*In case you're wondering why I'm dusting off these chestnuts, Say Anything is going through a bit of a transformation and the old reader blogs are going away. Just like all the stories in the Naked City, this is one of them!
We will not take away your hunting guns. If you need an automatic weapon or a handgun to kill a bird or a deer, then you really aren't much of a hunter and you should, perhaps, pick up another sport. We will make our streets and schools as free as we can from these weapons and we will protect your children just as we would protect ours.-Michael Moore
This was actually #9 of 12 from "A Liberal's Pledge to Disheartened Conservatives"
Color me furthur disheartened! Hey, Mr. Liberal! Next time you get pulled over by the Highway Patrol, point to the officer's sidearm and tell him he must not be much of a hunter if he needs one of those! Also, since it has been reasoned elsewhere that guns have only one purpose- to kill people, ask him how many people he has killed?
Unless, there could be another reason for him carrying it...perphaps, deterrence? or self defense???
"We will not take away your hunting guns...unless it is inexpensive army surplus and has a bayonet lug on it! (Who knows how many drive-by bayonetings have been prevented by that law? And nothing makes a long gun more concealable than having a 12" bayonet stuck on the end of it!)
Michael Moore's "pledge" notwithstanding, the anti-gun crowd has already proclaimed their desire to disarm every law abiding citizen in this country. The magnanimity of Mr. Moore in allowing us to keep our "hunting guns" pales in comparison with the Constitutional right of the people to bear arms for hunting, or recreation or self defense.
And until our borders are secured, so that nothing larger than a pack of cigarettes can cross our spacious borders illegally, the laws that Mr. Moore and his ilk want to pass to deny the law abiding citizen means of self protection, will not deter the criminal from obtaining, selling and using illegal firearms...against, we presume, a largely disarmed populace.