Saturday, October 31, 2015

Kids Say the Darndest Things

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Iron Man came up to my door this evening. (He was a little shorter than I remember!) After I gave him a couple pieces of candy, he looked up at me and said,
"The inside of my mask smells like dog food."

Superheroes aren't like you and I.

A Little Halloween Saturday Night Music

Funeral March for a Marionette - London Promenade Orchestra

Extra points if you remember when this was the theme song for the old Alfred Hitchcock show.

Happy Reformation Day!

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Four hundred and ninety eight years ago today, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to a Wittenberg chapel door, essentially starting the Protestant Reformation.

Best of the Web*

*…that I’ve seen all week!

How Do You Spell Apparent Fraud? The Clinton Foundation, Shady Accounting and AIDS

Timeline: Gowdy Committee Verifies Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Cover Up


Bill Whittle's TOP 5 Conservative Principles

Hillary Lies About Guns

Hugh Hewitt Interview with Mark Steyn (audio only)

Time for some Dinesh

Krauthammer’s Take: Jeb Starting to Sound ‘Petulant and Pathetic’

Media Hit With Cruz Missile

Obama’s Bureau of Land Management illegally sold thousands of wild horses for slaughter

"trickle down" illustrated

Donald Trump takes credit for Ford jobs John Kasich saved in 2011?

California School Forces Student to Change American Flag Themed Shirt Claiming Design is Gang Related

How To Fix the GOP Debates

The Delightfully Impractical Villar Perosa Double Machine Gun

McCain: Army misfires on pistol purchase and Marines buy the M4


Cartoon of the Day – NRO

Flopping Aces -Sunday Funnies


Today's Toons 10/21/15

Hillary Rodhamilhouse Nixon

Reaganite's Sunday Funnies

Today's Toons 10/22/15

Meanwhile, Back At Her Castle…

Humpday Humor

Today's Toons 10/23/15

Let's Have A Political Thursday

I Am So Disappointed

TGIF toons


In The Mailbox: 10.26.15

Larwyn's Linx: Hillary Clinton's 5 Biggest Lies in Her Benghazi Testimony

In The Mailbox: 10.28.15

In The Mailbox: 10.29.15

Rule Five Roundup:
(While all Rule Five posts may be NSFW, I generally only flag the ones that are certainly NSFW)

90 Miles From Tyranny - hot pick, morning mistress, girls with guns, Blogs With Rule 5 Links, Morning Mistress

American Power- These Women Tried Boudoir Photography for the First Time (VIDEO) , Elizabeth Turner Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Casting Call (VIDEO), Kelly Brook

By Other Means - Cosplay, Tap Rack & Bang, Sirens

The Daley Gator – Daley Babe, Daley Babe Redux,

Daily Mail – Joanna Krupa, Elizabeth Hurley

Double Trouble- Lingerie Thursday, Random hotties

Good Monday Morning

Vintage Hollywood Halloween Rule 5, Maureen O'Hara RIP

Feral Irishman - Friday Femme Fatale, Defying gravity

Friday Night Babe - Ashley Benson!

Good Stuff's Cyber World #214

Knuckledraggin' My Life Away - Good Morning Girl, Stretch it out


Pirates Cove - Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup, If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see...

Flowing Curves of Beauty

Up a tree...

Charlotte McKinney

Sex in Advertising - Gisele Bundchen

Leah Remini

The Last Tradition - Joanna Krupa

The Right Way -Friday Babe

The Other McCain- Rule Five Sunday

Vintage Babe of the Week – Norma Talmadge!

Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

...and the obligatory 49er cheerleader

Use the comments as an open thread on any of these topics. Please send links of news, commentary, choice humor or Rule Fivage to:

Quote du jour

Huma Abedin is an anagram for "i.e. Bad Human"
-Mike B.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Quote du jour

If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.
- George Bernard Shaw

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Giant Flying Sheep Sighted Over Pennsylvania

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Unidentified Flying Ovine
Or possibly a cow...

