Sunday, December 5, 2010

Newt for President?

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Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, was on Fox News Sunday this AM, promoting his favorite cause: Newt. Oh, he was giving news analysis and answering the questions posed to him by Chris Wallace, but I think the real agenda was face time.

Now, don't get me wrong! I like Newt. I think he's a brilliant tactician. I think he did great things for the country and the Republican party by spearheading the Contract with America back in 1994. But, a lot can happen in sixteen years. NY-23 for one (but not the only one).

Newt Gingrich backed liberal RINO, worse, Democrat in RINO clothing, Dede Scozzafava in a race against conservative Doug Hoffman. Mistaking that (R) after her name for a commitment to party and country was a mistake. Dede went on to endorse the Democrat in the race after it became obvious that her own candidacy was doomed to failure. Belatedly, Newt swung his support to Hoffman. Too little, too late.

When asked about the 2012 presidential race, Newt speaks of Romney and Huckabee's popularity and puts himself somewhere in the middle. False modesty aside, if I were to name my three least favorite Republican candidates it would be, in order:
Romney, Huckabee and Gingrich.

Three good men who share some good ideas, but each with a singular character flaw or track record of poor judgments (or both) that militate against them as presidential material. For comparison, my least favorite candidates, in order, in the 2008 primaries were:
McCain, Romney and Huckabee.

How well did that work out for us?

H/T Daily Caller

Cross posted at LCR, Say Anything.


  1. I agree on Newt and have made the point myself previously.

    What the prognostocators are saying for the GOP nomination in 2012 as 'leaders' are nothing but RINO's.

    We need a groundswell of Tea Party support for the likes of Mike Pence with say Allen West as his running mate. That in turn after 8 years would lead to Allen West at the top of the ticket and possibly Marco Rubio as his 2nd.

    In that senario there is solid conservatism for 12 years alone and possibly 16.

    All need to buck this system of the GOP picking the nominee and re-double our efforts and fast to infiltrate and take the party back once and for all!

  2. The libs would love to see us with one of these three, just like they salivated over the McCain candidacy. The MSM would be happy to promote them in the primaries as well.

  3. As I said in another place, "We need to encourage men of character to step up to the plate and run, and then be prepared to back them with our time, our treasure and out talent.
    We can't just sit idly by and allow the establishment to select another mediocre candidate to go down to defeat."
