Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hillary Watch

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(Since these stories will only increase in frequency over the next two years, I thought she deserved her own logo. )

The latest puff piece on the putative nominee for 2012 is in the Newsweek blog "The Gaggle". It starts:

Remember Hillary Clinton? The most powerful woman in American politics has kept her head down for most of the first 18 months of her tenure as secretary of state. But she is also, at present, by far the most unscathed senior member of a badly battered administration. And the once defeated Democratic candidate may have, at present, the most promising political prospects of just about anyone in the administration, specifically including her boss, Barack Obama.

"The most unscathed senior member of a badly battered administration". Damning her with faint praise! Heh.

The Clintonistas are on the march. You mark my words!


  1. Uh, you keep "watch" on her Proof. I need to save my remaining eyesight for other great reads,like FNB,TNT and that Theo guy. Heh.

  2. Randy: Remember when we were growing up, one of the rules was "Don't pick on the girls".
    And while BHO doesn't have this compunction, Hillary suffers from a similar one: "Don't pick on the black guy". That (and voter fraud) are what cost her the last election.

    It will be interesting to see exactly how she slips the knife between his ribs (figuratively speaking) without appearing to violate that "rule".
