Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Little Saturday Night Music

Grieg -Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, "In the Hall of the Mountain King"

Best of the Web*

*…that Dave and I have seen all week!

(BTW, if you wonder where any of the links will take you, hover your cursor over the link.)


Trump Resistance Plans ‘Mass Mobilization’ After Election To Shut Down The Country If Biden Doesn’t Win
Ninth Circuit District Judge Delivers Another Superbly Written Court Order -a headline I thought I'd never see in my lifetime!
Final Nail in Biden's Coffin: It Looks Like Hunter's Company Facilitated Sale of Strategic US Manufacturer to a Chinese Defense Contractor
Buzz Aldrin shuns fellow astronaut Mark Kelly, will endorse Arizona Republican ​Martha McSally

Charlie Hebdo, the Patsy -KEVIN D. WILLIAMSON
Patients face two-year wait to see a dentist: Thousands of Britons are left in agony as waiting times for NHS treatment double

Feel-Good Friday

America's First Known Murder Hornet Nest Appears, and It's Big as a Basketball


Flopping Aces -Sunday Funnies

Today's Toons 10/21/20
Today's Toons 10/22/20
Today's Toons10/23/20

Today's Toons 10/26/20
Today's Toons 10/27/20


Larwyn’s Linx: Under Trump, black prison rate lowest in 31 years, Hispanics down 24%
In The Mailbox: 10.27.20 (Morning Edition)
Larwyn’s Linx: Emails show that Biden group knew they were working with Chinese intelligence
In The Mailbox: 10.27.20 (Evening Edition)
Larwyn’s Linx: Joe Biden Has Been Compromised by a Massive Trove of Blackmail Material in the Hands of China
In The Mailbox: 10.28.20
Larwyn’s Linx: It’s Not About the Money or the Prostitutes --- It’s About China and Blackmail
In The Mailbox: 10.30.20 (Morning Edition)
Larwyn’s Linx: Tony Bobulinksi Drops an Evidence MOAB on Joe Biden’s Corruption
In The Mailbox: 10.30.20 (Evening Edition)

Dave's Rule Five Roundup:

Proof Positive - Vintage Babe of the Week - Tonight's Vintage Babe is Theda Bara! and Best of the Web


redpilljew - Gratuitous Rule Five Friday

By Other Means - Tuesday Tap Rack and Bang, BeCos(play) It's Friday and Seeing Red

Evi L. Bloggerlady - Cimorelli: Before October's Gone

Ninety Miles From Tyranny - Hot Pick, Girls With Guns, Morning Mistress and Blogs With Rule 5 Links

Pitsnipes Gripes- Just a simple tribute

Grouchy Old Cripple - Saturday Boobage

Irons in the Fire - Friday Data and ... Saturday Data Overflow

The Feral Irishman - Friday Femme Fatale

The Daley Gator - Daley Babe

Diogenes Middle Finger News - A Good Monday Morning

A View from the Beach - Rule 5 Saturday - Sylvia Kristel - Forever Emmanuelle and Fish Pic Friday

24 Femmes Per Second - Ann Margaret

Knuckledraggin My Life Away - I'm sure she's taken, men And ... I’ll leave you with this

American Power - Washing Up

Woodsterman - Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

The Other McCain - Rule 5 Sunday: Jessica Alba

The Pirates Cove - If All You See ... and Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Wired Right - A Beautiful End to the Day

The View from LadyLake - Drinking with co-eds

The Right Way - Friday Babe and ... Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama

Use the comments as an open thread on any of these topics. Please send links of news, commentary, or choice humor to:

Quote du jour

Voting is a sacred American responsibility. If you are so ignorant of the system that you don't know you need to register before an election, then learn your lesson, register and vote in the NEXT election.
No "do overs" for dummies.
-Mike B

How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy A Gun: Buying and Transferring Laws

An informative post on our ever changing gun Bruce Reno

The legal guidelines for firearm possessions are based on the 2nd Amendment in the Constitution. But the most common question is ‘how old do you have to be to buy a gun.’ In this article, you are going to find out the regulations of owning a gun and the legal age to possess one. Gun laws are one of the debatable topics today, especially in politics. For every shooting incident, gun ownership and firearms control are massively increasing, especially now that the age restriction in acquiring weapons is not followed. According to the 2011 Small Firearms Record, out of every 100 individuals, an average of 88 percent are gun owners. Aside from that...

