!)

The real #1. Education is important if we are going to preserve the Republic past this generation. Do you think home schooling or private schools better prepare the next generation for life?

2. Boxers, briefs, thong or commando? (Hey! Gotta keep this from getting too heavy! You should have seen my first list of questions!)

3. What was the best thing you've ever written and why?

4. What was the most popular thing you've ever written? (Not necessarily the same as #3)

5. What's your favorite book or movie and why?

6. How old were you when you realized that government was not the solution?

7. If you could change any law or practice in the USA, what would it be and why?

Easy as rolling off a log...or a web log... This is like the worst game of tag ever! Heh.

Quote du jour

A friend is a gift you give yourself.
-Robert Louis Stevenson

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Medal of Honor Recipient George "Bud" Day Has Passed Away

Sad news. Medal of Honor recipient Bud Day has died at age 88.
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Col. George E. Day

Retired Col. George "Bud" Day, a Medal of Honor recipient who spent 5.5 years as a POW in Vietnam and was Arizona Sen. John McCain's cellmate, has died at the age of 88, his widow said Sunday.

Day, one of the nation's most highly decorated servicemen since Gen. Douglas MacArthur and later a tireless advocate for veterans' rights, died Saturday surrounded by family at his home in Shalimar, after a long illness, Doris Day said.

His citation is here:

On 26 August 1967, Col. Day (then Major) was forced to eject from his aircraft over North Vietnam when it was hit by ground fire. His right arm was broken in 3 places, and his left knee was badly sprained. He was immediately captured by hostile forces and taken to a prison camp where he was interrogated and severely tortured. After causing the guards to relax their vigilance, Col. Day escaped into the jungle and began the trek toward South Vietnam. Despite injuries inflicted by fragments of a bomb or rocket, he continued southward surviving only on a few berries and uncooked frogs. He successfully evaded enemy patrols and reached the Ben Hai River, where he encountered U.S. artillery barrages. With the aid of a bamboo log float, Col. Day swam across the river and entered the demilitarized zone. Due to delirium, he lost his sense of direction and wandered aimlessly for several days. After several unsuccessful attempts to signal U.S. aircraft, he was ambushed and recaptured by the Viet Cong, sustaining gunshot wounds to his left hand and thigh. He was returned to the prison from which he had escaped and later was moved to Hanoi after giving his captors false information to questions put before him. Physically, Col. Day was totally debilitated and unable to perform even the simplest task for himself. Despite his many injuries, he continued to offer maximum resistance. His personal bravery in the face of deadly enemy pressure was significant in saving the lives of fellow aviators who were still flying against the enemy. Col. Day's conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Air Force and reflect great credit upon himself and the U.S. Armed Forces.

Rest in peace, Col. Day. We humbly salute you.

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Additional photos and details of his medals can be found here.

The Alien Invasion of Detroit

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I was toying with the idea of exploring my inner geek this weekend, while I try to share an impression I had this week, following the announcement of Detroit's declaration of bankruptcy.

Remember the TV series Stargate? Near instant transportation, across interstellar space, exploring strange new, that was Star Trek! (See? I told you it would get geeky!) The images of the bleak Detroit landscape, looking like Dresden after the fire bombing, reminded me of an episode of Stargate, on planet P3A-194, home planet of a people called the Volians.

The planet was largely agricultural, sparsely populated and near idyllic - perhaps something Al Gore might envision? The Volians' main trading partner was a race called the Aschen, who had "saved" them from a pandemic some two hundred years before.

Spoiler alert: If you haven't seen it by now, don't blame me when you watch it on Netflix. As the episode develops, the SG-1 team discovers that 200 years before, the Volians had a thriving industrial society, perhaps a century advanced over 20th century Earth. The pandemic that changed their society was in reality a bioweapon, designed by the Aschen, who then conveniently showed up with a "cure", with a side effect, which caused sterility. Their population decimated, the Volians could no longer sustain an industrial economy, and devolved to a simpler agrarian economy, which, coincidentally benefited the Aschen, as the Volians became a de facto colony of theirs, unable to do anything except to accept the yoke their new masters had fitted for them.

