Friday, January 2, 2009

New Poll: Military 60% "Uncertain" or "Pessimistic" about New CinC.

The MSM is notorious for commissioning polls and then reporting on those same polls as if they were "news". Well, here's a poll that probably won't get as wide of coverage:

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When asked how they feel about President-elect Barack Obama as commander in chief, six out of 10 active-duty service members say they are uncertain or pessimistic, according to a Military Times survey.

In follow-up interviews, respondents expressed concerns about Obama’s lack of military service and experience leading men and women in uniform.

“Being that the Marine Corps can be sent anywhere in the world with the snap of his fingers, nobody has confidence in this guy as commander in chief,” said one lance corporal who asked not to be identified.

Much of the concern centered around Obama's plan to pull the military out of Iraq:

“How are you going to safely pull combat troops out of Iraq?” said Air Force 1st Lt. Rachel Kleinpeter, an intelligence officer with the 100th Operations Support Squadron at RAF Mildenhall, England. “And if you’re pulling out combat troops, who are you leaving to help support what’s left? What happens if Iraq falls back into chaos? Are we going to be there in five years doing the same thing over again?”

When asked who has their best interests at heart — Obama or President George W. Bush — a higher percentage of respondents picked Bush, though Bush has lost ground over time. About half of the respondents said Bush has their best interests at heart this year, the same percentage as last year but a decline from 69 percent in 2004.

Again, don't expect the upcoming coronation to be upset with any whisperings of dissension in the ranks. But, frankly don't be a bit surprised if the re-enlistment numbers start to fall precipitously in the near soon.

Hat tip Jammie Wearing Fool
Cross posted at Say Anything

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