Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Breast Fed is Best Fed

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There's a story making the rounds about a marvelous new, old way to help children become healthier...it's called breastfeeding!
Nine hundred lives and supposedly billions of dollars could be saved if infants' immune systems were fortified by that which they receive from their mother's milk.

Now, I'm a big fan of breast feeding. I've studied the benefits and each of my five children was breast fed. (You dads out there will know that when the baby's food is preheated, there's no need for you to offer to get up in the middle of the night and warm it for them!)

Still, at a time when Obamacare is threatening to bust the budget, the timing of this study, though welcome, is a bit suspect.

But, from a political standpoint, it's a marvelous precursor for the multitudes soon to be sucking at the government's teat!

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