You can read more here...

Win a Desert Eagle!

It's time to cast your fate to the winds, or at least to the realm of chance. How would you like to own your own Desert Eagle? Here's your chance to make 2020 a banner year! An armed society is a polite society.
Enter here.

Quote du jour

Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.

-Edgar Allan Poe

Case in point: "President Joe Biden"
"Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer"
"Secretary of Labor Bernie Sanders"
"Secretary of Treasury Elizabeth Warren"
Need I go on?

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Quote du jour

"Climate justice is racial justice."
-Jay Inslee, Governor of Washington Justice is justice. Appending some harebrained structure to it, just insures that the outcome will NOT be true justice

We are a nation of laws, which you have failed largely to enforce. Don't speak to us of justice! You know not what you speak

Quote du jour

In 1984, George Orwell introduced the term “doublespeak.” In the Amy Coney Barrett hearings, Democrats have perfected it.
The Democrats are in a bad way, and two things stand immediately in the path of their political agenda: the Supreme Court and the English language. To destroy one, they must destroy the other.

-Kevin Williamson

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Quote du jour

"Donald Trump threatens the existence of all human life on this planet."

-Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren

According to Legend...

During the siege of Valencia, legend holds that Jimena ordered that the corpse of El Cid be fitted with his armor and set on his horse Babieca, to bolster the morale of his troops.
With that in mind...

Quote du jour

Geir Lundestad, the longtime director of the Nobel Institute, confessed that the prize committee had indeed hoped the award would strengthen Obama’s future agendas and wasn’t really in recognition of anything he had actually done. “Even many of Obama’s supporters believed that the prize was a mistake,” Lundestad lamented in his memoir. “In that sense the committee didn’t achieve what it had hoped for.”
-Victor Davis Hanson

Sunday, October 25, 2020

A Little Sunday Night Music

Worthy is the Lamb: Glory to the Holy One Concert - (Saint Andrew's Chapel)

"A Day in the Life"

40 Days for Life prayer vigil in San Rafael. A report from the front lines, by Mary M. Isaacs

(San Rafael, CA--Saturday October 24, 2020) In all the years that I have participated in 40 Days for Life prayer vigils in Marin County, I have never witnessed/encountered the amount and intensity of counter-protestors as I did today. This is possibly not saying much, in comparison with other places, but it was very significant for Marin.

The ramping-up of protests began last Saturday, October 17th, when Archbishop Cordileone, of the Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco, conducted Mass and performed an exorcism at Mission San Rafael to counter the vandalism and toppling of the mission's statue of Fr. Serra, which happened on Columbus Day. After the exorcism, the entire congregation processed to Planned Parenthood, where they said the rosary right in front of the doors of the abortuary. Counter-protestors had heard of the event and were present in large numbers. Saturday morning is now their rallying day. I was glad and honored to be present for life today.

During the time I was there (11 am to 12:30 pm) there were 21 or 22 pro-aborts present. There were ten to eleven of us praying for life. We all started out at the corner nearest Planned Parenthood's door, but the opposition gradually spread to all three other corners--for a "surround-sound" effect, perhaps? They were extremely vocal, and every one had large signs with the usual sayings: "My Body, My Choice", "Stay Out Of My Uterus", We Are Women Not Wombs", "Long Live Roe v. Wade", etc. They were very loud, sometimes actually screaming. Most ages were represented in the opposition, with the exception of young children, and both men and women took part ("Her body, her choice!" chanted over and over...)

