Friday, January 13, 2012

Triskaidekaphobics of the World Unite!

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Triskaidekaphobia is the irrational fear of the number 13. Paraskevidekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th. (also friggatriskaidekaphobia).

Pardon me if I remain firmly in the TGIF* camp. For the rest of you, I guess there's always phobophobia - the fear of fear.

Happy Friday the 13th!

*Thank God it's Friday, not "Toes Go In First"


  1. I rarely fear Friday, especially around here!

  2. Replies
    1. If I interpret that correctly, Happy Birthday, Odie! Many happy returns! BTW, I got you the same thing I got you last year. You can either trade it for door number two, or a 2011 UPS calendar!
