Friday, June 20, 2008

Democrats Tone Deaf in Picking Obama Veep

Like, I read this story once, about the guys that Obama might be considering to be the Democrat vice presidential nominee, and it's like I can't really link to it, because it would cost me money, you know? (Wink! Wink!) So there's this congresswoman for the Congressional Black Caucus, and her name is Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, only it's not "Cheeks" in air quotes like it's a stripper name, but it's just her middle name, or maybe her maiden name? But, anyway, she like, recommends people to Obama, and she goes like, Sam Nunn and John Edwards would be like really cool candidates and the search team that has little Caroline Kennedy on it tells them, like, Yeah! Those two guys are guys we've been talking about, too. And so Carolyn goes, like, yeah and you know who else would be cool? And she says, Al Gore would be like totally rad, if only he'd lose like about a hundred pounds! And there's this other guy, Ted Strickland, who's like the Governor of Ohio (wherever that is!) and he would be like, totally awesome as vice president, even if that guy who once said the job was like, not worth a warm bucket of spit, only I don't think he said "spit"!
So then, Carolyn, like really spazzes out and says, Ooh! Ooh! I know! I know! How about John Murtha? Because, like, he's an ex-Marine and he knows about the military and junk like that. And if he really needed a lawyer 'cuz all those other Marines are suing him, well, he could just get John Edwards to defend him, because everybody is guilty until proven innocent, right? Right!

Seriously, John Murtha??? How tone deaf can these guys be to even float the name of the craven John Murtha as a running mate for Obama?

Cross Posted at Say Anything

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