Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rush Will Pursue Legal Action Against Those Who Libel/ Slander Him

If the team purchase were to fall through, Rush could demonstrate exactly the amount of financial damage done to him.

Hat tip Pat Dollard


  1. This is wonderful to hear - and this is coming from someone who cannot stand when people decide to reflexively sue over every little hangnail and skinned knee.

    This disgusting and unfounded assault on him directly affects his livelihood, his ability to pursue happiness, and his right to legally conduct business as a private citizen.

    The fact is, Rush Limbaugh is the LEAST racist person in celebrity life. Skin color means NOTHING to him. He is a commentator, entertainer and satirist ... but he has never ever come close to uttering any of the vile things he is being accused of saying. That is not his style nor his belief.

    And the fact that the "tolerant" LEFT is assaulting him relentlessly with absolutely slanderous, unprovable, untrue accusations is more than enough, as far as I'm concerned, to follow through legally.

    The left in this country has no right to do this to him just because they disagree with him politically.

  2. "The left in this country has no right to do this to him just because they disagree with him politically."

    They can't refute his arguments so they assassinate his character. (Or try to.)

    The modern "progressive" is the ideological offspring of Saul Alinsky.
