Monday, March 16, 2009

Time For Another Game of "Guess That Party!"

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The NYT has the story of a "New York Representative" who was illegally taking tax breaks he wasn't entitled to. See if you can guess which political party Elliot Engel belongs to. Try finding a mention anywhere in the story!

Bronx Representative Loses a Tax Break

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Maryland tax officials said that a New York representative is not entitled to a residents’ tax break on the house in a Washington suburb that he has claimed as his primary residence for at least 10 years.

The representative, Eliot Engel, calls himself a lifelong resident of the Bronx, where he rents an apartment. But he and his wife list the house in Potomac, Md., as their primary home on Maryland property tax forms.

They paid nearly $500,000 for the house in 1993, and it has almost doubled in value. The Engels have received thousands of dollars in tax credits that are reserved for people who declare Maryland their home.

It's an AP story. They don't like anyone using quotes from their stories. I guess if I was that sloppy (or deceptive) in reporting the news, I wouldn't want anyone quoting me either!

Hat tip Say Anything

1 comment:

  1. The headline says it all -

    Bronx Representative Loses a Tax Break

    instead of

    Tax cheat exposed

    as it should have read.