The impression came from the fact that the great Volian cities, two centuries gone, had been buried beneath farm and pasture land, with only bits of "iron weed", the tops of the city's skyscrapers, poking up above the soil, providing impediments to the farmers who would then have to plow around them until they could be removed, with, of course, the help of their benevolent overlords.

And I thought of the tens of thousands of homes in Detroit, fallen to, or about to fall to the bulldozer. As the city shrinks, and some of the homes fall over of their own accord from neglect, I can envision Detroit becoming pasture land once again. The opportunity is there to build great swaths of parkland and green space, making Detroit an idyllic city and one of environmentalists' dreams...if the city only had the money for grass seed and landscaping and city workers to maintain them.

So, no great parks. No greenswards of land separating idyllic communities. Just a statue of an upraised fist, signifying the type of colonoscopy that investors could expect from the city of Detroit. Maybe when the price of land falls a little lower, agri-business can come in and buy up old neighborhoods and plow around the "iron weed"? At least there's still a market for food and other agricultural products.

I suppose, if there is a greater parallel, it would be that the once great city of Detroit had been infected with liberalism. Hard working men and women, and people with vision, created the foremost automotive manufacturing center in the world. The abundance of riches created by the sale of Detroit Iron, filled art museums with literally billions of dollars of works of art. If they have any sense, I would think that Detroiters (Detroitniks?) should swallow their pride and auction off the contents of their art museums so that they can pay for the promises they made to their employees and their families. I'd start with that huge fist. The time for defiance was when you had something someone else wanted to buy, and you didn't desperately need the money.

Liberalism came with a cure...out of wedlock children? Facing your parents' displeasure and and discipline over an unwanted pregnancy? No problem! We'll give you a small stipend from the public treasury, so that you can be independent of your parents. (But, not the government.) We'll even work with our PR division in Hollywood to come up with a new name for your condition. You can be a "baby mama". And forget the "I" word. It would be in poor taste to call your children "illegitimate", no matter how many kids you have from however many different fathers. We're from the government and we're here to help.

Of course, we won't be able to help you provide a strong male role model for your sons to emulate, but since they're plagued with absentee fathers, we can build prisons for them! Cradle to early grave coverage, just like "Julia"!

LBJ's "Great Society" did more to break up black and minority families than the Great Depression and the KKK combined. If a man has more than one "baby mama", he should be stigmatized, not lionized. There need to be harsher consequences for those who procreate irresponsibly. It doesn't mean eliminating welfare, it means reforming it, with a goal of building more stable families, who might one day lift themselves above welfare.

And don't get me started on tax reform and bureaucratic regulations that suffocate businesses great and small.

If the Aschen had descended upon Detroit, how could they have destroyed it any more fully than modern liberalism has done? At least the Aschen helped and taught those few who remained to become farmers, and bought their crops from them. Liberals will just move on to create another "worker's paradise" somewhere else.

Where's SG-1 when you really need them?

Cross posted at LCR.

Quote du jour

Racking the slide of a shotgun in the dark is a Rorschach test for your ears: If it's not your gun and you don't run away, you're crazy!

Best of the Web*

*…that I’ve seen all week!

Louise Sollowin 93, Raped Beaten Killed by Illegal Alien Sergio Martinez-Perez

500 prisoners escaped from Abu Ghraib: Most senior members of al-Qaeda
Al Qaeda is alive and Detroit is dead. -Low information voters hardest hit

The Neighborhood Zimmerman Watched

I Am Not Trayvon Martin

About that "Iced Tea" and Skittles...