We also had both men and women present, praying for life. We spent almost the entire time praying through the rosary, just continuing on to the next set of mysteries as we finished each one. It was difficult to hear each other and to stay together on the responses--due to the screaming pro-aborts, the high number of cars honking their horns as they passed by, and the face masks we have to wear--but we managed it. Of course, the overwhelming amount of passer-by reactions were on the side of the pro-aborts, but once in a while a car would go by, eye contact would be achieved, and a firm, definite thumbs-up given to us. This is Marin after all, a very liberal bastion in California. The positive pro-life reactions are cherished and remembered.

This will happen again, next Saturday, for Hallowe'en. I expect a stronger swirling of demonic forces that day. Please remember all the daily 40 Days for Life prayer vigils, taking place all over the world, and lift them up in your prayers for courage, commitment, and strength.

The babies cannot speak for themselves, so others must speak for them.

(all rights reserved)

Now You See Him….

He liked this place. He didn’t have to think or plan or worry or anything. Things happened around him, but nothing touched him. He could just be. He liked that. That was good.

Mariana drove her car carefully into the preschool/daycare parking lot. She always drove slowly to her assigned spot, as she knew that the children could pop up in unexpected places, even though they were supposed to walk directly to the front door with an adult.

It was raining that winter morning, which slowed her even more—but the children were easier to see, with their mini umbrellas: striped ones, clear ones, ones that looked like ladybugs or yellow ducks. But wait, there was one child without an umbrella, walking with a man. Oh, wasn’t that Riley? The man was wearing a raincoat and carried an umbrella, but Riley had neither. He was getting wet…well, maybe he had some extra clothes in his cubby. She watched them go through the front door.

She parked her car, stepped out and slipped on her raincoat, and gathered her school materials for the day. She was just starting out in her teaching career, so she brought a lot of things with her every day, in case she needed to use them. Mariana walked toward the front door with her arms full.

It was raining again, but not too much this time. His clothes had gotten a little wet during the walk from the car to the school. He didn’t have a raincoat or an umbrella. An umbrella would be fun to have. He’d like a clear one, so he could see all around. Or maybe not clear, so no one could see him. He couldn’t decide. Now he sat on a wooden chair near a window in the big room, looking out at the rain. He didn’t worry about wet clothes. They would dry before someone came to pick him up. He wouldn’t get in trouble for that.

At the school, Mariana helped with the oldest children. Their classroom was in a modular unit, across the play yard from the main building. All the other classes were in the big building, which also had the front entrance, office, bathrooms, and kitchen. Every morning she walked through the larger building to punch in, check on staff messages, and say hello to the teachers and children who had arrived earlier. She wasn’t very familiar with the younger children, although she was getting to know a few of them. Like Riley, for example. He was always there before her, from early opening time in the morning until late in the day, after she left. Five days a week, always quiet. Because of that quietness, she hadn’t really noticed him right away.

Sometimes he turned off his thinking in this place. It gave him a chance to rest. He liked his classroom—it had all the sorts of things in it that he was used to. This big room, too. His teacher didn’t pay much attention to him, which was good. He wanted to be left alone. The other children left him alone. He didn’t even look at the teachers or the other children. As long as he followed directions and didn’t bother anyone, nobody would bother him. That was predictable. The only people he looked at were his mother and his father. He had to watch them all the time.
Maybe it was time for his puzzle again…

She thought more about Riley as she punched in with her time card. His was an unnatural quietness, withdrawn and colorless. He didn’t play with other children (that she had observed). He wasn’t physically active, but mostly sat at a table with a puzzle or a book. His clothes looked okay at first glance, but always turned out to be torn, or grimy, or inadequate for the weather. She turned to look at him—yes, his clothes were too lightweight for the cold and wet weather today; and as they were still wet, he obviously didn’t have extra clothes, or no one had bothered to look for them. Riley didn’t speak much, and never responded to a friendly greeting. She knew—she had tried a few times. She had never met his parents, knew nothing about them. He always seemed to just “be there”.

He looked at the wooden puzzle he had pulled out from the bottom of the stack. There were some smiling children sitting around a teacher, who was reading to them. He put out his finger and touched one child’s image. Then he took all the face pieces out of the puzzle and laid them on the table, all lined up. Then he turned back to the puzzle with the faces missing. He looked at that for a long time.

