Tuesday, June 30, 2015

800 Pound Reagan Statue

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You know the old joke, "Where does an 800 pound gorilla sit?" "Anywhere he wants!" Fittingly, there is an eight foot high, eight hundred pound bronze statue of Ronald Reagan that was unveiled at the California State Capitol recently.

In the basement.

In an odd little story in my local dead tree newspaper, there is an article that they attribute to the Sacramento Bee. Wishing to quote the article (without an undue amount of typing), I went to LDT's (local dead tree) website, where I could find no trace at all of this article from yesterday's newspaper. So I went to the Sacratomato Bee, and found an article about the unveiling, minus the snark and detail printed in the dead tree version. I even Googled the first ten words of the piece, "Ronald Reagan is the hero who ended the Cold War..." to see if it was anywhere online. No joy.

As a public service, I will now type my little fingers to the bone to give you some of the flavor of this article.
It stands in the "lower rotunda," also known as the basement... Two Reagan cabinet secretaries were on hand for the event, Energy Secretary John Herrington and Secretary of State George Schultz. Schultz, 94 spoke for nearly 12 minutes without notes, telling stories of the Reagan he saw...

Compare & contrast with the current resident of the White House who cannot speak for 12 minutes to a kindergarten class without a teleprompter, or the current and previous Secretaries of State who cannot keep their stories straight for 12 minutes!

...Most of the people who crowded into the basement were Republicans. Several had connections to the governor and president. Only three Democratic legislators showed up, a pathetic showing. No statewide office holders* could break away from their busy schedules, including Gov. Jerry Brown, though Brown did sign the sculpture legislation**,  and included a message that cited Reagan's "courage and unique leadership ability."

Can't you just hear the scare quotes from the author as he talks about their "busy" schedules? Way to stay classy, Democrats! You get the feeling that if these turkeys were ever memorialized in bronze, you could use them as garden gnomes?

I would love to link you to this story so that you could get the full flavor of it, but perhaps it was just a little too honest for the sensibilities of modern newsmen? Or maybe, Brian Williams wrote it??

Should you visit the State Capitol in Sacramento, be sure to go down to the "lower rotunda" and see the 800 pound, eight foot tall statue of Reagan, or as we conservatives call it: "life sized".

* Most of whom are Democrats

** back in 2012

Sex in Advertising

For all you connoisseurs of advertising...

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I may not be exactly sure what she's selling, but, I'm pretty sure I'm in the market!

Quote du jour

Obama claimed that, “We as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency.”

But Obama overlooks Norway, where Anders Behring Breivik used a gun to kill 67 people and wound 110 others. Still others were killed by bombs that Breivik detonated. Three of the six worst K-12 school shootings ever have occurred in Europe. Germany saw two of these — one in 2002 at Erfurt and another in 2009 at Winnenden. The combined death toll was 34. France and Belgium have both faced multiple terrorist attacks over the past year. After adjusting for America’s much larger population, we see that many European countries actually have higher rates of death in mass public shootings.
-John Lott

Hollywood Went to War

Tenth in our series Hollywood Went to War, is Neville Brand.

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He trained at Fort Carson, and served in World War II seeing action with the 331st Infantry Regiment of the 83rd Infantry Division (Thunderbolt Division) in the Ardennes, Rhineland, and Central European campaigns. Brand, a Sergeant and platoon leader, was wounded in action along the Weser River on April 7, 1945. His upper right arm was hit by a bullet, and he nearly bled to death. His official military records indicate that he participated in the Ardennes, Rhineland, and Central European campaigns, and received the Silver Star while convalescing at the 21st General Hospital for gallantry in combat. His other awards and decorations are the Purple Heart, the Good Conduct Medal, the American Defense Service Ribbon, the European/African/Middle Eastern Theater Ribbon with three Battle Stars, one Overseas Service Bar, one Service Stripe, and the Combat Infantryman's Badge. In a 1966 interview he explained the Silver Star. Withering fire from German machine guns in a hunting lodge kept him and his unit pinned down. "I must have flipped my lid," he said. "I decided to go into that lodge." He was discharged from service in October 1945.

Sgt. Brand, we thank you for your service. Rest in peace.