Lois Lerner knew that rogue agents in Cincinnati weren't responsible for the IRS scandal because she was involved herself

Lying in the Age of Obama -Victor Davis Hanson

Obama may take time out from his Martha's Vineyard vacation to talk about the economy

The Rise and Fall of Detroit

Americans Say "Hell No" to a Federal Bailout of Detroit

The High Price of Kerry’s Pyrrhic Victory

JUSTICE FOR CHRISTOPHER: 75% of House Republicans Want Select Committee on Benghazi, Boehner Refuses

Obama Admin To Map Every Neighborhood In America By Race To “Eliminate Segregation”…


Judge Jeanine Pirro BLASTS Rolling Stone for making excuses for Boston bomber

Robot nails landing on quadruple backflip

High speed rail crash

students at George Mason University sign petition demanding lawmakers legalize “fourth trimester” abortions

AK-47 being shot underwater, in slow motion, with bonus science lesson

Alfonzo Rachel On The Cover Of Rolling Stone

Heroes Come In All Shapes and Sizes

Plastic bag ban leads to nationwide increase in shoplifting rates

A Truthful Talk About Race

Cartoon of the Day – NRO Home page

The Week in Pictures: Bankruptcy Edition

Sunday Funnies


Royal Baby

George Zimmerman Saved 4 Lives. What Did Obama Do?

Cowboys Stadium

Rule Five Roundup:
(While all Rule Five posts may be NSFW, I generally only flag the ones that are certainly NSFW)

90 Miles From Tyranny - Rule Five Late night ladies, Rule Five links, Girls with guns

American Power- Burn the Bra roundup

A View From the Beach Emma Stone, Cameron Diaz and Kate Upton Walk Into a Bar

A trainwreck Rule Five -Boobies

By Other Means Find the smoking gun...

Camp of the Saints - Rule Five Saturday

The Daley Gator – Daley Babes - Fabiana Granados, Bottoms Up, Emily Proctor, Kahlili Blundell, Amber Stevens, Aya Hirai, Luiza Freyesleben, random hotness and Rule 5 links, Natasha Yi and Rule 5

Daily Mail – Jennifer Aniston's high beams, average American bra size increased from 34B to 34DD over the past 30 years

Good Monday Morning

EBL –Sydney Elaine Leathers Rule 5

Friday Night Babe – Adrianna Costa

Good Stuff's Cyber World, Global Warming and Hot Women , GOODSTUFF'S BLOGGING MAGAZINE (110th Issue)

Hookers and Booze

MMA Chick fight! (video)

Knuckledraggin' My Life Away - Fishy Friday

Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World – Friday Pinup

Miss K -Redheads, Babes with Guns

Pirates Cove - Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup, If All You See…, If All You See…

pitsnipesgripes – Kaley Cuoco

PostalDog - Late Night Hotness

Reaganite Republican –Miss Bolivia

Sex in Advertising – video

Support your local Gunfighter – Adrianne Curry @ Comic Con

The Feral Irishman – Friday Coffee

Theo Spark –Bedtime Totty , Friday Totty, Bedtime Totty, Red Friday Totty , Eye Handy: Megan On The Beach

The Other McCain- Rule 5 Sunday

Three Beers Later – Rule 5 Whitney Duncan

Vintage Babe of the Week – Claire Trevor


Rule 5 Woodsterman Style , Management Lesson

Your Crazy Uncle Bubba Tight dresses

Use the comments as an open thread on any of these topics. Please send links of news, commentary, choice humor or Rule Fivage to:

Quote du jour

If a writer knows enough about what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one ninth of it being above water.

-Ernest Hemingway

Friday, July 26, 2013

A Tale of Two Immigrants

One of the canards tossed about about Conservatives is that conservatives somehow oppose immigration and immigrants. Must be because we're bigots or something, according to the brain dead left (but I repeat myself!) So, a couple of things came together this AM. I happened to see the obituary of a man who had immigrated here in the fifties and a man who came more recently, in a story over at Maggie's Notebook. These two gentlemen here:
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The man on the left (on the page, anyway) is Morris "Brocky" Brockman. On the right, Sergio Martinez-Perez. There is a disparity in their ages, race and probably religion. Brocky Brockman was Jewish, in case anyone cares. Another major difference, is that Brocky Brockman and his wife came to the States legally. And I shall use the less than politically correct terms to refer to young Sergio, because, he came here illegally.

