Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Obama's Failed Promise on Unemployment

Recently, on another blog, I mentioned the Axis of Weasels: Obama/Pelosi/Reid whom I said the public was going to hold accountable in 2010, perhaps by resurrecting the old "Misery Index".

One of the lines I hear the Left spouting these days is
"How can you hold Obama responsible for not creating more jobs? I thought you conservatives believed that jobs were created by the private sector?"

Which is true enough, as far as it goes, but neglects to mention the jobs Obama promised would be created by his Porkulus spending bill, er, Stimulus package.

The following graph will illustrate it. Note the Red Sea that Obama failed to part between where he said unemployment would be with the "stimulus" package as opposed to doing nothing at all! These are missing jobs that Obama promised "If you spend it, they will come".

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While those on the Left try in vain to change the subject, adding funny man Al Franken to the line up does nothing but put responsibility for any further failure of the economy to recover squarely in the Democrat's court.

(And don't even get me started on the courts!)

Then again, maybe he was trying to tell us about a river of red ink during his campaign?

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