During the next few weeks, Mariana found herself thinking about Riley often. She worried about him, about his unusual behavior, about his questionable physical condition, more and more. She even began to wonder if she should make a report to Child Protective Services. She knew she was required to do that if she suspected something like neglect or abuse. It would be a bold step—the owner-directors of the school would not be pleased if she made a report and they had to deal with legalities and inspections and interviews, no matter how it turned out. Even if there was abuse, they would not be happy with her at all; they might even fire her. She carried on an internal debate with herself for days, trying to weigh the pros and cons of any actions…or inactions. In the meantime, Riley never changed one way or another, which only made him stand out in her mind even more. It was like he was frozen: frozen in time, frozen in emotions, frozen in existence.

His eyes flicked up and then back down to his favorite puzzle lying in front of him. That lady was looking at him again. He didn’t know her; she wasn’t his teacher. She worked in another room. He wished she would stop hanging around him. He wished she would leave him alone. She was a teacher, but she wasn’t acting predictably. She worried him. He didn’t like it when people did unexpected things. He had enough of that at home.

Thoughts of Riley started to bother her night and day, to the point of feeling very uneasy about it. She asked his teacher indirect questions about him, but that woman was clearly only there to do a job; she was far too interested in her personal life to be focused any more than she had to be on the children in her class. Finally, Mariana asked her point-blank how Riley’s parents treated him, how he acted around them, how he behaved in class. That seemed to catch her colleague’s attention. The immediate feedback was inconclusive, but apparently her questions may have started a train of events.

Something was going to happen. He felt agitated and apprehensive. He raised his eyes from his favorite puzzle and looked around the big room. It had been good here. He would miss this place.

Over the weekend, Mariana definitely made up her mind to call Child Protective Services the next work day. She arrived at the school on Monday morning and went into the big playroom. As she punched in, she looked around—and realized that Riley wasn’t there. She scanned the room intentionally, from one end to the other, and then asked the teacher on early care duty where he was. “Oh, his parents pulled him out of the school,” was the answer she received. Mariana was stunned. “Why did they do that? Did they move or something? Did he say good-bye to his class?” she asked. The other teacher shrugged. “I don’t know anything about it. I don’t think they gave a reason. He’s just gone.”

Mariana walked off in a random direction, unable to think clearly. Her mind was full of questions, concerns, guilt, fear. She ended up standing in front of the puzzle table where Riley often played. She sat down and stared at the stacks of puzzles on the table and the nearby shelf. Gradually, she realized that something wasn’t “right” about the puzzles—no, just with one puzzle, an old-fashioned wooden one with a teacher reading to a group of children. There was an empty space, a missing piece. She looked under the puzzle, around the others, and on the floor, but couldn’t find it.

The face of one of the children was missing.

She looked at that for a long time.

(copyright 2019, Mary M. Isaacs)

Quote du jour

The US won the Second World War in the pacific because of an authentic God given miracle at Midway. Now we need another blessing from on high to win our war. Let us pray. Let us pray.

- Ben Stein, on the 2020 election

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Best of the Web*

*…that Dave and I have seen all week!

(BTW, if you wonder where any of the links will take you, hover your cursor over the link.)


Obamacare’s Illusion of Preexisting Condition Protections

The Gun Wisdom Of Joe Biden
The Democrat Myth of ‘Voter Suppression’

Chinese Company Allegedly Wired $5 Mil. To Delaware LLC Who Then Sent $4.8 Mil. to Hunter Biden
Joe Biden: Ship Sinks; Rats Flee


Democrats are twisting the English language to suit their agenda
Two Bidens and a Toobin: Could Trump have scripted these last two weeks any better? -As heard on Rush Limbaugh
Feel-Good Friday


