Thursday, August 31, 2017

Quote du jour

The fifth terrorist ran into a park and was gunned down minutes later by a policeman - but clambered to his feet with a smile on his face and ran at armed officers who eventually needed 15 bullets to kill him.
-Daily Mail

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Medal of Honor

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Staff Sergeant Clinton L. Romesha


For acts of gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a Section Leader with Bravo Troop, 3d Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, during combat operations against an armed enemy at Combat Outpost Keating, Kamdesh District, Nuristan Province, Afghanistan on October 3, 2009.
On that morning, Staff Sergeant Romesha and his comrades awakened to an attack by an estimated 300 enemy fighters occupying the high ground on all four sides of the complex, employing concentrated fire from recoilless rifles, rocket propelled grenades, anti-aircraft machine guns, mortars and small arms fire. Staff Sergeant Romesha moved uncovered under intense enemy fire to conduct a reconnaissance of the battlefield and seek reinforcements from the barracks before returning to action with the support of an assistant gunner. Staff Sergeant Romesha took out an enemy machine gun team and, while engaging a second, the generator he was using for cover was struck by a rocket-propelled grenade, inflicting him with shrapnel wounds. Undeterred by his injuries, Staff Sergeant Romesha continued to fight and upon the arrival of another soldier to aid him and the assistant gunner, he again rushed through the exposed avenue to assemble additional soldiers. Staff Sergeant Romesha then mobilized a five-man team and returned to the fight equipped with a sniper rifle.
With complete disregard for his own safety, Staff Sergeant Romesha continually exposed himself to heavy enemy fire, as he moved confidently about the battlefield engaging and destroying multiple enemy targets, including three Taliban fighters who had breached the combat outpost's perimeter. While orchestrating a successful plan to secure and reinforce key points of the battlefield, Staff Sergeant Romesha maintained radio communication with the tactical operations center. As the enemy forces attacked with even greater ferocity, unleashing a barrage of rocket-propelled grenades and recoilless rifle rounds, Staff Sergeant Romesha identified the point of attack and directed air support to destroy over 30 enemy fighters.
After receiving reports that seriously injured Soldiers were at a distant battle position, Staff Sergeant Romesha and his team provided covering fire to allow the injured Soldiers to safely reach the aid station. Upon receipt of orders to proceed to the next objective, his team pushed forward 100 meters under overwhelming enemy fire to recover and prevent the enemy fighters from taking the bodies of their fallen comrades. Staff Sergeant Romesha's heroic actions throughout the day-long battle were critical in suppressing an enemy that had far greater numbers. His extraordinary efforts gave Bravo Troop the opportunity to regroup, reorganize and prepare for the counterattack that allowed the Troop to account for its personnel and secure Combat Outpost Keating.
Staff Sergeant Romesha's discipline and extraordinary heroism above and beyond the call of duty reflect great credit upon himself, Bravo Troop, 3d Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division and the United States Army.

Staff Sergeant Romesha: We humbly salute you and thank you for your service.

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Hat tip Home of Heroes

There are seventy six living MoH recipients today. Their names and their stories should not be forgotten. My mission is to honor one of those heroes here each week, and salute them for their courage and sacrifice. In the words of John Fitzgerald Kennedy:

“A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces, but also by the men it honors; the men it remembers.”

Quote du jour

Whether or not the antifa goons are better than the alt-right peckerwoods is an idiotic argument to have. It’s an entirely subjective and aesthetic question. If you think racism is the most evil thing ever, you’re going to say the KKK is worse than antifa. That’s fine by me. But who cares? Is there a fainter praise imaginable than “He’s better than a Klansman?”
- Jonah Goldberg

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Sex in Advertising

For all you connoisseurs of advertising...

I may not be exactly sure what they're selling, but, I'm pretty sure I'm in the market!

