Thursday, October 7, 2010

Greta Bloodies Allred Over Sound Legal Practices

Greta goes after Gloria for what she did as a lawyer, Allred's rebuttal was that her client was intelligent. The housekeeper's intelligence wasn't in question, it was the competency of her lawyer.

More at Gateway Pundit

Cross posted at Left Coast Rebel


  1. That was a "Behind the woodshed" moment for Gloria. You can tell the dumb ones, they stay on message when it is utterly destroyed and burning down around them.

  2. I'm sure that G-L-O-R-I-A believed that this cae, like so many others would garner her free publicity and enhance her rep.
    I believe it has done the opposite. I wouldn't hire this woman to draw up a will for my cat!

  3. (And the "publicity" only points out her incompetence.)

  4. I love Greta, her logic and reasoning is inrafutable. As to where the woman with the plastic hair that is a little scary, is an idiot ambulance chaser.