Independence Day is Lame

The movie, not the holiday!

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ID4 came out in 1996, and even then it stretched credulity, not to believe in extra terrestrials, who had mastered intergalactic flight, but that Jeff Goldblum, without knowing anything about the aliens' computer language, could write a "virus" that would infect their computers.
Here it is, 19 years later, and IMHO, it gets worse!

Goldblum & Smith fly the infamous UFO that crashed in Roswell back in 1947 up the the mothership to upload the virus. Again, I remind you that these aliens are intelligent enough to travel between the stars, and not only are they dumb enough not to install a simple anti-virus software on their computers, they're so stupid that if a fifty year old ship flies up to meet them, they are apparently oblivious to that fact, too.

Just for comparison, suppose you're the captain of the USS Ronald Reagan, and a 50 yr. old plane with US Navy markings attempts to land upon the deck. Let's say a Grumman F8F Bearcat. Modern aircraft "squawk" an 'Identification Friend or Foe' (IFF) code. Even if this 50 year old plane was equipped with IFF, (which it wasn't), would it be the right code? After fifty years?? As Captain, what would you do? Yeah. Me, too!

Can't we imagine that any being smart enough to cross interstellar space could have figured out a way to identify their craft, and maybe even keep track of them? Or know the ship that just landed hadn't taken off  from their vessel or any sistership in 50 yrs?. Or maybe even notice the lack of any possible change or improvements over a fifty year span? Stupid aliens!

The movie's characters are likeable. The disappointments however,are richly layered for those who care to look.

Quote du jour

"Free speech is meant to protect unpopular speech. Popular speech, by definition, needs no protection."
-Neal Boortz

Quote du jour

"A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken."

-James Dent

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Best of the Web*

*…that I’ve seen all week!

Israel’s former ambassador to the United States on the president’s naiveté as peacemaker, blinders to terrorism, and alienation of allies.

The number of veterans on waiting lists of one month or more is now 50% higher than it was during the height of last yr’s problems

Emails Show MIT’s Jonathan Gruber Had Even More To Do With Obamacare’s Passage Than Previously Thought

Emails: Hillary Used iPad And Blackberry, Despite Previous Claim

Amtrak employees are the most ‘overworked’ people in history
-some work more than 40 hours a day! (Mostly overtime)


Gary Sinise Foundation - Soaring Valor

Pentagon Confirms ISIS ‘Dirty Bomb’ Capabilities

House Intel Chairman: US is at the Highest Threat Level EVER

Former New Black Panther Leader: “Finish the Mission – Kill the Slave Masters… And Their G*ddam Families”

I’m Sorry, but ‘Chelsea’s Mom’ Does Not, in Fact, Have It Going On
-for the strong of stomach only


Michelle Obama's London Visit Was A Calculated Insult..

Paul Ehrlich Still Pushing Ecological Doomsday

The ‘Confederate Flag’ Never Called Me a Nigger: But Blacks and Liberals Have

Bill And Hillary Clinton Honored the Confederacy, On Arkansas Flag And With Special Day

Democrat Governor Ronnie Musgrove Refused to Take Down Mississippi's Confederate State Flag in 2001

So the Confederate Flag Should Come Down But Margaret Sanger Belongs on the $20 Bill?

Harry Reid Demands UNLV Dump “Rebel” Mascot In Wake Of Charleston Shooting…

Mark Kelly: Obama Was Right to Politicize Charleston Attack

Hillary Took Private Jet To Give Speech On Inequality


New study: Electric cars may be worse for the environment than gas-powered

Phased Plasma Rifle In The 40 Watt Range


Numbers don't lie

Cartoon of the Day – NRO

Flopping Aces -Sunday Funnies


Reaganite's Sunday Funnies

Humpday Humor

The Latest Hillary Merchandise

Sunday Laffs


2015 Paul Revere Award: And The Winners Are…

In The Mailbox: Saturday Morning Edition

Sunday Links

In The Mailbox: 06.22.15

In The Mailbox: 06.26.15

Rule Five Roundup:
(While all Rule Five posts may be NSFW, I generally only flag the ones that are certainly NSFW)