Flopping Aces -Sunday Funnies

Sunday Funnies, 10-18-20

Today's Toons 10/14/20
Today's Toons 10/15/20
Today's Toons 10/16/20

Today's Toons 10/19/20, Today's Toons 10/20/20

Larwyn’s Linx: Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes—or Joe Biden’s Big Mouth
In The Mailbox: 10.19.20
Larwyn’s Linx: Hunter Biden’s partner confirms emails, details Joe Biden’s push to make millions from China
In The Mailbox: 10.20.20
Larwyn’s Linx: Trove Of Documents Detail China's Control of Biden Family
In The Mailbox: 10.21.20
In The Mailbox: 10.23.20 (Afternoon Edition)
In The Mailbox: 10.23.20 (Evening Edition)

Dave's Rule Five Roundup:

Proof Positive - Vintage Babe of the Week - Tonight's Vintage Babe is Theda Bara! and Best of the Web


redpilljew - Gratuitous Rule Five Friday

By Other Means - Tuesday Tap Rack and Bang, BeCos(play) It's Friday and Seeing Red

Evi L. Bloggerlady - Lea Salonga: When October Goes

Ninety Miles From Tyranny - Hot Pick, Girls With Guns, Morning Mistress and Blogs With Rule 5 Links

Pitsnipes Gripes- Just a simple tribute

Grouchy Old Cripple - Saturday Boobage

Irons in the Fire - Friday Data and ... Saturday Data Overflow

The Feral Irishman - A quick break from "POLITICS"

The Daley Gator - Daley Babe

Diogenes Middle Finger News - A Good Monday Morning

A View from the Beach - Rule 5 Saturday - Melanie Griffith and Fish Pic Friday

24 Femmes Per Second - Sandra Dee

Knuckledraggin My Life Away - I'm sure she's taken, men And ... I’ll leave you with this

American Power - Washing Up

Woodsterman - Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

The Other McCain - Rule 5 Sunday: Dawn Wells

The Pirates Cove - If All You See ... and Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Wired Right - A Beautiful End to the Day

The View from LadyLake - If you missed anything today, I have it here.

The Right Way - Friday Babe and ... Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama

Use the comments as an open thread on any of these topics. Please send links of news, commentary, or choice humor to:

Quote du jour

I, too, was a Democrat, until I saw that their profession of "sticking up for the little guy" was just public posturing. The Democratic Party today, the leadership, not the rank and file, are only interested in the pursuit of power and the wealth that accompanies it.
-Mike B

Quote du jour

If you truly believe in the brotherhood of man, then you must believe that blacks are just as capable of being racists as whites are.

-Thomas Sowell

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Quote du jour

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

- Voltaire

DIY Gun Giveaway - A Reminder

DIY guys, two weeks ago, we brought you this contest. Just a reminder that the contest is open for another month or so, and there are opportunities for daily entries.

For all you guys sitting at home quarantined, with time on your can enter here.

Quote du jour

In the 21st century, hallmark American and international institutions have lost much of their prestige and respect. Politics and biases explain the lack of public confidence in organizations and institutions such as the World Health Organization, the Commission on Presidential Debates, the Nobel Peace Prize, the Pulitzer Prizes, and the Academy Awards. The overseers entrusted with preserving these institutions all caved to short-term political pressures. As a result, they have mostly destroyed what they inherited.
-Victor Davis Hanson

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Quote du jour

"This man has more lids than Tupperware"

-Raymond Arroyo, on Joe Biden

Monday, October 19, 2020

Down the Memory Hole

This post has nothing to do with politics or Joe Biden's less than agile mental abilities, because, like everything else in the universe, this is all about me!

I tell people "My memory is what I use to forget with." I stole that from somebody...can't remember who! Anyway, over the years I have misplaced a number of items, perhaps corresponding to the number of times I've moved cross country, but I can't blame it all on that. Some of it is due to my casual orgahnization skills and part of it is due to CRS. Since this blog is PG-13, if you don't know what that means, you'll just have to Google it.

Anyway, I started making a list of things I remember having and hadn't seen for a while. Today, I came across a really nice camera tucked away in a dresser drawer. I knew I still had the charger, because countless times, I had picked it up, recognized it for what it was and put it back down afgain because it wasn't what I needed at the moment. So, I looked in the last place I remembered it being joy.
On the plus side, I found the charging cord for my phone's backup battery.
The box it came in says it has a standby time of "up to six months". Well, it had been years since I used it the last time we had a sudden power outage here in the golden, but sometimes dark, state of Califoirnia and it had power and to spare!