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Medal of Honor

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First Lieutenant Walter Joseph Marm, Jr.


For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. As a platoon leader in the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile), 1st Lt. Marm demonstrated indomitable courage during a combat operation. His company was moving through the valley to relieve a friendly unit surrounded by an enemy force of estimated regimental size. 1st Lt. Marm led his platoon through withering fire until they were finally forced to take cover. Realizing that his platoon could not hold very long, and seeing four enemy soldiers moving into his position, he moved quickly under heavy fire and annihilated all 4. Then, seeing that his platoon was receiving intense fire from a concealed machinegun, he deliberately exposed himself to draw its fire. Thus locating its position, he attempted to destroy it with an antitank weapon. Although he inflicted casualties, the weapon did not silence the enemy fire. Quickly, disregarding the intense fire directed on him and his platoon, he charged 30 meters across open ground, and hurled grenades into the enemy position, killing some of the 8 insurgents manning it. Although severely wounded, when his grenades were expended, armed with only a rifle, he continued the momentum of his assault on the position and killed the remainder of the enemy. 1st Lt. Marm's selfless actions reduced the fire on his platoon, broke the enemy assault, and rallied his unit to continue toward the accomplishment of this mission. 1st Lt. Marm's gallantry on the battlefield and his extraordinary intrepidity at the risk of his life are in the highest traditions of the U.S. Army and reflect great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of his country.

1st Lt. Marm: We humbly salute you and thank you for your service.

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Hat tip Home of Heroes

There are seventy eight living MoH recipients today. Their names and their stories should not be forgotten. My mission is to honor one of those heroes here each week, and salute them for their courage and sacrifice. In the words of John Fitzgerald Kennedy:

“A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces, but also by the men it honors; the men it remembers.”

Waiting for the Donald

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Waiting for Godot, the play by Samuel Beckett, had characters waiting endlessly and fruitlessly for the arrival of someone named "Godot". Spoiler alert:  Godot never shows. Was he real? Was Godot a symbol of something else? God maybe? Unfulfilled aspirations? The genre of "Godot" is sometimes referred to as "theater of the absurd". It is a play in two acts, and it is my understanding that some theater companies perform the second act first and it in no wise detracts from the point of the play, nor can the audience generally tell the difference!

Well, you might ask, "How could this possibly apply to Donald Trump? He is ubiquitous and if anything, the complaint is that he won't go away!" That's the candidate Trump. As a candidate, he is indeed ubiquitous. But on substance? Not so much. Lots of sizzle, not much steak. As a candidate, Trump appeals to the dissatisfaction of conservatives with the mainstream Republican party. Every election it seemed, the Republicans have begged conservatives for their votes, in exchange for promises that they would decrease the size and scope of government and reduce spending, only to  repeatedly break those promises. Trump has tapped into that vein of discontent, much of which has fueled the Tea Party and propelled it to prominence in recent years. He's making promises that he most likely will not be able to keep, but talking a good fight. Personally, I'm waiting for the substantive Trump.

Now I will admit the possibility that my perception of Trump may have been colored in part by selective reporting in the media. Most of what I hear Trump saying is how good his poll numbers were compared to everybody else. (That ship has largely sailed). Now you hear him dismissing the polls as insignificant, now that he no longer leads them. I hear childish, schoolyard insults from him, whining about how Carson was criticizing his religion, followed by a cheap shot at Carson for Carson's Adventist faith. Go figure.

Now, if you're a Trump fan, you've probably only read down this far to try to find a hole in my reasoning that you can use with which to beat me over the head. Fine. But treat Mr. Trump the way you would any other candidate for a moment and ask yourself, "Is he the real deal?"

His plan to build a wall on the southern border and "have Mexico pay for it", do you really believe that? Sending immigrants north is a source of income for Mexico, as immigrants legal and not send cash back to the relatives they left behind. Net benefit. Sending or encouraging criminals, malcontents and the uneducated poor north of the border, acts as a pressure relief valve on their society. Net benefit. Where is the incentive for the Mexican government to cut themselves off from all the benefits of northern migration and then, on top of that, pay for the privilege of doing so?
I don't think so.