90 Miles From Tyranny - hot pick, girls with guns, Morning Mistress, morning mistress, Blogs with Rule Five Links, girls with guns, girls with guns

American Power- Mariah Carey Aquatic Wardrobe Malfunction , Charlotte McKinney Photo Shoot for Galore Magazine , Bar Refaeli Billboards Sending Cars Crashing Off the Road in Tel Aviv ,
Team U.S.A. Star Alex Morgan Comes Out for Homosexual Marriage


A Wet One for Wednesday

By Other Means - Cosplay, Tap, Rack & Bang, Random hotness

The Daley Gator – Daley Babe, Angela Sun, Lena Yada, Lena Yada Part 2, Adria Arjona

Daily Mail –naked Ali Krieger

A Touch of Color, Short shorts

E.B.L. - Kathryn Grayson

Good Monday Morning

Feral Irishman - Katee Owen , Friday Femme Fatale, Every Day Gets More And More Bizarre In This Country...

Friday Night Babe -Jillian Hall

Game of Thrones Body Double for Nude Walk of Shame

Good Stuff's Cyber World #196

In My Not So Humble Opinion

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad World -The Friday Girl - Dixie Style!

Knuckledraggin' My Life Away - Goodness sakes, Good morning girl

My Muse Shanked Me - Paula Creamer

Pirates Cove -Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup, If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see..., if all you see..., If all you see...

Flowing Curves of Beauty

Randy's Roundtable - Thursday Nite Tart

Sex in Advertising - Victoria's Secret (video)

Israelis Find Bar Refaeli Is ‘Unsafe at Any Speed’

The Last Tradition - Miranda Kerr

The Right Way -Friday Babe

The Other McCain- Rule Five Sunday

Vintage Babe of the Week – Colleen Townsend

Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Your Crazy Uncle Bubba - If you are against that I can't be friends with you

Use the comments as an open thread on any of these topics. Please send links of news, commentary, choice humor or Rule Fivage to: Proof.Positive@Hotmail.com

Quote du jour

Hillary Is So Poor, the village it took to raise her was Potemkin.

Quote du jour

If the Delta smelt has to die to conserve 1.4 trillion gallons of water for the parched humans of California, so be it. If the mating habits of the Arctic caribou have to be disturbed so we can produce 1 million barrels of oil a day - on a drilling footprint the size of Dulles Airport in a refuge the size of Ireland - I say: Apologize to the amorous herd, then drill.
- Charles Krauthammer

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Day by Day Returns!

For all you adventurous souls who venture ALL the way down to the bottom of the page, Day by Day, by Chris Muir is back! We had some embedding bugs that apparently have all been worked out.

Quote du jour

The homosexual flag flies wherever it is wanted without a thought pursuant to how people who oppose homosexuality may feel or what they may think about it. Muslims are now flying their flags in America but it is the Confederate Flag that is worthy of condemnation.
-Mychal Massie

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

This Last Week's Poll

This Last Week's Poll question was: Who is the Biggest Fraud?

Rachel Dolezal (2%)

Elizabeth Warren (4%)

Hillary Clinton (56%)

Ward Churchill (6%)

Al Sharpton (29%)

The clear victor is Hillary Clinton! This is not to say that of the five, all coincidentally Democrats, that the other four were not also frauds, only that Hillary was, as the poll asked, the biggest fraud.

Al Sharpton came in second. Fake Indians Ward Churchill and Lizzie Warren came in third and fourth, with Rachel "Whatchu talkin' about Willis" Dolezal appropriately bringing up the rear.

Multiple choices and Obama's crack budget office accountants may account for totals greater than 100%

Thank you for your participation!
Not a scientific poll. Respondents are self selecting. Questions are drawn from fortune cookies, hieroglyphics and tomorrow’s New York Times.

Please make your opinion known in this week's poll.

Game of Thrones Body Double for Nude Walk of Shame

Body Double.

1984, director Brian De Palma's noir tale of young actor's obsession spying on a beautiful woman. But, that's beside the point. Were you aware that they used a body double for Cercei Lannister's nude Walk of Shame on the GoT season finale? That was a younger Rebecca Van Cleave, with Lena Headey's head Photoshopped on it.

