Monday, August 4, 2008

Two Palestinian Refugees Give $29K Plus to Obama

Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugged has details of illegal contributions to Obama from two brothers in the Gaza strip:

There is a large contributor in the 'G's'. Largest. Name is Monir Edwan. City is Rafah and the State is GA. You'd think GA is for Georgia. IT'S NOT! There is no Rafah Georgia.It's Rafah GAZA. Although election donor data indicate Georgia, USA

Between Monier and Hasan Edwan , one brother's given over ten times the legal limit for citizens of the US to give, the other only two or three times, but that's okay, because it's illegal for them to give anyway! So, our Lightworker candidate, who turned his back on public financing, is accepting illegal contributions from outside the country?

If this is Obama's idea of campaign finance reform, tell me again, how Barack "Show Me the Money" Obama is different from other politicians and politics as usual?

Cross Posted at Say Anything

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