Friday, August 8, 2008

Roll Call? -"Not Present!"

Jake Tapper of ABC News reports:

Sen. Barack Obama's campaign appears reluctant to have any sort of roll call vote at the Democratic convention this month. Why? They have no interest in highlighting the narrowness of his victory.

This would mean the first Democratic convention without a roll call vote since President Lyndon Johnson ran unopposed for reelection in 1964.

"highlighting the narrowness of his victory" In other words, if this candidate smells like three day old fish to the Democrats, why should the rest of the country vote for him? Patterico quotes Denis Keohane, on the possible strategic missteps of O'blurry within his own party :

“It looks like Obama’s belief in his inevitability may have led him into a blunder, making it easier for Hillary supporters to prevent a nomination on the first ballot. After that point, anything goes, as all super delegates and many pledged delegates are free to vote their preferences.

Maybe Obama's pandering to the center/right in recent weeks has weakened him with his far Left, Move-On dot troofer moonbat base, giving them second thoughts about the Obamessiah? Would enough superdelegates sit out the first roll call to throw the nomination into a free for all? This could be a very entertaining convention!
(For the Republicans!)

I like the way Mr. Tapper ends his piece:

Kumbaya, my Lord. Kumbaya. Oh, Lord, Kumbaya.

Hat tip Patterico's Pontifications
Cross Posted at Say Anything

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