Aside from the fact they they did a bang up job of it, why didn't more people notice? well, like me, they were probably scanning the crowds looking for would be assassins. Or possibly distracted by something else?

Given some of the stills, I can see it, some more obvious than others, but while watching the show, it appeared to be seamless.

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Rebecca Van Cleave

Good job, HBO. Great job, Rebecca!

Medal of Honor

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Captain Robert F. Foley


For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Capt. Foley's company was ordered to extricate another company of the battalion. Moving through the dense jungle to aid the besieged unit, Company A encountered a strong enemy force occupying well concealed, defensive positions, and the company's leading element quickly sustained several casualties. Capt. Foley immediately ran forward to the scene of the most intense action to direct the company's efforts. Deploying 1 platoon on the flank, he led the other 2 platoons in an attack on the enemy in the face of intense fire. During this action both radio operators accompanying him were wounded. At grave risk to himself he defied the enemy's murderous fire, and helped the wounded operators to a position where they could receive medical care. As he moved forward again 1 of his machinegun crews was wounded. Seizing the weapon, he charged forward firing the machinegun, shouting orders and rallying his men, thus maintaining the momentum of the attack. Under increasingly heavy enemy fire he ordered his assistant to take cover and, alone, Capt. Foley continued to advance firing the machinegun until the wounded had been evacuated and the attack in this area could be resumed. When movement on the other flank was halted by the enemy's fanatical defense, Capt. Foley moved to personally direct this critical phase of the battle. Leading the renewed effort he was blown off his feet and wounded by an enemy grenade. Despite his painful wounds he refused medical aid and persevered in the forefront of the attack on the enemy redoubt. He led the assault on several enemy gun emplacements and, single-handedly, destroyed 3 such positions. His outstanding personal leadership under intense enemy fire during the fierce battle which lasted for several hours, inspired his men to heroic efforts and was instrumental in the ultimate success of the operation. Capt. Foley's magnificent courage, selfless concern for his men and professional skill reflect the utmost credit upon himself and the U.S. Army.

Captain Foley: We humbly salute you and thank you for your service.

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Hat tip Home of Heroes

There are seventy eight living MoH recipients today. Their names and their stories should not be forgotten. My mission is to honor one of those heroes here each week, and salute them for their courage and sacrifice. In the words of John Fitzgerald Kennedy:

“A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces, but also by the men it honors; the men it remembers.”

Quote du jour

“Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”
-Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Sex in Advertising

For all you connoisseurs of advertising...

I may not be exactly sure what she's selling, but, I'm pretty sure I'm in the market!

Jimmy Carter's Cardigan

Remember the seventies? Remember the energy crisis of the seventies, with its long gas lines and high prices?

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Remember the picture of Carter, sitting in the Oval Office in a cardigan sweater, telling us to turn down our thermostats to conserve energy?

Carter claimed to the press that he was saving energy by having solar panels installed on the roof of the White House to heat hot water. "It would not generate enough hot water to run the dishwasher in the staff mess," a White House staffperson says. "It was a fiasco. The staff mess had to go out and buy new equipment to keep the water hot enough. That blew any savings."

Carter did not manage to broker an adequate energy policy. He tried to promote conservation by example, turning down the thermostats at the White House and in other government buildings, wearing cardigan sweaters, and installing solar panels and a woodstove at the White House. He also deregulated energy prices, launched a program to develop synthetic fuels, and successfully legislated fuel-efficiency standards. But in an era of soaring oil prices and long lines at the gas pumps, it did not add up to a policy.

I thought about our friend Jimmah today, when I heard yet another variation of "I'll start getting serious about global warming, just as soon as its proponents do". You have to hand it to Carter, that at least he made a show of turning down the thermostat* and wearing the Charlie Brown sweater, and installing the not-ready-for-primetime solar panels** on the White House roof.

In an age when public shame is practically unheard of, except for when you violate political correctness, there seem to be no excesses to which the global warmists will go, oblivious to the enormity of their own carbon footprints. Al Gore flies all over the world in a private jet, infamously having his limo drivers keeping the motors running in his limos while he delivers his phoney baloney message on global warming, so that he doesn't experience even any momentary discomfort between his plane and the air conditioned lecture halls.

