Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Obama's Speech Ending Iraqi Freedom

Or at least the end of Operation Iraqi Freedom!

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Did you happen to see the President's snoozefest last night? I won't say that his delivery was emotionless or colorless, but cold fish were giving each other high fins because they were no longer the gold standard for emotionlessness.

An excerpt from the Sominex® Chronicles: (The whole speech can be found here)

Unfortunately, over the last decade, (Obamaspeak for "Bush did it") we have not done what is necessary to shore up the foundation of our own prosperity. We have spent over a trillion dollars at war, (a trillion dollars over eight years compared with a similar sum expended by the Obama administration for stimulus, er, political payoffs and pork) often financed by borrowing from overseas (As opposed to the Porkulus bill? Who financed that? The tooth fairy???). This, in turn, has short-changed investments in our own people, and contributed to record deficits. For too long, we have put off tough decisions on everything from our manufacturing base to our energy policy to education reform (if it's anything like health care "reform", schools will be shuttered and education will be rationed more than it is now!) . As a result, too many middle class families find themselves working harder for less, while our nation's long-term competitiveness is put at risk. (Nothing a good tax cut couldn't cure!)

Read the whole thing if you must. There was nothing stirring or inspirational. And the accomplishments in Iraq were largely dismissed or glossed over.

Rather than waste your time with the empty rhetoric of this president, why don't you spend the time remembering when we had a real president:

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