I have a small confession to make. I Photoshopped Sergio's picture. I lightened it up a little, because it was dark, and therefore a little more sinister (think: George Zimmerman), and I shifted the color just a touch, to try to disguise the fact that he's wearing an orange jumpsuit. I wanted you to have an unbiased first impression. (I tried to get a photo of Sergio as a twelve year old, cherubic choir boy, but the MSM said they were all Trayvon'ed out.)

Morris Brockman was the kind of immigrant almost any country would love to have. (I had to add "almost" because some people have an irrational, knee jerk hatred of Jews). He was born in Britain. He served six years in the RAF during WWII. He joined in 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland. Brocky, we salute you for your service. His obituary is here. Brocky, along with a number of other senior citizen veterans, participated in an oral history project about his experiences in WWII. You can read about that here.

Morris moved to California in 1953, with his wife, Rene. They were married for 71 years. Remember 71. That comes up in Sergio's story, too. The sweet love story of Morris and Rene can be found here. Brocky and his family started their own businesses, so that they were gainfully employed, productive members of their community. Brocky was a credit to both his native and adopted countries. He will be sorely missed.

On the other hand, we turn to Sergio. He's nineteen, so, using the Trayvon Martin standard, he is a "teenager". A youth. A young man if you want to be perfectly honest. Old enough to fight for his country, or fight for this country, if he wanted to use that as a "path to citizenship". The story that brought him to my attention:

Louise Sollowin, 93 years old, died after illegal alien Sergio Martinez-Perez broke into her home where she had lived for 71 years, raped her and beat her to death... Martinez-Perez (is) being charged with first degree murder, first degree burglary and first degree assault.

Ninety three year old Louise Sollowin had lived in her home for as many years as Brocky and Rene had been married. There's a solid, quiet comfort in spending that much time in one place or with one person. Perhaps, even a sense of security, ripped away in a single night by a savage predator who had been in our country for only four months. But, because he'd crossed the border in advance of any Gang of Eight amnesty program, he would have been eligible for a "Don't ask, don't tell" jump up the ladder to legal citizenship. Sergio is one of the "Dreamers" that Obama and his friends are touting. Fresh young faces just looking for an education, or for a job, or for a better life. The very idea that a person's moral character might have been impaired by at least one illegal act in illegally crossing our border and not taking the legally proscribed methods, and that that compromised moral character might manifest itself in other ways deleterious to our society is simply not brought up in mixed company.

And there's a long list of crimes that will be or could be overlooked in considering the path to citizenship of any of these Dreamers, as Obama likes to dreamily call them. Did you know that under proposed "immigration bill", you can forge up to three passports and it won't be held against you? My friend, I suspect if you or I were to forge so much as a single passport, we would see the inside of a Graybar Hotel faster than you can say Homeland Security. And yet, why should we let a few felonies get in the way of their "dream"?

I'm tempted to mount a 14th Amendment objection to the proposed immigration act. It provides for separate treatment of two different groups of people based on race and nationality. If dreamers get a pass on all manner of legal trespass and even felony violations, based on their race and nationality, I'm sure it would violate the 14th Amendment. (Well, maybe not in the view of the currently constituted court!)

I'd like Sergio to become the poster boy for "Dreamers". A nation has the right to control its own borders, north, south, east and west. The problem isn't the color of his skin, it's the content of his character. A large number of my co-workers are Hispanic. At least one was born in Columbia. Nothing at all wrong with people who want to come to this country to work, to go to school, to improve their lives, so long as they do it legally. Period. It's not about race. It's about the Dreamers of any race not turning into nightmares.

Cross posted at LCR.

Quote du jour

"He's a very sick puppy."
Donald Trump on Anthony Weiner

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Vintage Babe of the Week

Tonight's Vintage Babe* is Claire Trevor!
(*a.k.a. Rule Five Thursday)

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Like fine wines, the ladies improve with age!