Quote du jour

"The real purpose of the progressives is to create turmoil, chaos; keep society and its institutions reeling from one punch to the next. The only solution to this turmoil? Why, naturally, more progressive government and regulation."
-W. Lewis Amselem

Monday, August 28, 2017

Quote du jour

When you support illegal immigration, you support people like Michel-Lara (illegal immigrant accused of raping a 7-year-old girl “thousands of times”). Liberals are making the case that if you do not immediately and completely denounce all neo-Nazi’s, KKK members, and skinheads vocally and vehemently, then you are part of the problem and enabling them, so, if you do not denounce all illegal aliens, you are part of the problem and enabling them.
-William Teach

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Quote du jour

"We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man. There is nothing progressive about being pig-headed and refusing to admit a mistake. And I think if you look at the present state of the world, it’s pretty plain that humanity has been making some big mistake. We’re on the wrong road. And if that is so, we must go back. Going back is the quickest way on."
-C. S. Lewis:

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Vikings 49*, Equal Opportunity 3

I have been watching The Vikings of late. I'd heard a lot of the hype about it, and in typical contrarian fashion, anything the crowds are running towards is generally an indication that I head in the opposite direction. But, having some time on my hands, I stumbled upon it one night and began to watch.

I learned a lot from this show. For example, their leaders sally forth from their villages to steal as much wealth as they can carry and bring it back to distribute to the people of their villages. However, they keep the majority of it for themselves. This was the foundation of the modern Democratic Party. Unfortunately, when they were gone for long periods of time, other leaders would come in and usurp their territories. This lead to the creation of the "August recess".

I confess, I got caught up in the story, the epic grandeur and graphic, sometimes senseless violence. So much so, that it wasn't until the fourth season before my inner social justice warrior began to stir within me. "There are no persons of color among the Vikings!", it whispered. "It's not fair!" Equally absent was the presence of any obviously transgendered individuals. I know. Baby steps.

Now true, they were rather 'equal opportunity' when it came to letting females fight and die in their battles. Equality between the sexes. Two of them, anyway! There's even two differently abled characters in the show, though they might not be portrayed by a differently abled actors. Haven't figured out whether or not to be outraged yet. One slave girl was obviously Asian, (played by an Asian), but other than that, not a lot of diversity!

I still have six episodes to go, so there may be a tribe of black Vikings or black Anglo-Saxons yet to be introduced, but until then, the darkest face I've seen so far, was the white woman in the picture above in makeup.

*There are 49 episodes in Seasons 1- 4.

Update: Having seen the last six episodes, as noted in the comments, I must throw a flag on the play and update (change) the final score. In episode 16, there is a brief appearance by a couple of Moorish guards and some exotic Harem girls.
Therefore, we must amend the SJW score to Vikings 49, Diversity 6.

Prior to Season 4, episode 16, the diversity consisted primarily of white, lily white, beige and ecru.

Best of the Web*

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*…that I’ve seen all week!

Hero policewoman kills FOUR jihadists wearing fake suicide vests

Waiting Longer for an Ambulance When Seconds Count? Blame Obamacare

Seattle Police Officers Suing Lefty Politician

Golden Oldie: Voter fraud: California man finds dozens of ballots stacked outside home

Meet the Spaniard who eliminated four Jihadists

"a person can shout…yell ‘wolf’ in a crowded theater" -Nancy Pelosi

Trump protester hit in the groin with gas canister facing assault on police charges

15 Antifa Photos You’ll Never See In Legacy Media

Hey Statue-Hating Snowflakes: Barack Obama’s Ancestors Owned Slaves

Black Nationalist Statues Must Fall -Daniel Greenfield

ESPN blasted for political correctness after pulling announcer Robert Lee from UVa football game

Dealing With Liberal Logic - It's A Dirty Job

Grade-Manipulation Scandal In Baltimore School System

The Canadian Healthcare System Sucks

From the edge of the solar system, Voyager probes are still talking to Australia after 40 years

Nanochip Device Can Heal Tissue Just by Touching The Skin Once

Science may have solved sunken Civil War sub

China Is Building An Army Of Robot Workers


Cartoon of the Day – NRO

Flopping Aces -Sunday Funnies


Today's Toons 8/16/17, Today's Toons 8/17/17

Which one kills black lives every day?

Today's Toons 8/18/17 , Today's Toons 8/21/17

If Donald Trump...

