Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quote du jour

Everywhere the president goes, he explains that he’s failed to get anything done either because the system is broken or because his opponents lack the honor and decency to work with him. Such arguments define cynicism.

-Jonah Goldberg


  1. A wise man once said, "Enough of Obama already."

  2. .

    Nice straw-man argument...

    Not sure who Jonah Goldberg is fantasizing about when you quote him as saying, "Everywhere the president goes, he explains that he’s failed to get anything done either because the system is broken or because his opponents lack the honor and decency to work with him." The current President has quite a record of positive legislative accomplishments to show off. One example is the 'Affordable Care Act.'

    But hey keep tilting at windmills.

    Ema Nymton

    1. You keep focusing on all the President's accomplishments, like driving the price of gasoline up to European levels, as he and his advisers wanted. And you might want to look up "straw man arguments", too. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  3. .

    "... like driving the price of gasoline up to European levels ..."

    You do realize don't cha, the President of USA does not control the free market. The law of supply and demand determines the price of petrol throughout the whole-wide world.

    Hey never let the facts get in the way of your poor pity party of petutal petulance.

    Ema Nymton

    1. I never said he did it single handedly. He had the help of spineless Democrats as early as the Clinton administration, who would not stand up to their environmentalist wacko overlords.

      Remember when Al Gore And Billy Jeff Clinton told us it would be at least ten years before ANWR could start producing significant amounts of oil? How long ago was that exactly?