In another place last week, (Donald Trump and the Spending Cuts of Doom), we examined whether or not Mr. Trump's suggested slashing of certain cabinet level departments, was realistic or even consistent with the separation of powers available to him as president.

Consider too, Trump's a propensity to take credit where no credit is due. Conservatives have been arguing about and fighting illegal immigration for decades. After Trump got in trouble over a poorly worded statement about illegal immigrants, he repeated said, "We wouldn't be talking about illegal immigration if it wasn't for me". Really? That's borderline delusional.

Recently, he's been claiming credit for the move of a Ford automobile plant from Mexico to Ohio. Only it appears the John Kasich may have negotiated that move with Ford back in 2011. If this is true, and his business career is as fabulous as he says, why would he feel the need to embellish it, taking credit for things he had no control over?

Is it to much to ask him to put forth detailed reasons to elect him based on principle and proposals that don't involve, "Trust me. I may not know what I'm talking about, but I'll surround myself with people who do, because that's what good businessmen do." Or the braggadocio of how much more than his rivals he will know by the time the inauguration rolls around.

Trump's message appeals to the Zeitgeist of the Right, with a little bit of "We're mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore" thrown in for good measure. Although the office of the president is sometimes referred to as America's C.E.O., there's a very different skill set involved. I sometimes hear the argument for Trump (and Carson, too) that George Washington was not a politician before he became president either, implying that therefore he's equally qualified. The analogy might be like those who say if you're going to fail math like Einstein did (he didn't, by the way), that it helps to be Albert Einstein. Mr. Trump: you're no George Washington.

Trump recently said, "I will be a great unifier for our country". So far, it seems like all he has had time to alienate are Hispanics and Seventh Day Adventists. Give him time! In 2008, there was a candidate who said something similar. He said all the right things*. He talked a good fight, 'unifying the nation along racial lines', promising fiscal responsibility, and budget cuts. Senator Obama promised to go through the budget line by line to eliminate waste fraud and corruption. He claimed to be a moderate candidate who believed that marriage was between a man and a woman, professed to be a Christian, and presumably would uphold traditional Christian values. A candidate who promised to bring jobs, heal the economy and heal the divide between America and the world community.
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All hat. No cattle.

How's that working out for you?

*The mask slipped a bit with "Joe the plumber". But there were those of us who saw through the disguise.

Original art by John Cox. More at John Cox Art

Quote du jour

"Back when he (Bernie Sanders) was living off unemployment, he campaigned for an end to “all time limitations for unemployment benefits.”
-Daniel Greenfield

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Sex in Advertising

For all you connoisseurs of advertising...

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I may not be exactly sure what she's selling, but, I'm pretty sure I'm in the market!

Quote du jour

"Every time there are more options, it's a better world. You can't make people choose options, you can't manage their risk for them, but I think the world has more opportunity both inside a corporation and without than it ever has at any time."
- Scott Adams

Monday, October 26, 2015

Hollywood Went to War

Twenty seven in our series Hollywood Went to War is Volodymyr Palahniuk. Also known as Jack Palance!

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With the outbreak of World War II, Palance's athletic career ended and his military career began as a member of the United States Army Air Forces. Palance's rugged face, which took many beatings in the boxing ring, was said to have become disfigured while bailing out of a burning B-24 Liberator bomber during a training flight over southern Arizona (where Palance was a student pilot). His distinctive cheekbones and deep-set eyes were said to have been the result of reconstructive surgery. The story behind Palance's face was repeated numerous times (including in respected film reference works), but upon his death, several obituaries of Palance quoted him as saying that the entire story had been contrived: "Studio press agents make up anything they want to, and reporters go along with it. One flack created the legend that I had been blown up in an air crash during the war, and my face had to be put back together by way of plastic surgery. If it is a 'bionic face,' why didn't they do a better job of it?"

Palance was wounded in World War II and received a Purple Heart.

