Monday, May 10, 2010

"Larry King is a Racist"

...according to the logic of Rachel Harris!

It's "Laziness When it Comes to Knowing the Facts" according to Seth MacFarlane, creator of The Family Guy, who says 60% of the people wanted the "public option", when in fact more than 60% of the people wanted the government to stay out of the health care take over. Project much Seth?

Libertarian Penn Jillette to the rescue: "A distrust in the government is the healthiest thing Americans can have."

Rachel Harris reinforces the "dumb blonde" stereotype, by insisting that the tea partiers are "racist" because they are, in her opinion, predominantly of one race.
Hmm. I see four white people on that show. No persons of color. Therefore, according to what passes for logic with Rachel Harris, Larry King must be a racist! Is that blonde enough for you Rachel? Sheesh!

H/T American Glob
Cross posted at Say Anything


  1. Penn destroyed both of their "points" in under 5 minutes and he is not even totally on-board with the Tea Party Movemnt,,,FABULOUS!

  2. I don't always agree with Jillette, but he seems to be a pretty straight shooter!
