Sunday, January 10, 2010

"Dances With Smurfs" Meets the Real Scarlet and Gold

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Col. Bryan Salas, the director of public affairs for the Marine Corps, wrote the following letter (excerpted here) on the depiction of Marines, dubbed "ex-Marines" in the movie. With a startling few exceptions (John Murtha comes to mind), there is no such thing as an ex-Marine or a "former" Marine. It's been my experience that the Corps leaves its mark on a man. There are Marines who are no longer actively serving, but they are still Marines.

Lost amid the staggering commercial success of “Avatar” ... are the real warriors whose heroism, valor and selfless service has allowed the U.S. to leave a war in Iraq that many in 2006 thought was unwinnable and indeed salvage success from the jaws of calamity.

“Avatar” takes sophomoric shots at our military culture and uses the lore of the Marine Corps and over-the-top stereotyping of Marine warriors to set the context for the screenplay. This does a disservice to our Corps of Marines and the public's understanding of their Corps.

The Marine Corps embraces a warrior-scholar mentality and prides itself on understanding host country narratives and sensitivities in complex climes and places. Gen. James Mattis, whose catch-phrase is “no better friend, no worse enemy,” better captures the essence of Marines who helped usher in the Sunni Awakening in Anbar province than the cinemagraphically convenient colonel-turned-mercenary antagonist in “Avatar.”

I haven't seen Avatar, myself. No matter how spectacular the eye candy, I just couldn't bring myself to support the message of Avatar with my entertainment dollars, no matter how ham handed and cartoonish that message might be.

For those of you who saw it and enjoyed it? Everyone likes their toast a slightly different color! I generally don't do vampire movies either, so it's more a matter of taste. I have no problem being in the minority here.

N/T Big Hollywood
Cross posted at Say Anything


  1. I seem to find that when a movie does really well ($$$) in the first weekend opening it usually never is to my liking.

    But like you say it is after all a matter of taste but also goes to one liking their own food and 'pause'.

    Oh and God Bless the Corp.

  2. I will confess to having a bit of a contrarian nature, too. Whenever I see throngs of people headed in the same direction, I'm just as likely to go the other way!

  3. "No matter how spectacular the eye candy, I just couldn't bring myself to support the message of Avatar with my entertainment dollars" Me either. I couldn't do the Golden Campass for the same reasons, no matter the impressive acting and cinametography. And I knew there was a reason I liked you, Proof, I don't do vampire movies either!!! ;)

  4. I passed on the Golden Compass as well! And if you ever need anyone to just nibble on your neck, I'm your guy! Heh.

  5. Yeah, I didn't say I didn't do vampire moves. Just not vampire movies. Hehe.
