Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday Linkaround

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Whose Blowout Is It, Anyway? -Krauthammer

Did Birnbaum lie to Congress? -Ed Morrissey

Minimum Wage Cruelty- Walter Williams

Obama opposes 1.9 percent pay raise for military members

Multiculturalism Trumps Feminism -Steyn

WaPo criticizes Texas textbooks sans quotes and links- Althouse

Do Illegal Immigrants Pay Their Fair Share, or is this a Myth?

Obama off the prompter: his silver-tongued rhetoric invariably turns to sludge -Steyn

Customer stuck with counterfeit money from the post office

So, the money was worthless and the government wouldn’t stand behind their actions? Sounds like a pilot program for the Obama administration!

Obama commits Plagiarism -John Lott

Sestak says which laws it would violate had he been offered a job by the administration in exchange for dropping out of senate race.

Terror Alert on Our Southern Border

Why So Few Medals of Honor?

Rand Paul’s Civil Rights Act Comments Revisited -Goldberg

Don’t make it too hard for your liberal friends to admit they were wrong. The Other McCain

You have a green job? Obama says, take a day off without pay!

Joe Biden: Brussels: ‘capital of the free world.’

A Weekend To Remember and Contribute -Hugh Hewett -A “roadmap” to a Senate majority

Encounter Broadsides - The Federalist Papers for the 21st. Century?

He Was Supposed to Be Competent -Noonan

Use the comments as an open thread on any of these topics.

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