Remember that Live Earth concert recently? They had to fly bands, and even the audience to Antarctica, just so that they could say they covered all seven continents. How large a carbon footprint did that require? For a mere symbolic gesture. I'm sure the penguins appreciated it! If the threat of catastrophe caused by man made global warming were real, don't you think that even one of these Apostles of Apocalypse might alter his life style accordingly?

Obama takes a gas guzzling, carbon spewing 747 from Andrews AFB to the swampland of Florida, so that he can address literally dozens of people on the perils of global warming. Haven't these people ever heard of Skype? Conference calls?? Go to meeting???

All of the scare mongering of the seventies and eighties that foretold the oceans dying, oceans rising, millions starving, ice caps melting, and after all the increases in manufacturing and farming and population increase over the last half century, the temperature needle barely wavered. Ted Danson was very specific. He said we only had ten years to save the oceans...about forty years ago now.
How'd that work out for us, Ted? And the scientists whose funding is directed to locate global warming, find it only with the help of forged and faked data.

The extent that global warming did not occur forced its ardent disciples to try to change the name of the movement. Same doom and gloom, but now any "change" in the climate indicates the need for a Marxist curtailment of all capitalistic human activity. Record heat? Global warming, er, "climate change"! Record cold? Record snowfall? "Climate change"!

I guess the closest nod to some sort of show of modest travel by this president, is when he loads his Canadian built, campaign bus on a plane, along with his staff, Secret service and multiple car entourage and flies them to some location to where he can roll out the bus and show the peasants his humble roots. Because nothing says 'I'm saving energy' like flying your bus to meet you at a campaign stop.

Since Obama is taking the mantle of "Worst President Ever" from Jimmy Carter, couldn't he get the cardigan to go with it?

*As opposed to Barack Obama, who reportedly kicks up the thermostat somewhere between "toasty" and "parboiled"!
**As I have said elsewhere., I'm not opposed to solar energy where it is feasible.  My own solar panels generate more energy than I use, nearly every single day.

Quote du jour

“When it comes to Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi-related emails, it depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘all’ is,”
-John Boehner

Monday, June 22, 2015

Hollywood Went to War

Ninth in our series, Hollywood Went to War, is Cool Hand Luke himself, Paul Newman.

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Newman served in the United States Navy in World War II in the Pacific theater. Initially, he enrolled in the Navy V-12 pilot training program at Yale University, but was dropped when his colorblindness was discovered. Boot camp followed, with training as a radioman and rear gunner. Qualifying in torpedo bombers in 1944, Aviation Radioman Third Class Newman was sent to Barber's Point, Hawaii. He was subsequently assigned to Pacific-based replacement torpedo squadrons VT-98, VT-99, and VT-100, responsible primarily for training replacement combat pilots and air crewmen, with special emphasis on carrier landings.

Newman later flew as a turret gunner in an Avenger torpedo bomber. As a radioman-gunner, he was ordered aboard the USS Bunker Hill with a draft of replacements shortly before the Battle of Okinawa in the spring of 1945. An ear infection grounded his pilot, leaving the pair the detail's sole survivors when the rest of their unit was wiped out in action during the campaign

Radioman Third Class Newman, we thank you for your service. Rest in Peace.

Stockton Schools See Short Sale of Short Buses

Dateline Stockton: A Grand Jury has criticized the Stockton Unified School District for its purchase of "31 never-used special-education school buses", for around $2.05 Million and then "sell them a year later...with little documentation".

A million here, a million there...pretty soon it adds up to real money! Seems to me the school district should have kept at least one of the short buses to transport their board members to their meetings!

Let's Put a Real Woman on the Ten Dollar Bill!

I know a lot of people have ventured an opinion on this. I thought I'd weigh in with my nomination.

