Sunday, August 26, 2012

"Hug the Slut"

Sandra Fluke takes her instructions from Obama's teleprompter...

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  1. Just not a prety girl. By a long shot

    1. But, look! She's been to Mardi Gras and gotten some beads!

  2. But she's got chutzpa, going on national tv demanding that taxpayers pay her to get her freak on!

    1. You don't expect her to pay for everything herself, do you? I have a Second Amendment right to own a firearm. I want the federal government to buy my ammunition! Only seems fair!

  3. That is very funny. I'm still amazed that this ho hasn't been dressed down. She's on record as saying she needs the equivalent of a dumpster full of rubbers a year to keep from getting pregnant. That's beyond loose. That's downright gross. I doubt hookers spend what she claims she does on sexual supplies.

  4. .

    Yuk yuk yuk. Love your funny. It is just sooo RW.

    You do realize, don't cha, that over half the voters in USA are womens? Right? Does ya think OMitt has a chance to win by pi$$ing off the womens?

    The RepublicanT Party has already written off the Hispanic vote and the peoples of color. Where does ya think youse guys are going to get more votes than you're throwing away?

    Know any good Jew jokes?

    Electoral College Totals:

    Obama = 274

    Romney = 191

    Needed to win = 270

    Of course these numbers will change. So will the people's reasons for laughing.

    Ema Nymton

    1. Ema, your inability to read simple English always amuses us! For the humorless left (but I repeat myself) the explanation:

      "Sandra Fluke takes her instructions from Obama's teleprompter..." Then she hugs the slut. Get it?

      Sorry you didn't get the joke. Must be the family resemblance!

  5. .

    ""Sandra Fluke takes her instructions from Obama's teleprompter..." Then she hugs the slut. Get it?"

    Please ya killen it. Now after insulting your womens does you all think that maybe youse guys can give the 'girls' a reason to vote for OMitt? Like 'Vote For OMitt; he believes in USA but banks in Switzerland.' Another good'en 'Vote For OMitt; taxes are for little people.' Or maybe, 'Vote For OMitt; all womens are sluts.'

    Know any good Jew jokes? Sure you good ol boys love'em.

    Electoral College Totals:

    Obama = 274

    Romney = 191

    Needed to win = 270

    Of course these numbers will change. So will the people's reasons for laughing.

    Ema Nymton

    1. You can stop now, Ema. The auditions for village idiot are over, and you've won, hands down! The "slut" the teleprompter is telling her to hug is Obama.

      Gosh. Do you think I should have put in a "spoiler alert" for the clueless, humorless liberals (but I repeat myself) who were still working that one through?

      The constant projection of your antisemitism, Ema, is duly noted as well.

  6. "The RepublicanT Party has already written off the Hispanic vote and the peoples of color"

    Every person has a color, you greasy, mouth-breathing bigot. When are you scum going to let go of your plantation politics, Notmy Name? Do you vermin know anything about Brakabama other than what color you think he is?

    1. .

      Heeeerrrrrreeees Chuckie Poo Poo,

      In all of his name calling glory. Love ya humor.

      Can _you_ entertain the audience with good Jew jokes?

      Ema Nymton

  7. Name calling? Are you really this stupid, you hate filled bigot? Why are you scum so obsessed with race?
