Saturday, January 9, 2010

Progressive Speeding Ticket: $290,000

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Similar to this one.

According to the Miami Herald, a Swiss court has fined a repeat offender $290,000 for driving 35MPH over the speed limit. It appears that in Switzerland, fines are not flat amounts, but are tied to the net worth of the offender.
After the court did its "means testing", it decided on a fine of nearly $300,000 for a speeder with an estimated net worth of over $20 million.

Eat your heart out, progessieves! Heh.

Cross posted at Say Anything


  1. Doesn't that mean in the future I may have to only pay $.02 for my speeding ticket? Careful with post like this, it will give those freaks in the statehouses and congress ideas.

  2. Two cents, huh? You get a raise I haven't heard about???

    Yeah. I know what you mean about giving them ideas!