Quote du jour

"How a Popular, Promising Student Was Failed by His Family, Fell Into Radical Islam and Became a Monster" -Rolling Stone Headline
To their credit, the editors label him a monster. But "failed by his family" seems to suggest his actions aren't entirely his responsibility, and "fell into radical Islam" is a strangely passive way of describing the choice to commit murder. It's not a pothole.
-Jim Geraghty

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Medal of Honor

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Captain Ronald E. Ray


For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Capt. Ray distinguished himself while serving as a platoon leader with Company A. When 1 of his ambush patrols was attacked by an estimated reinforced Viet Cong company, Capt. Ray organized a reaction force and quickly moved through 2 kilometers of mountainous jungle terrain to the contact area. After breaking through the hostile lines to reach the beleaguered patrol, Capt. Ray began directing the reinforcement of the site. When an enemy position pinned down 3 of his men with a heavy volume of automatic weapons fire, he silenced the emplacement with a grenade and killed 4 Viet Cong with his rifle fire. As medics were moving a casualty toward a sheltered position, they began receiving intense hostile fire. While directing suppressive fire on the enemy position, Capt. Ray moved close enough to silence the enemy with a grenade. A few moments later Capt. Ray saw an enemy grenade land, unnoticed, near 2 of his men. Without hesitation or regard for his safety he dove between the grenade and the men, thus shielding them from the explosion while receiving wounds in his exposed feet and legs. He immediately sustained additional wounds in his legs from an enemy machinegun, but nevertheless he silenced the emplacement with another grenade. Although suffering great pain from his wounds, Capt. Ray continued to direct his men, providing the outstanding courage and leadership they vitally needed, and prevented their annihilation by successfully leading them from their surrounded position. Only after assuring that his platoon was no longer in immediate danger did he allow himself to be evacuated for medical treatment. By his gallantry at the risk of his life in the highest traditions of the military service, Capt. Ray has reflected great credit on himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army.

Capt. Ray: We humbly salute you and thank you for your service.

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Hat tip Home of Heroes

There are fewer than a hundred living MoH recipients today. Their names and their stories should not be forgotten. My mission is to honor one of those heroes here each week, and salute them for their courage and sacrifice. In the words of John Fitzgerald Kennedy:

“A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces, but also by the men it honors; the men it remembers.”

Quote du jour

A man in Wisconsin pleaded guilty to having sex with a couch. How do you get arrested for that? Does someone come to your house? “What’s going on here? Couch patrol. Furniture vice squad.”

In his defense, the man in Wisconsin said he thought it was a loveseat.
-Craig Ferguson

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sex in Advertising

For all you connoisseurs of advertising...

I may not be sure exactly what they're selling, but, I'm pretty sure I'm in the market!

Quote du jour

"Its flat-earthers like Obama who cite a recent Alaskan heat presumptive evidence of planetary climate change."
-Charles Krauthammer

Monday, July 22, 2013

Quote du jour

Millions of Americans await the return of the Twinkie. Meanwhile, millions of British citizens await the arrival of the royal baby. Basically we’re both waiting for something that’s long, soft, and will probably last 80 years.
- Conan O’Brien

Sunday, July 21, 2013


To the delight of some and the chagrin of others, we continue with yet one more tribute to those lovely lasses who would bare their assets to further the cause of PETA.

Because the world needs more naked, nearly naked and vegetable clad vegetarians!

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"Curious George and the Man in the Big Yellow Hoodie"

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A companion piece to "Curious Trayvon and the Man in the Big Yellow Pickup".

Quote du jour

The basic conservative or pro-life view is that abortion is different from other health-care decisions because there’s a harmed party other than the mother. This fact, not sexism or traditionalism or theology, is what trumps the general conservative preference for individual freedom. You don’t have an unfettered right to harm someone else.

But once you get beyond abortion, conservative public policies treat women like autonomous human beings capable of making their own choices — about health care or anything else. It’s the abortion-rights extremists who boil down the vast range of issues and choices raised by the term “women’s health” to a single issue, sexual reproduction, as if women were nothing more than breeders. And yet conservatives are the ones who are called sexists.
-Jonah Goldberg

Best of the Web*

*…that I’ve seen all week!

