Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Rule Five Thanksgiving!

Tonight, in honor of the holiday, our vintage babe will take the night off. In her place, a few Rule Five tributes to Thanksgiving!

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Hope your day is spent with family and friends and the knowledge that we have a lot to be thankful for!


  1. Let us all be thankful for the fact Proof has so little substance to provide he must resort to sex to populate even a post about Thanksgiving.

  2. Replies
    1. Anonymous is cranky because it has had its arse handed to it so many times that it can't afford for its feeblemindedness to be associated with just one screen name.

      Other than consistent ad hominems, it has had nothing of substance itself to contribute to this blog (or humanity in general, as far as I can tell).

      If it had the talent to do anything but snipe and criticize, no doubt it would. When pettiness and jealousy encompass your entire life, its product is "Anonymous".

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to all! Even that probe up his ass Anon.

    1. He must enjoy it, he keeps coming back! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Odie!

  4. I'll take one of each!

    And there's an easy setting to exterminate the anonymice...

    1. One of each to go! There's a setting? I thought they just choked on their own bile! I'll look for it this weekend. In the meantime, it's all this poor SOB has in life!
