Saturday, July 21, 2012

When Gun Control Idiocy is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will be Gun Control Idiots

Note: This post originally appeared Jan 11, 2011

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Mr. Blackbeard! Do you have a statement about the government ban on high capacity (2 shot) magazines?

Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, wrote in a statement: "If Congress had not allowed the ‘Assault Weapons Ban’ to expire in 2004, the shooter would only have been able to get off 10 rounds without reloading."

...unless he brings more than one gun. Or an illegal, black market magazine. Seriously. Do you think that anyone who is willing to break the whole, Thou Shalt Not Do Murder statute is going to be deterred by a ban on an eleven shot magazine? Or fifteen? Or thirty?

Aside from the fact, that with a little practice, reloading can be accomplished in a matter of seconds, whether it is a semi-automatic pistol, or a six shooter or a muzzle loader, if you anticipate firing more rounds than your weapon holds (and you're not planning a "suicide by cop"), you bring more than one weapon. Or a friend with one. Or more than one.

When David Dinkens was mayor of New York City, a couple of tourists were stabbed in the subway. When asked by a reporter for a statement about the two people who were killed, Dinkins' knee jerked and he said, That's why we need more gun control laws.

Banning certain types of weapons or accessories won't address problems like the Tucson shooting. There are already laws on the books about selling guns to mentally unstable people. It's a knee jerk reaction. The legislature would do well to see why this unstable man wasn't referred for a psych evaluation before he ever hit the sporting goods store.


  1. Wait, you used my likeness for this and didn't tell me?

    I wonder if these Einstein's realize that with a little effort someone could build a high capacity clip in a machine shop?

    1. "Wait, you used my likeness for this and didn't tell me?" Wait! You don't visit my blog everyday and see everything here every day??

      NPR did a story some years back, about some folk out in the jungles who, without any power or electricity, were forging credible copies of S&W handguns. Banning handguns only takes them out of the hands of the law abiding.

  2. Just thinking out loud (and somebody else probably figured this one out already)...

    Who would reap the greatest benefit from gun-control laws which would disarm potential victims?

    Criminals, right?

    Who keeps pushing for more and more gun-control laws?

    Liberals and Democrats, right?

    I rest my case.
