Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Free Stuff Always Costs Somebody

"Tanstaafl!" was a greeting used in Robert A. Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. It stands for: There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. Ain't it the truth!
"Buy one, get one free" is just a discount for volume. Any time anyone offers you something for nothing, you've got to look for the hook. Ask any fish about all the "free worms"!
But, I'm going to tell you about something you can get for "free" that might be worth the price you pay:
Obama/ Biden for President stickers

Yep! You heard me right. I sent for one, and I'm glad I did. First, Internet ads don't cost anything until the fish, er, prospect, clicks on it. I'd never suggest that you randomly click on anybody's ads- that would be unethical. But, you could check one out: that's what they're there for!
One ad click? Costs them fifty cents...maybe more
Then you could actually request one of the "free stickers".
One sticker printed, packaged, and shipped? Costs them another three to four dollars, maybe?

But, the real price you pay, is now they have your name on their mailing list, and they will ask you for money. Constantly.

But, if you're good at ignoring the begging (like I am) they will share with you some of their talking points and strategies, that you might only get second hand anywhere else. So, all in all, I like being referred to as a Move On dot org "member"!
It has that familial ring to it. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And then, whenever they let the mask slip a little bit, I share with people like you just what they're really like.

It's not for everyone, but if you've got an email address that you don't mind getting spammed a bit, click on an ad. Sign up for a "free" sticker. But, don't say I didn't warn you!

Ad costs, sticker costs, and inside information? Priceless!

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