Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pharaoh Was a Job Creator?

From the witless liberal (but I repeat myself) analogy department:

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I hate to bring up the whole "S" word, but please, libs, tell me how owning slaves and making them work is "creating jobs"? Or is slavery the only vision liberals have for all of us?

And why is it, pray tell (pun intended), that it seems the only time liberals refer to or give any credence at all to the Bible, is when they think they can use it to bludgeon conservatives?

H/T Blonde Sagacity


  1. Actually Pharaoh is the perfect example of Big Gov't gone violently awry: Pharaoh and his taskmasters made everyone slaves, and robbed them of their dignity and their will to live or to fight back. Isn't that one of the reasons why El Rushbo sometimes calls him "Pharaoh Obama"? (Or is it because of the whole Egypt-Mubarak thing?)

    In any case, don't you find it utterly adorable when libs/Dems suddenly find religion and quote the Bible -- and virtually always get it wrong!
    The Jewish Republican's Web Sanctuary

  2. Work until you die, with nothing to call your own but the clothes on your back? Not the kind of "job creation" most of us had in mind!

    Rush inspired me to do a little "Pharaoh Obama" photoshop a while back...

    quote the Bible -- and virtually always get it wrong!
    Yeah. Every year it's "Mary and Joseph were homeless", except, they did have a home. It was bureaucratic incompetence or apathy (or both) that ordered too many people to leave their homes at once, to accomplish a government census that caused the temporary overcrowding.

  3. Actually the job slavery thing would be part of the pun really, trying to make it more humorous. It is still creating jobs after all, the slaves are working, and while it's true it represents big government that's sort of shelved aside for the Revolutionary side of things, the Community organizer.... just my opinion at least. Anyway, I can't quote the bible or anything so that I guess that's all I can say.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Ryan. I think it's safe to say that slavery is still one of those "jobs Americans won't do".

    2. Yes, thankfully such a barbaric institution is gone in America. Hopefully the fruits of Capitalism and Western Democracy will spread across the world and forever banish the foul practice to the dustbin of history.