Weaponizing the Acronyms that Rule Us

Miami-Dade Schools Could Have Saved Travyon Martin’s Life by Arresting Him

Zimmerman sues NBC for defamation

Obama Big Loser in Zimmerman Trial

The #VRWC Report, George Zimmerman verdict edition

Verdict in Florida, Violence in Oakland, Insanity in Media, Ignorance Everywhere

Photo of Zimmerman's great-grandfather raises questions about racial profiling

As Benghazi Cover-Up Continues Vanity Fair Reports On The Last Few Minutes Of Ambassador Stevens’ Life

State Attorney Angela Corey fires information technology director who raised concerns in Trayvon Martin case

President Obama’s New American Vocabulary -Victor Davis Hanson

Viral photo of San Francisco's Trayvon Martin protest is actually from 1987

WTF? -On FEMA & Benghazi


Flashback… Barack Obama: “We Refused to Throw in the Towel and Do Nothing. We Refused to Let Detroit Go Bankrupt”

Krauthammer On Napolitano: "Her Record Was The Underwear Didn't Explode"

DOJ Helped Bogus Student Group Linked to ACORN Target George Zimmerman

Ann Coulter: Media needs Mississippi Burning Narrative to divide the races, commentary on Zimmerman trial

Afterburner with Bill Whittle: The Lynching

George Zimmerman Juror Speaks Out


Orange County Getting New 5 Megawatt Solar Plant

Cartoon of the Day – NRO Home page

Sunday Evening Funnies

The Truth Is Subjective...

Interesting Timing for Obama's "Impromptu" Comments Today

Jake Tapper Is Smarter Than Everyone Who Works For Rolling Stone Magazine

The Lyin Thing

Rule Five Roundup:
(While all Rule Five posts may be NSFW, I generally only flag the ones that are certainly NSFW)

90 Miles From Tyranny - Rule Five Late night ladies, Girls with guns

Agnieszka Radwanska Nude (Rule Five)

American Power- #Zimmerman Riots Rule 5 Break ,Danielle Sharp at the Sun's Page 3
, Victoria's Secret Angels Barbara Palvin, Candice Swanepoel and Erin Heatherton

By Other Means

The Daley Gator – Daley Babes - Hitomi Furusaki, Some women DO understand men, Ashanti, Arisa Koruki, Sydney Bartlette

Daily Mail – 'This is how I make my booty round': Coco shares the secret to her eye-popping curves in gym video

Good Monday Morning

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Helps Men Destress

Dustbury – Gabrielle Union

EBL –Mary Lou Henner Rule 5

Friday Night Babe – Ali Sonoma

Good Stuff's Cyber World Fortify your Rule Five Posts

The Right Way -Friday Babe

Hookers and Booze

Knuckledraggin' My Life Away - Fishy Friday, Good Morning Girl

Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World – Friday Pinup

Maggie’s Notebook – Rule 5 – Tokyo Rose American Style

Pirates Cove - Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup, If All You See…, If all you see...

pitsnipesgripes – Amanda Bynes

Randy’s Roundtable –Thursday Nite Tart

Reaganite Republican – Miss Belarus

Sex in Advertising – Lace - It's not just for Granny!

Support your local Gunfighter
, Carmen Electra , Christina Hendricks

The Feral Irishman – On the Pacific Rim

The Last Tradition –Bikini Show

Theo Spark –Bedtime Totty , Bonus Babe

The Other McCain- Rule 5 Monday

Vintage Babe of the Week –Brenda Scott

Lewisville Is for Boobs

Women of PETA XXXV

Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

National Ice Cream Month

Your Crazy Uncle Bubba -Tight dresses

Use the comments as an open thread on any of these topics. Please send links of news, commentary, choice humor or Rule Fivage to:

Quote du jour

If Michele rode naked through the streets to lower our taxes, a) I would be very surprised, and b) there would be more than one person struck blind!
-Proof, on the anniversary of Lady Godiva's ride

Friday, July 19, 2013

Remember When Obama Saved Detroit? Me Neither!