I also found the charger for my 20v cordless drill. The one I had been looking for the week before and ordered a relatively inexpensive replacement from Amazon. Now I have two. I also ordered a couple of replacement batteries they had on sale during Amazon Prime Day, so if I ever get really ambitious, I can charge two batteries at once!

Two steps forward, one step back!

Plus, while waiting for the battery to charge (which takes up to four hours), I've been doing a little online shopping, so I need to plunge my AMEx card into cold water to keep if I can keep it from melting down.
Mr. Trump, I'm doing what I can to single handedly stimulate the economy, but there's only so much a fella can do!
In addition to the camera I found in the dresser drawer, was a smaller pocket camera that I found in a desk drawer (I have a wealth of cameras!) on which I took pictures of my daughter's wedding back in 2013. Since the advent, ease and omnipresence of my cell phone camera, it has apparently laid there without a charge for the last seven years.

I charged it up over night, and, Mirable dictu, to my pleasant surprise, all the pictures were there, even one of my front yard which dated back to 2009.

I will copy those to my hard drive later today and distribute anything worth sharing.

Quote du jour

It continues to amaze me that Amy Coney Barrett’s textualism — the proposition that judges are constrained by what the law actually says — is being presented as some kind of right-wing extremism. One would think that Judge Barrett’s left-wing adversaries would very much prefer her to follow what the law actually says than to impose her own sensibilities on the nation through judicial fiat.

-Kevin Williamson

Quote du jour

A Christian ought to be a comforter, with kind words on his lips, and sympathy in his heart; he should carry sunshine wherever he goes, and diffuse happiness around him.

-Charles H. Spurgeon

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Security is What You Make It

I mounted a couple extra security/motion detector lamps around the perimeter today. What prompted the rest of the discussion was a piece over at The O. K. Corral (formerly, Support Your Local Gunfighter): America Has A Police Shortage

...we have the fewest police officers since 1995...There are now fewer police officers per person in the United States than at any point in the last 25 years, recently released federal data show, after over a decade of decline.

For those of you new to this blog, I have some bad – or good, depending upon your outlook – news for you: these numbers are going to plummet even further.

There were roughly 214 police officers per 100,000 Americans in 2019, according to the latest figures from the Census Bureau’s Annual Survey of Public Employment and Payroll, which tracks employment across state and local governments. That represents a 1.5 percent decline from 2018 and a 9 percent drop from 2007, when police numbers last peaked.

To give you an idea of how far left the Democrats have gone, Bill Clinton’s 1994 Crime Bill added 100,000 police officers for many big cities. What are the chances of seeing that today?

Remember: security is layers. Lighting. Landscaping. Fences. Dead bolts. Dogs. Alarms. Situational awareness. Safe rooms.
Have a gun and know how to use it. But if it is your only level of security, you may not be able to utilize it in time. If you choose not to own a gun, that's your choice, but the layers of security will help to delay the bad guys until the cavalry can come.

Keep a padlock on your breaker box. Thieves popping the main breaker on your box is a good way to see if anybody's home. Or to plunge you into darkness, disorient you and make it harder for you to resist.
Wrap a tie wrap around the disconnect handle on your garage door opener for when the power's off. You can still break it with a good straight down pull, but without it, some thieves can fish a long wire over the top crack in the
door and pop it easily from the outside.

Take a bite out of crime! And be careful out there!

You Can't Always Believe What You Read in the Papers

I have it on good authority that this is NOT Hunter Biden snorting cocaine off a stripper's bum.

Hunter prefers to snort cocaine off the stripper's *boobs*, however my repertoire of photos of miscreants sniffing cocaine off strippers is somewhat limited.

Best of the Web*

*…that Dave and I have seen all week!

(BTW, if you wonder where any of the links will take you, hover your cursor over the link.)


