One of the joys (and perils) of blogging, is that you may take up your lance and tilt at any particular windmill (sometimes literal windmills!) that takes your fancy. Sometimes, to mix a metaphor, there simply isn't enough "grist for the mill", so this is going to be a smörgåsbord of liberal hypocrisy and hubris with a little media fawning thrown in for good measure.
How many times have you heard some talking head praise Obama for getting the stimulus bill passed in record time, as though it were a mark of his leadership? Let me would one possibly lead Congress to spend billions of dollars on projects designed to enhance their own political power and ideological leanings? This is a tough one! I liken it to having a flock of sheep penned inside a high fence with a pack of ravening wolves outside. To provide this sort of "leadership" to the wolves, one merely opens the gate! ("Never have I seen a gate opened with such deliberation or in that short a period of time!" gushed the reporters!)
And one of the talking points that I heard more than one Democrat utter in defense of Porkzilla, was that we need to invest
"to eliminate our dependency on foreign oil".That sounds like a phrase that tested well in focus groups! Unfortunately, the twits who were uttering it (like slimy Senator Chuck Schumer) had all voted against domestic drilling for oil for years in places like the desolate northernmost tip of ANWR and off of our own coasts (where currently other nations such as China are drilling), where we might find an actual solution to dependence on foreign oil. But, no! Here the Democratic use this phrase as a code word for wind power, unproven alternative energy schemes and insulating and retrofitting government buildings!
I have yet to hear one reporter challenge any of the Senators or other Congress Critters on exactly how or when their "windy" proposals will end dependence on foreign oil. Perhaps, it is because like most of the non-existent "stimulus" in the stimulus bill, we knew they were lying about other things too? Or maybe, hidden in the bowels of the massive stimulus bill, like the provisions for "net neutrality" is a government mandated Tire Inflation Program?
Here's a "TIP": Tires aren't the only things subject to inflation over the next four years!
So, in summation, Obama's "heroic" leadership efforts were roughly equivalent to pointing drunken sailors to the nearest bar, thereby making the press swoon!
Congress co-opts the language of the Drill Here, Drill Now crowd to give the illusion that they are serious about ending dependence on foreign oil when really they're more interested in funding little boutique green projects that will make their left-wing loony constituents happy.
(Here, the "watchdog" press rolls over and plays dead!)
I guess I'm just looking for a little honesty from our press and our politicians. And unfortunately, getting about as little as possible. In the immortal words of Jerry Reid:
He who expects little will not be disappointed!
I am seldom disappointed in either our elected officials or the MSM! Heh.
Cross Posted at Say Anything
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