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And, of course, Romney was using "Detroit" to refer to the "Big Three" automakers. Obama has actually managed to let Detroit, the entire city, go bankrupt. Way to go, Barack!

More at Gateway Pundit

Quote du jour

Last week I got freaked out by the possibility of a zombie apocalypse. I even wrote an email to President Obama about it. Well, the email wasn’t actually to him. I’m just assuming he read it.
- Craig Ferguson

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Vintage Babe of the Week

Tonight's Vintage Babe* is Brenda Scott!
(*a.k.a. Rule Five Thursday)

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Like fine wines, the ladies improve with age!

Quote du jour

According to Der Spiegel, the NSA has been going through the phones, computers, and who knows what else of European Union officials. If European politicians were any angrier, they would be commenting on Daily Kos. They're so mad, Islamic Rage Boy is telling them to calm down. Alec Baldwin is imploring them to not lose their temper.

Really, they're ticked...
-Jim Geraghty

Medal of Honor

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Lieutenant Colonel (ret.) Alfred Rascon


Lieutenant Colonel (then Specialist Four) Alfred Rascon, distinguished himself by a series of extraordinarily courageous acts on 16 March 1966, while assigned as a medic to the Reconnaissance Platoon, Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion (Airborne), 503rd Infantry, 173d Airborne Brigade (Separate). While moving to reinforce its sister battalion under intense enemy attack, the Reconnaissance Platoon came under heavy fire from a numerically superior enemy force. The intense enemy fire from crew-served weapons and grenades severely wounded several point squad soldiers. Specialist Rascon, ignoring directions to stay behind shelter until covering fire could be provided, made his way forward. He repeatedly tried to reach the severely wounded point machine-gunner laying on an open enemy trail, but was driven back each time by the withering fire. Disregarding his personal safety, he jumped to his feet, ignoring flying bullets and exploding grenades to reach his comrade. To protect him from further wounds, he intentionally placed his body between the soldier and enemy machine guns, sustaining numerous shrapnel injuries and a serious wound to the hip. Disregarding his serious wounds he dragged the larger soldier from the fire-raked trail. Hearing the second machine-gunner yell that he was running out of ammunition, Specialist Rascon, under heavy enemy fire crawled back to the wounded machine-gunner stripping him of his bandoleers of ammunition, giving them to the machine-gunner who continued his suppressive fire. Specialist Rascon fearing the abandoned machine gun, its ammunition and spare barrel could fall into enemy hands made his way to retrieve them. On the way, he was wounded in the face and torso by grenade fragments, but disregarded these wounds to recover the abandoned machine gun, ammunition and spare barrel items, enabling another soldier to provide added suppressive fire to the pinned-down squad. In searching for the wounded, he saw the point grenadier being wounded by small arms fire and grenades being thrown at him. Disregarding his own life and his numerous wounds, Specialist Rascon reached and covered him with his body absorbing the blasts from the exploding grenades, and saving the soldier's life, but sustaining additional wounds to his body. While making his way to the wounded point squad leader, grenades were hurled at the sergeant. Again, in complete disregard for his own life, he reached and covered the sergeant with his body, absorbing the full force of the grenade explosions. Once more Specialist Rascon was critically wounded by shrapnel, but disregarded his own wounds to continue to search and aid the wounded. Severely wounded, he remained on the battlefield, inspiring his fellow soldiers to continue the battle. After the enemy broke contact, he disregarded aid for himself, instead treating the wounded and directing their evacuation. Only after being placed on the evacuation helicopter did he allow aid to be given to him. Specialist Rascon's extraordinary valor in the face of deadly enemy fire, his heroism in rescuing the wounded, and his gallantry by repeatedly risking his own life for his fellow soldiers are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.

Lt. Colonel Rascon: We humbly salute you and thank you for your service.

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Hat tip Home of Heroes

There are fewer than a hundred living MoH recipients today. Their names and their stories should not be forgotten. My mission is to honor one of those heroes here each week, and salute them for their courage and sacrifice. In the words of John Fitzgerald Kennedy:

“A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces, but also by the men it honors; the men it remembers.”