‘Mansion Maxine’: Joe Collins Launches Ad Ripping Maxine Waters for Not Living in Her District

Maher: ‘I Don’t Know What I’m Getting for My Super High Taxes’ in California

READ: Amy Coney Barrett’s opening remarks to Senate Judiciary Committee

Senate Panel Investigating Hunter Biden Emails Showing Possible Introduction Between Joe Biden, Burisma Adviser - meaning Joe Lied

Kelly Campaign Spox Calls Police ‘Worthless F—ing Pigs’
A warning letter from the niece of Osama bin Laden - A Biden/Harris administration would bring America to her knees
Foreign Money Flowing To Hunter Biden Triggered Bank Alarm Bells As ‘Potential Criminal Financial Activity,’ Senate Investigation Finds

Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm


Feel-Good Friday

Denver: ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Protest Until Gunman Murdered a Trump Supporter


Flopping Aces -Sunday Funnies

Yes We Know

Sunday Funnies, 10-11-20

Today's Toons 10/7/20
Today's Toons 10/8/20
Today's Toons 10/9/20

Today's Toons 10/12/20, Today's Toons 10/13/20


Larwyn’s Linx: Short-Tempered Joe Biden Says “Voters Don’t Deserve To Know” His Position on Destroying Supreme Court

In The Mailbox: 10.13.20 (Afternoon Edition)

Larwyn’s Linx: A warning about Biden and Harris from the niece of Osama bin Laden
In The Mailbox: 10.13.20 (Evening Edition)
Larwyn’s Linx: The Voters Deserve to Know Now
In The Mailbox: 10.14.20
In The Mailbox: 10.15.20

In The Mailbox: 10.16.20

Dave's Rule Five Roundup:

Proof Positive - Vintage Babe of the Week - Tonight's Vintage Babe is Ingrid Pitt! and Best of the Web


redpilljew - Gratuitous Rule Five Friday

By Other Means - Tuesday Tap Rack and Bang, BeCos(play) It's Friday and Seeing Red

Evi L. Bloggerlady - Mayra Joli

Ninety Miles From Tyranny - Hot Pick, Girls With Guns, Morning Mistress and Blogs With Rule 5 Links

Pitsnipes Gripes- Just a simple tribute

Grouchy Old Cripple - Saturday Boobage

Irons in the Fire - Friday Data and ... Saturday Data Overflow

The Feral Irishman - Friday Femme Fatale

The Daley Gator - Daley Babe

Diogenes Middle Finger News - A Good Monday Morning

A View from the Beach - Rule 5 Saturday - Hey There Georgie Girl - Georgie Darby and Fish Pic Friday

24 Femmes Per Second - Gina Lolobrigida

Knuckledraggin My Life Away - I'm sure she's taken, men And ... I’ll leave you with this

American Power - Bella Bikini

Woodsterman - Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

The Other McCain - Rule 5 Sunday: Phoebe Kline

The Pirates Cove - If All You See ... and Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Wired Right - A Beautiful End to the Day

The View from LadyLake - A Rule 5 redux

The Right Way - Friday Babe and ... Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama
Use the comments as an open thread on any of these topics. Please send links of news, commentary, or choice humor to:

Quote du jour

Seems to me like a Commandment against "making graven images" could have avoided the whole "what color/race was Christ?" business.

-Mike B

Friday, October 16, 2020

Quote du jour

Capital will go where it is treated well, and the future will go where it is welcome. And history is not an arrow pointing unalterably in the direction of progress and prosperity. If you think being a rich country protects you from that reality, remember that, when Senator Warren was born, Venezuela was the fourth-wealthiest country on Earth.
-Kevin D. Williamson

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Quote du jour

A reader points out this sentence on The Corner: “In August, there were a slew of pieces accusing Florida governor Ron DeSantis of manslaughter.” He asks if it shouldn’t be “there was a slew” or “there were slews,” and, of course, he is correct. Slew, from the Irish sluagh, means “multitude,” and it is singular. This is a pretty common error, one I make fairly often myself.
-Kevin D. Williamson

Quote du jour

"In the wake of the state-sanctioned lynchings of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd..."
-Colin Kaepernick