Mr. Palahniuk, we thank you for your service to our country! Rest in peace.

"Mirror, Mirror...Why Can't I Catch a Break?"

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Happy Birthday, Hillary! Good luck putting out all the flames, er, candles!

Quote du jour

"I always read the fortune cookies because I want to know what Democrats are going to say next."
-Mark Levin

Sunday, October 25, 2015

S.F. 49er's Bye Low

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This is a bye week, so I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that the Niners will NOT lose this Sunday!

Quote du jour

"If vests had sleeves, Joe Biden would have an easier time figuring out which hole his head is supposed to go through."
- Jonah Goldberg

Saturday, October 24, 2015

A Little Saturday Night Music

Jerry Jeff Walker - Maybe Mexico

"...with all that you own kinda thrown on the back seat..."

Best of the Web*

*…that I’ve seen all week!

PATHETIC GOP Forgot to Ask Hillary About These Three DAMNING ITEMS on Benghazi

Investigation into Hillary’s email server focuses on Espionage Act and could get her 10 years in jail as FBI agent says she could be prosecuted just for failing to tell Obama

Hillary was building a database of classified documents on her private server

Death of US soldier in Iraq will not be classified as combat

Trump Evades Further Questioning on 9/11 Happening Under Bush

Hillary Claims Automatic Weapons Are Being Used in Shootings When They've Been Restricted for Years

Israel Must Deport the PLO

Obama Admin Tried to Tie Benghazi Attack to PASTOR’S VIDEO Before They Settled on 2nd VIDEO

Golden Oldie: Pres. Obama Begs Off Answering Whether Americans in Benghazi Were Denied Requests for Help 10/26/12

"Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel and it must remain undivided" -Barack Obama

Thinking Out Of the Box -John Stossel

The Cult of Gun Control’s newest lie-An “epidemic” of gun violence

GangBangers Walk the Halls – This Woman Knows Her Rights

Krauthammer: Biden Will Run So Democrats Have ‘Insurance Policy’ if Hillary’s Indicted

Bill Whittle: How Hillary Clinton's Lawlessness Gets Ignored...

Krauthammer’s Take: Obama ‘Openly Holding Hostage’ America’s Military Funding


Israeli Ambassador: (Despite Obama’s Requests) Israel Will Not Turn Over Christian Holy Sites to Radical Islam

School Drops Michelle Obama’s Federal Lunch Program, Cafeteria Traffic Skyrockets

John Wayne Is DEAD

Clock Boy's CAIR's Muslim of the Year Award

Salon Writer Who Wanted Gun Owners Shot Wrote That He Possessed Guns

Latvia to build 55 mile long fence on Russian border

No Wonder California Is In Financial Trouble

The “other” Fast & Furious, headed to a theatre near you -Sharyl Attkisson

first ever 3D printed portable homemade railgun

The Solar Power Boondoggle Exposed

Laser produced blackhole interstellar drive


Cartoon of the Day – NRO

Flopping Aces -Sunday Funnies


Reaganite's Sunday Funnies

Today's Toons 10/14/15

Cartoon Round Up...

Today's Toons 10/15/15

Cartoon Round Up...

Today's Toons 10/16/15

Today's Toons 10/19/15

Today's Toons 10/20/15


In The Mailbox: 10.20.15

I Hear You Knocking~

In The Mailbox: 10.19.15

Larwyn's Linx: 'Smoking gun' emails just released by UK's Daily Mail prove Hillary a bigger liar than Tony Blair

In The Mailbox: 10.21.15

Rule Five Roundup:
(While all Rule Five posts may be NSFW, I generally only flag the ones that are certainly NSFW)

90 Miles From Tyranny - hot pick, girls with guns, Blogs With Rule 5 Links, girls with guns, Morning mistress

American Power- Smokin' Charlotte McKinney in New Carl’s Jr./Call of Duty Commercial (VIDEO)

Country Sweetness
, It's Friday

Rule 5 Saturday - Enikő Mihalik Sleeps with a Teddy Bear

By Other Means - Cosplay, Tap Rack & Bang, Stuck In the Middle

The Daley Gator – Daley Babe, Bresha Webb, Yuuka Kaede , Tina Pham, Tuesday Daley Babe,

Daily Mail – Miranda Kerr

Double Trouble -A Touch of Color ... :-)

Good Monday Morning

Seahawks and 49ers Rule 5 Cheerleaders

Feral Irishman -  Sweater weather, Friday Femme Fatale..

