Saturday, November 21, 2009

Buy a Soldier a Cup of Coffee?

I never ask my readers to contribute to anything I'm not willing to do myself, so I got my wallet out earlier to buy a cup of coffee for some young men far from home for the holidays. The Green Beans Coffee company has a program "Cup of Joe For A Joe":
In our travels to see the Troops, many share with us their sense of loneliness, isolation and feelings of being forgotten. Their commanders tell us that some Soldiers never receive mail from home. In response, Green Beans Coffee has launched Cup of Joe For A Joe to let anyone, anywhere in the world, say thanks to our troops through the simple act of buying a cup of coffee and having it delivered along with their own personal note of encouragement into the hands of a deployed Soldier.
It's hardly an adequate way to express our gratitude for the sacrifice that they are making, but it beats sitting on your butt doing nothing. You can contribute here. Cross posted at Say Anything


  1. You're welcome. We spend a lot of time highlighting all the bad stuff going on in the world, every now and then, we need to highlight the good stuff!