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Quote du jour

Senior citizens in one retirement home now have the option of taking an exercise class that's taught by a 22-inch humanoid robot. After a couple years of Obamacare, he'll probably be their doctor.
- Fred Thompson

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day Game of Thrones Style

Quiptoon du jour, Redux

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Original art by John Cox. More at John Cox Art

Something about this one just screamed "Father's Day"!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Little Saturday Night Music

OCEAN - John Butler

On a tip from our friend Finntann at Western Hero

Best of the Web*

*…that I’ve seen all week!
Top 10 Questions Hillary Clinton Won’t Answer

Hillary Clinton: launched but not engaged

According to Hillary everyone should make at least $15 per hour, except her campaign staff

SERIOUSLY: Hillary Clinton lists her second greatest accomplishment ever as... watching TV

Previously Undisclosed Benghazi Emails Handed Over -Sharyl Attkisson

Greg Gutfeld – It’s a Good Time for Crime

#BlackLivesMatter Protesters Disrespect Veteran, Stomp on US Flag – “F*ck This Flag!”

Mexican Cartels and Government Grumbles as America Sends “Equalizer” to Border

A Tale of Two Church Massacres

REPORT: Rachel Dolezal's Parents 'Outed' Her in Retaliation for Supporting Victim of Accused Brother in Child Molestation Case

Reagan: A “Black Belt In Badassery?”


The Clinton Foundation Reeks of Crooks, Thieves, and Hoods

Envirokook Kayaktivists Cause $10,000 in Environmental Damage

New Study Finds That Kangaroos Are Southpaws

White Woman, Pretending to be Black, Tells a Fellow SJW: “White People Cannot Discuss Racism”

Damaged Robot Can 'Heal' Itself in Less Than 2 Minutes


Cartoon of the Day – NRO

Flopping Aces -Sunday Funnies

The Week in Pictures: Special Dolezal Bonus Edition!


Reaganite's Sunday Funnies

Humpday Humor

Survival Instinct

Today's Toons 6/10/15

Today's Toons 6/11/15

The Briefing Room

The Statue Of Fibberty

News Bites For June 14, 2015

In The Mailbox: 06.15.15

In The Mailbox: 06.16.15

Larwyn's Linx: No Wonder Obama Won’t Let Us Read TPP

Rule Five Roundup:
(While all Rule Five posts may be NSFW, I generally only flag the ones that are certainly NSFW)

90 Miles From Tyranny - hot pick, girls with guns, girls with guns, girls with guns

American Power- Emilia Clarke Bikini Photos , Samantha Hoopes, the Lady from the 'American Thickburger' Video , Charlotte McKinney Poses in Super Revealing Sheer Lingerie for Nicholas Routzen ,Leonna Mayor, World's Sexiest Jockey, Strips Down to Lingerie


By Other Means - Cosplay, Tuesday Tap, Nature Girls

The Daley Gator – Daley Babe , Justine Skye, Ayaka Noda, Tsianina Jelson

Daily Mail – Kylie Jenner in sheer black gown

Random Hotties

E.B.L. - Monica Lewis, RIP

Good Monday Morning

Feral Irishman - Friday Femme Fatale

Friday Night Babe -Sienna Guillory!

Good Stuff's Cyber World #195

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad World -The Friday Girl

New $10 Bill Prototype -Kate Upton

Knuckledraggin' My Life Away - Fantasize

Pirates Cove -Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup, If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see...

Flowing Curves of Beauty

Best Bikini Pics

Sex in Advertising - Calvin Klein (video)

Corset Confabulation, T-Gif Friday Because Corsets

The Last Tradition - Draya Michele

The Right Way -Friday Babe

Theo Spark – Babes, Warbird Pin up girls (video)

The Other McCain- Rule Five Sunday

Vintage Babe of the Week – Letícia Román!

Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Your Crazy Uncle Bubba - selfie Sunday, Let's go fishing

Use the comments as an open thread on any of these topics. Please send links of news, commentary, choice humor or Rule Fivage to: Proof.Positive@Hotmail.com

Quote du jour

Remember when you were little, and you sat in a darkened theater and a woman dressed up like Peter Pan told you you could save Tinkerbelle’s life if you believed in fairies?

This would be just like that, if Tinkerbelle was trans-racial, and you believed in fairies!
-Proof, on Rachel Dolezal

Quote du jour

'If I can give a poor Somali kid a nickel and still have a $50 bill at the end of the day to light my cigar, that's a nickel he didn't have.'
-Bubba, on philanthropy

(Note: not a real quote)

Thursday, June 18, 2015