Monday, March 15, 2010

Tea Partiers Disrespect President Obama

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"Fraud"? "Fail"? Pretty strong stuff!

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Stop killing civilians? Gosh! These folk are treating him like he was George W. Bush!

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Oh, wait! Maybe these aren't Tea Partiers after all! I think these are from last May, protesting outside a fundraiser for Obama. These are gays and other liberal Democrats who apparently didn't think too highly of the job our commander-in-chief's doing.

The top photo was in my local dead tree newspaper over an AP story about party disunity among the Democrats. Fess up now! When did you realize it wasn't really Tea Partiers? Picture 1, 2, or 3?
(The rainbow flags should have been a clue!)


  1. Heh, You almost had me there. Well, OK, you did, although I do know some Paulites who would almost go as far as the baby killer meme.

    BTW, Thanks much for adding the Robot to your blogroll. I'm sorry that I hadn't linked yours yet. That particular oversight has been remedied.

    God Bless.

  2. Good one. Truth is that many of his big supporters are very unhappy with him. Good.

    Right Truth

  3. Yeah. I did a double take on the dead tree when I saw the signs and the headline read:

    Divided party? It's not just
    GOP, it's the Democrats too

    I had almost turned the page when "Democrats too" finally sunk in!
