Friday, January 23, 2009

Conservative Gillibrand Picked to Replace Hillary

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Backed by the NRA? I'm liking her already!

Conservative Kirsten Gillibrand has been appointed by NY Governor Paterson to replace the Wicked Witch of the West Hillary Clinton in the Senate.

ALBANY - Gov. Paterson, defying the liberal wing of his Democratic Party, has chosen little-known, NRA-backed, upstate Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand to succeed Hillary Rodham Clinton as New York's junior senator, it was learned last night.

The surprising - and, for many Democrats shocking - decision to pick the conservative Gillibrand, 42, from Hudson in Columbia County, was disclosed by the governor in calls to party officials and some members of the state's congressional delegation, many of whom said they were unhappy with the selection, sources said

...Gillibrand has won two successive elections in one of the heaviest GOP districts in the state, first upsetting incumbent Rep. John Sweeney and, in November, defeating former state GOP chairman and multimillionaire Alexander Treadwell, in one of the most expensive races in the nation.

Liberal Democrats have been wary of her because she ran for re-election with the backing of the National Rifle Association, opposed the federal TARP program to rescue banks, and has been less than enthusiastic about gay marriage.

An attractive conservative woman backed by the NRA...hmm. Where have we heard that before? Anyway, she's got to be better than her predecessor! Heh.

Hat tip Wizbang
Cross Posted at Say Anything

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