Today's Toons 8/22/17

You Can't Hide 'Stupid' Forever


A Mask Works As Good As A Hood

Larwyn's Linx: First Amendment in Peril?

In The Mailbox: 08.19.17

Larwyn's Linx: Gathering Storms And Threats to Liberty

In The Mailbox: 08.21.17

Larwyn's Linx: Terry and the (Antifa) Bandits Will Inherit the Wind

In The Mailbox: 08.22.17

Larwyn's Linx: Nazi-Hunting Fantasies Have Unhinged The Left

In The Mailbox: 08.23.17

Larwyn's Linx: The Terrorists of the Left 

In The Mailbox: 08.24.17

Larwyn's Linx: Field Report From The Left-Wing Violence in Arizona

In The Mailbox: 08.25.17

Larwyn's Linx: Alt-Left Leader Vows to “Crush Skulls” With Baseball Bat

Rule Five Roundup:
(While all Rule Five posts may be NSFW, I generally only flag the ones that are certainly NSFW)

90 Miles From Tyranny - Morning Mistress, girls with guns, Hot pick, Hot pick, Morning Mistress, Girls with guns

American Power- MiniJello in Instagram , Olivia Culpo Bikini , Dakota Johnson nude,

By Other Means - Cosplay, Tap Rack & Bang, Beware Sirens, Seeing Red

Good Monday Morning

EBL - Judy Garland, Peggy Dow, Darleen Love

Feral Irishman - Friday Femme Fatale

Friday Night Babe - Stephany Jacobsen!

Good Stuff's Cyber World #307

Knuckledraggin' My Life Away - Milfy Monday, Good Morning Girl, Good Morning Girl, Good Morning Girl, Good Morning Girl, Good Morning Girl, Fanny Friday, high maintenance…, I’m sure she’s taken, men

Pirates Cove - Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup, If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see..., If all you see...

Flowing Curves of Beauty

Sex in Advertising - Tyra Banks

“Lexi” Thompson

The Right Way -Friday Babe

The Other McCain- Rule Five Sunday

Vintage Babe of the Week – Anne Nagel!

Babe of the Day, Day's end

Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Your Crazy Uncle Bubba -Random Hotties, Tuesday

Use the comments as an open thread on any of these topics. Please send links of news, commentary, choice humor or Rule Fivage to:

Quote du jour

Obama said he wanted to fundamentally transform the US. After eight years of failure and the election of Donald Trump, he is finally poised to succeed!
-Mike B

What Happened: Hillary Reaches New Levels of Delusion

Excerpts from Hillary's latest bodice ripping, romance fantasy, "What Happened":

“This is not OK, I thought. It was the second presidential debate, and Donald Trump was looming behind me. Two days before, the world heard him brag about groping women. Now we were on a small stage and no matter where I walked, he followed me closely, staring at me, making faces. It was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled.”
Seriously? I'm getting the implication from Hillary that she seriously entertained the idea that, on a publicly televised platform, Donald Trump was going to grope her? Honestly Hill, have you seen his wife? Why would a guy who has Kobe beef and lobster at home want to grab some leftover sauerkraut from the dumpster behind the deli??
“It was one of those moments where you wish you could hit pause and ask everyone watching: ‘Well, what would you do?’ Do you stay calm, keep smiling and carry on as if he weren’t repeatedly invading your space? Or do you turn, look him in the eye, and say loudly and clearly: ‘Back up, you creep, get away from me! I know you love to intimidate women, but you can’t intimidate me, so back up.’”

Are you at all surprised by the inner dialogue Hillary was having? I mean, here is the 'most qualified person in the history of the Republic to be president', and instead of focusing like a laser on presenting her case to the country of how to best preserve the nation, she's having fantasies about Donald Trump groping her? Can you imagine President Hillary sitting across from Vladimir Putin thinking to herself, "My eyes are up here, Buster!" Delusional.

“I chose option A. I kept my cool, aided by a lifetime of difficult men trying to throw me off. I did, however, grip the microphone extra hard. I wonder, though, whether I should have chosen option B. It certainly would have been better TV. Maybe I have overlearned the lesson of staying calm, biting my tongue, digging my fingernails into a clenched fist, smiling all the while, determined to present a (de)composed face to the world.”

