Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Studds and Weiner D- bauchery

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It's kinda funny how every time a Republican or conservative is caught in some sort of scandal, liberals go into high Pecksniffian dudgeon about how terrible it is and then the Republican resigns. Yet every time a Democrat or liberal is caught in some sort of scandal, liberals go into high Pecksniffian dudgeon about how terrible the list of Republicans who have done the same or worse are, and circle the wagons to protect the culprit in their midst.

I was looking at one of these laundry lists of Republican peccadilloes, and thought that none of the charges rose to the magnitude of sexual relations with a minor, specifically with 17-year-old congressional pages.

So. I looked it up. I was thinking it was "Gerry Stubbs". But, in 1983, Rep. Gerry Studds (D-MA) "engaged in sexual relationships with minors, specifically 17-year-old congressional pages".

Rather than resigning or being asked to resign by House leadership, Rep. Studds, studly Gerry ran for reelection seven more times.

But, it also struck me funny: Weiner...Studds... do Democrats select their candidates subliminally on the basis of their names? Or is it Freudian?

Just now, on the news, (with a straight face) the anchor said that "a deflated Weiner" left the stage. Heh.

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