Saturday, February 6, 2010

Carly Fiorina Redux

Last January 22, I posted some videos: Carly Fiorina in her own words. This elicited a response from someone associated with Ms. Fiorina, but who was by no means a spokesperson for her campaign. This was my reply:

Dear _____: I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I wasn’t at death’s door for a week, but I could be seen through the peephole of anyone who was!
It’s not that I’m not Carly’s biggest fan! I have nothing against her personally, and I have yet to decide who I will support in that race.

My first impression, though, is of a person who is playing identity politics- tailoring her speech to whichever group she is in front of at the time. And it seems that she is not eager to have her opinions bandied about. This suggests that she may be pandering to certain groups for their votes while trying not to offend others who may disagree with them.

The problem, as I see it, with “off the record” conversations is that they play into my first impression: that perhaps Ms. Fiorina is not as forth coming as she needs to be.

I believe that the public mood is that we have already elected to national office a “blank slate” who promised to be all things to all people and has not lived up to his campaign hype. I believe that if Carly Fiorina is going to have a chance in this election, she needs to be up front about what she stands for and say it loudly and proudly.

I know that there are those who believe tactically, that California is so liberal that Republicans have to run as Democrat- Lite, to try to be the least offensive to the greatest amount of voters. This may work. We do have a RINO in the governor’s office who, in addition to his fame and popularity did just that.

I believe, however, that a person of deep and long standing convictions has a better chance to energize the base and build on the dissatisfaction both with Washington and a broke and broker California.

I am not opposed to further communication with the Fiorina camp. I try to keep an open mind about people, issues and events unless I am faced with irrefutable evidence to the contrary. However, my first impression was that of someone who may have been pandering to certain groups and not too eager to have those speeches spread around.

If I may refer to the failed campaign promise of another well known figure, a little more transparency might be in order.

And because opinions are my stock in trade, I will share this email with my readers (sans contact information).

I just realized that Carly was the candidate responsible for the bizarre "Demon Sheep" ad that has been severely and rightly mocked across the Internet. Attacking one's opponents is not, in my opinion, the best way to showcase who your own candidate is, though some choose the low road as tactically advantageous. Hopefully you were not involved in "Demon Sheep" personally! I don't think it won her any friends!

Good luck with your campaign (apparently, you'll need it!), and best regards,


"Demon Sheep"

Cross Posted at Say Anything


  1. I see Carly's ad as a distraction - as it was not doubt intended to be.

    Since Carly's claim to public office is based on her experience running a major corporation, she can't afford for people to focus on her track record of failure. People should understand why she was fired from her job, and what HP employees who worked under her have to say.

    Please ready about her record of failure at

  2. EC: The only thing that bothers me about the web site you link to, is that nowhere on the site does it say who's running it.Is it a PAC? One of the opposition candidates?
    When they say "we registered this domain name", who is "we"? It doesn't say.

    A little transparency there wouldn't hurt either!
