Friday, October 2, 2009

Stupid Criminal Tricks

I haven't said much about the recent Letterman kerfuffle, because, quite frankly, it didn't interest me that much and it seemed to be getting plenty of play in the MSM and in the blogosphere. But there is one detail that kinda jumped out at me when I heard it on the radio today:
The extortioner was arrested after he deposited a $2,000,000 check he received from Mr. Letterman.

A check???? Not only did this guy deserve to be caught, but he should be removed from the gene pool, as well! Newsflash to budding, aspiring crooks: Nothing leaves a paper trail like a check! Aside from the fact that a check is a promise to pay (which can be rescinded before it is cashed, like this one was), it would generate a report to the Federal government (maybe several) alerting them to the size of the transaction.

"Excuse me Mr. Dumbass Crook, but did you receive this money for services rendered? Exactly what sort of services??"

And if your crime becomes known, there's this big arrow pointing right at you, and your signature on the back of the check.

"Duh. How did that get there? It crawled into my hand! Honest!!"

If it's all the same to you Mr. Letterman, make it cash. Small, unmarked, non sequential bills. That's okay! I'll wait!

Cross Posted at Say Anything

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