Wednesday, July 9, 2008

FBI Director: Weapons Harm The People Who Carry Them

Highly partisan liberals have often faulted Conservatives for playing the same partisan game: Criticize your opponents, but hands off the home team!
Those of us with at least one foot in reality know that Bush is often criticized by the Right for his domestic spending and policies towards illegal immigrants.

I will join those critics on the right and add yet another criticism of George W. Bush:
He probably should have fired FBI director Robert Mueller a long time ago!

Here’s the latest and greatest from Robert Mueller: He is reported to be critical of the recent Second Amendment ruling, upholding the rights of the individual to own guns.

"I tend to believe weapons harm people, and more often than not they harm the people carrying them."

More often than not?? (Gee! I hope he disarms all those FBI agents before they have a chance to hurt themselves!)
So you have one of the nation’s top law enforcement officers out of touch with the Supreme Court and a majority of the American people, making ill informed statements! I thought "upholding the Constitution" was part of his oath?

…Robert Mueller came in as the new FBI director in September 2001, promising a fresh start. He identified upgrading FBI technology as one of his top 10 priorities.

June 15, 2005 — CIO — In the past few months, FBI CIO Zalmai Azmi has been very careful not to say, "I told you so." After the FBI was forced to scrap its $170 million virtual case file (VCF), a case management system, because of numerous delays, cost overruns and incompatible software…

$170 Million swirling the porcelain bowl! Gee! Makes you wonder how well he did with the other nine? In all fairness to Mr. Mueller, the VCF project was begun three months before he took office. In all fairness to the taxpayer, the VCF disaster went on for years!

Here’s hoping the new administration, whichever side of the aisle, will get around to a little housekeeping at the FBI!

Hat tip Kim du Toit
Cross posted at Say Anything

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