Sunday, November 14, 2010

Obama: It Wasn't My Policies the Voters Rejected

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Yeah. Right!
Although I guess you could say he was the primary motivation behind the "tea party"!


  1. I hope they keep believing their own BS. Liberal commentators are echoing this nonsense to knowing nods of fellow progressives.

    I hope Pelosi is elected minority leader. She is the best campaign prop republicans will have for 2012.

    The longer they stay in their delusional stupor, to more opportunity we have to take back our lost liberties.

    Keep smokin' that hopium you dingbat democrats!

  2. I'm thinking of making this the official graphic I use whenever Obama says something really delusional or stupid, so, expect to see it a lot!

  3. Well, almost this graphic. I added a little Gadsden flag to Obama's tea cup.
