Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Bumbler-in-Chief Goes to War

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Suppose General Dwight D. Eisenhower figured out that the best way to fight WWII was not to engage the Germans where they actually lived, but to have his men settle down in small hamlets in Britain and walk to work with the people they were there to protect? Great idea, eh? What a difference a Commander-in-Chief makes to the way the military conducts itself at war!

Once Marine units arrive in their designated towns and villages, they have been instructed to build and live in small outposts among the local population. The brigade's commander, Brig. Gen. Lawrence D. Nicholson, said his Marines will focus their efforts on protecting civilians from the Taliban and on restoring Afghan government services, instead of mounting a series of hunt-and-kill missions against the insurgents.

"We're doing this very differently," Nicholson said to his senior officers a few hours before the mission began. "We're going to be with the people. We're not going to drive to work. We're going to walk to work."

"Differently"? Yeah! I'll say! You can do it right or you can do it differently! This is going to get people killed for no good reason. Another reason why it is desirable to elect a Commander-in-Chief who has at least the slightest acquaintance with the military and its mission!

Is this the most boneheaded thing you've heard of in a long time?
As Commander-in-Chief, Obama votes "Present"!

Hat tip Radarsite
Cross Posted at Say Anything

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