There! Fixed it for you! But, really. "A lifetime of difficult men"? Any one particular difficult man in particular?? Maybe her book would sell more copies if it was "What Happened to Cause Me to Stand By My Lying, Cheating Husband, Even While Telling Everyone I was Not a 'Stand By Your Man' Kind of Woman"?

Quote du jour

"Politicians are always interested in people. Not that this is always a virtue. Fleas are interested in dogs."
— P. J. O'Rourke

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Quote du jour

“There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know.”
-Harry Truman

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Medal of Honor

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Staff Sergeant Leroy A. Petry


For acts of gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty in action with an armed enemy in the vicinity of Paktya Province, Afghanistan, on 26 May 2008. As a Weapons Squad Leader with D Company, 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Staff Sergeant Petry moved to clear the courtyard of a house that potentially contained high-value combatants.
While crossing the courtyard, Staff Sergeant Petry and another Ranger were engaged and wounded by automatic weapons fire from enemy fighters. Still under enemy fire, and wounded in both legs, Staff Sergeant Petry led the other Ranger to cover. He then reported the situation and engaged the enemy with a hand grenade, providing suppression as another Ranger moved to his position. The enemy quickly responded by maneuvering closer and throwing grenades.
The first grenade explosion knocked his two fellow Rangers to the ground and wounded both with shrapnel. A second grenade then landed only a few feet away from them. Instantly realizing the danger, Staff Sergeant Petry, unhesitatingly and with complete disregard for his safety, deliberately and selflessly moved forward, picked up the grenade, and in an effort to clear the immediate threat, threw the grenade away from his fellow Rangers. As he was releasing the grenade it detonated, amputating his right hand at the wrist and further injuring him with multiple shrapnel wounds.
Although picking up and throwing the live grenade grievously wounded Staff Sergeant Petry, his gallant act undeniably saved his fellow Rangers from being severely wounded or killed. Despite the severity of his wounds, Staff Sergeant Petry continued to maintain the presence of mind to place a tourniquet on his right wrist before communicating the situation by radio in order to coordinate support for himself and his fellow wounded Rangers.
Staff Sergeant Petry's extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service, and reflect great credit upon himself, 75th Ranger Regiment, and the United States Army.

Sgt. Petry: We humbly salute you and thank you for your service.

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Hat tip Home of Heroes

There are seventy six living MoH recipients today. Their names and their stories should not be forgotten. My mission is to honor one of those heroes here each week, and salute them for their courage and sacrifice. In the words of John Fitzgerald Kennedy:

“A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces, but also by the men it honors; the men it remembers.”

Quote du jour

"Our Constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens. In respect of civil rights, all citizens are equal before the law."

-John Marshall Harlan, Supreme Court Justice, in dissent from Plessy v. Ferguson

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Sex in Advertising

For all you connoisseurs of advertising...

I may not be exactly sure what she's selling, but, I'm pretty sure I'm in the market!

Quote du jour

You can have a liberal society or an illiberal one. But you can’t have a society that is selectively liberal when it comes to your bigotry, but illiberal of the bigotry of others, that believes you have the right to say anything you please without consequences, but that no one else does, that you can punch, but not be punched. That’s a totalitarian state. And the only way to realize it is through violence.
-Daniel Greenfield

Monday, August 21, 2017

Eclipse 2017

For those of you in North America who didn't buy the special glasses or were too lazy to even make a pinhole camera, there is another phenomenon you may observe with your naked eye. Sunlight filtering through the leaves of a tree or bush will cast the shadow of the eclipse on a nearby object. Hence, the crescents of light on my concrete patio.

For those of you who insist on staring at the eclipse with your naked eye, here:

I'm sorry. Did I say eclipse? I meant to say e-clips!

Liberal Hypocrisy on Display

"A few days"?? Was this guy in a coma when our Temp Agency POTUS went to a political fundraiser in Las Vegas a few hours after four Americans were killed in Benghazi?

Like their program to bring peace through lawless violence, the hypocrisy of modern liberals is limitless.