Friday Night Babe - Demi Lovato!

Good Stuff's Cyber World #213

Knuckledraggin' My Life Away - Good Morning Girl, Friday

Babe of the week, summer's almost gone

Watery tart

Pirates Cove - Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup, If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see...

Flowing Curves of Beauty

Hardee's Tex Mex (video, with commentary)

Sex in Advertising - Stella

The Last Tradition - Selena Gomez 

The Right Way -Friday Babe

Theo Spark – Victoria’s Secret Very Sexy Push-Up TV Commercial... (video)

The Other McCain- Rule Five Sunday

Vintage Babe of the Week – Betty Hutton!

Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

...and the obligatory 49er cheerleader
, and her sister!

Use the comments as an open thread on any of these topics. Please send links of news, commentary, choice humor or Rule Fivage to:

Quote du jour

Lizzie Warren took an axe
gave the econ'my 40 whacks.
When she saw what she had done,
She said, For President I'll run!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Quote du jour

"The philosophy of gun control: Teenagers are roaring through town at 90MPH, where the speed limit is 25. Your solution is to lower the speed limit to 20."
-Sam Cohen

Thursday, October 22, 2015

2-4 Seahawks vs 2-4 Niners

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Go Niners!

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Update: Final: Seattle 20, Niners 3

Editor's Note: Mike, a.k.a. 'Proof', has reportedly entered the witness protection program and is rumored to be living in Michigan under the name of "Dennis".

Quote du jour

I trust Bernie Sanders with my tax dollars like I trust a North Korean chef with my labrador!
- Mike Huckabee

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Medal of Honor

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Sergeant Allen James Lynch


For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Sgt. Lynch (then Sp4c.) distinguished himself while serving as a radio telephone operator with Company D. While serving in the forward element on an operation near the village of My An, his unit became heavily engaged with a numerically superior enemy force. Quickly and accurately assessing the situation, Sgt. Lynch provided his commander with information which subsequently proved essential to the unit's successful actions. Observing 3 wounded comrades Lying exposed to enemy fire, Sgt. Lynch dashed across 50 meters of open ground through a withering hail of enemy fire to administer aid. Reconnoitering a nearby trench for a covered position to protect the wounded from intense hostile fire, he killed 2 enemy soldiers at point blank range. With the trench cleared, he unhesitatingly returned to the fire-swept area 3 times to carry the wounded men to safety. When his company was forced to withdraw by the superior firepower of the enemy, Sgt. Lynch remained to aid his comrades at the risk of his life rather than abandon them. Alone, he defended his isolated position for 2 hours against the advancing enemy. Using only his rifle and a grenade, he stopped them just short of his trench, killing 5. Again, disregarding his safety in the face of withering hostile fire, he crossed 70 meters of exposed terrain 5 times to carry his wounded comrades to a more secure area. Once he had assured their comfort and safety, Sgt. Lynch located the counterattacking friendly company to assist in directing the attack and evacuating the 3 casualties. His gallantry at the risk of his life is in the highest traditions of the military service, Sgt. Lynch has reflected great credit on himself, the 12th Cavalry, and the U.S. Army.

Sgt. Lynch: We humbly salute you and thank you for your service.

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Hat tip Home of Heroes

There are seventy eight living MoH recipients today. Their names and their stories should not be forgotten. My mission is to honor one of those heroes here each week, and salute them for their courage and sacrifice. In the words of John Fitzgerald Kennedy:

“A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces, but also by the men it honors; the men it remembers.”