Thursday, July 8, 2010

Next Stop on the San Francisco Nanny State Trolley, Ban on Sale of all Pets Except Fish

by the Left Coast Rebel

San Francisco, it's a beautiful place, right?

Well perhaps, but beneath the underbelly (of the cat, fish, dog or Gaia worshipper) is a sensibility and ideology that is perhaps the nation's clearest clarion call in the fight against a nanny state gone wild (refer to my 'sugary drinks ban' post for more on this).

Exhibit a) for just today, an impending San-Fran-wacko commission vote tonight:
If the commission approves the ordinance at its meeting tonight, San Francisco could soon have what is believed to be the country's first ban on the sale of all pets except fish.

That includes dogs, cats, hamsters, mice, rats, chinchillas, guinea pigs, birds, snakes, lizards and nearly every other critter, or, as the commission calls them, companion animals.

Perhaps you could think of San-Fran also as the birthplace of a new liberal-kookstick interest group, the Anti-Pet-Lobby. Absurd-sounding? Not so fast. In typical liberal/progressive-collectivist fashion, they try to gently reel us in with an 'it's all for the children' (or, rather, hamsters) sales pitch:

The real problem, .... is hamsters.

People buy the high-strung, nocturnal rodents because they're under the temporary impression that hamsters are cute and cuddly. But the new owners quickly learn that hamsters are, in fact, prone to biting, gnawing through expensive wiring and maniacally racing on their exercise wheels at 2 a.m.

So the animals end up at the shelter. Just about every species has its own rescue group in San Francisco, but no one seems to want hamsters. Hamsters are the No. 1 animal euthanized at the city's shelter, said San Francisco Animal Care and Control director Rebecca Katz.

Can you imagine such lunacy? Like I said in the previous San Franciso post, my mind and heart hearkens back to a time in our nation when such absurdities as above were not only not the norm but nonexistent.

Have we lost our minds? Or is it simply the government-urban liberal/government/media/university complex that has?

Is America still basically good?

I wonder if this little fella(s) would be 'illegal' in the new Orwellian America?


AllAmericanBlogger notes the inherent lunacy in the San-Fran-Ban and simply asks, "Can I buy an Oscar or Pirana?"

Cross posted to LCR and RN.


  1. I spent one weekend in Frisco many years ago when the old Yorktown docked there. A beautiful city, but even then I felt out of place. Those elected leaders in city hall have decided they know what's best for everyone and they will impose their values on all as long as the voters continue to elect them.

  2. So, it's a sanctuary city for illegal aliens, but the hamsters are on their own??? Sheesh!

  3. There's a certain group of people in that city that are likely to become agitated if they can't get their gerbils

  4. Rip: When Rush did the Sacramento show, he used to have a "Gerbils update". The theme song was the Beatles' "Help", played at about 1.5 x speed!
    Sounded a little like the chipmunks.
