Monday, July 5, 2010

Krauthammer on Political Correctness at NASA

"This is a new height in fatuousness. NASA was established to get America into space and to keep is there. This idea to feel good about their past and to make achievements is the worst combination of group therapy, psychobabble, imperial condescension and adolescent diplomacy."
- Charles Krauthammer

NASA was established to get America into space and to keep is there. Could we get that bronzed and placed somewhere up on Capitol Hill? Under Obama, NASA is abandoning the United States preeminence in space in favor of global warming circle jerks and feel good political correctness. This guy has got to go!

More at News Busters
Cross posted at Proof Positive

Cross posted at Left Coast Rebel

1 comment:

  1. But have they redesigned the logo yet to look like the Islamic crescent or a minoret or, I know, a burka draped being?
