Monday, May 3, 2010

Quote du jour

"Clinton indeed did not inhale at Oxford. He preferred, like many another marijuana enthusiast, to take his dope in the form of large handfuls of cookies and brownies."

-Christopher Hitchens

Spoken like a man who knows what the meaning of "is" is!


  1. Hitchens occasionally gets something right. Obama didn't inhale he just snorted!

  2. I classify Hitchens as an "honest" liberal. I seldom agree with him, but at least he is honest about what he believes and is not afraid to call out fellow liberals for their hypocrisy just because they are of the same party or political philosophy.

  3. That's what I always thought Clinton meant and said so even while he was in office. It's just now being confirmed?

  4. Mandy: I just thought it was run of the mill politician hypocrisy, until I realized that anyone who could parse the meaning of "is" could always lie with a straight face!
