Saturday, March 5, 2011

Charlie Sheen on How to Keep Ahead in Show Business

Sorry! That should have been "keep a head"!

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Charlie Sheen's estranged wife said this week that the TV star vowed to decapitate her and send her severed head to her mother. But Brooke Mueller's statements filed in court are not enough for the Los Angeles Police Department to open a criminal investigation.

Hard to say if the sheen is off his career or if the Sheen is off his meds!


  1. I've been following him on Twitter and it's absolutely pathetic.

    He's constantly yammering about "Winning" and how amazing his life is etc.

    Every few minutes he twits something like "Everyone knows they need to do it. WINNING! Join us!" And he's constantly thanking everyone on Twitter for their support.

    Has he run out of real life friends?

    How many times does a drug addled loser have to say "Winning" for the world to turn into anti-matter?

    Also...imagine being the mother of those children of which he has joint custody? You have to legally send them over to that house where he's got known prostitutes, probably massive amounts of drugs, extremely violent bi-polar behavior, lives with porn stars and is obviously off his rocker from the massive amount of drugs he's shot up his nose onto his brain.

    That would make me sick...I wouldn't let my kid drive by his house, nevermind sleep there every other weekend.

    Cuz yeah, I'm sure he's gonna be able to stop smoking 7 grams of crack multiple times a day and sober right up.

  2. Head and Charlie Sheen in the same sentence...

  3. "He's constantly yammering about "Winning" and how amazing his life is etc." Paul: If you ever wander over to "Say Anything", there's a certain troll that this fits to a tee! (Maybe Charlie's been blogging there all along?)
    "I wouldn't let my kid drive by his house" Got that straight!

    I guess for every Hollywood star we are tempted to envy, we can at least be thankful we're not Charlie Sheen!

    Randy: LOL. Hadn't thought of that!
