Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Amateur Hour at "Health Care Reform" Pt. 3

2:48 $100 Billion a year for the "largest middle class tax cut for health care in history". Obama says this money will come from money wasted or being spent badly. Yeah. Right! There is no historical precedence, and no precedence in government controlled health care for this. Again, if Obama wanted to show us through Medicare, Medicaid or the VA that his proposals were not all smoke and mirrors, he might face less resistance to his plans.

The big lie at 5:36
"We have now incorporated almost every single serious idea from across the political spectrum how to contain the rising cost of health care"

Yeah. Me, too! Let me repeat that for those of you still picking your jaws up off the floor:
"We have now incorporated almost every single serious idea from across the political spectrum how to contain the rising cost of health care"

Another "Meaning of 'is' is" moment? Or does "almost" just include every idea the Republicans put forth? Across the political spectrum? You mean all the way from Far Left to Slightly Left of Center? And he said it with a straight face!

Cross posted at Say Anything

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