Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Barking Moonbat Cynthia McKinney Claims 5000 Executed in Wake of Katrina

"On the basis on one guy telling his mom and his mom telling me, I believe 5000 prisoners were shot through the head and their bodies dumped in the swamp. Furthermore, I believe that Obama is an alien sent from another planet, or Kenya, to save the world from Scientologists,and Oprah is his twin sister, separated at birth to hide them from their father, Darth Vader!"

What a maroon! That would be one honking big body dump! What an embarrassment (or should be!) to the party that has not renounced her or the constituents that continued to vote her into office! Is there any conspiracy so odious or bizarre that it will not find a following with the MoveOn dot wingnuts of the Democratic Party?

Cynthia McKinney: Proud Democrat!*

Correction: A long time Democrat, C. McKinney is now a member of the Green Party.
(Yeah! Like there's a big difference!) Heh.

Hat tip Sweetness and Light
Cross Posted at Say Anything


  1. "constituents that continued to vote her into office!" I begin to despair that the world is full of barking mad moonbats that vote and then I come to your site and breath a sigh of relief.

  2. In the words of Sweet Baby James Taylor, "That's why I'm here!"
