Friday, July 13, 2012

Quote du jour

Every day, we hear that conservatives oppose President Obama, and are eager for his defeat, because he’s black. Because, of course, we conservatives just love Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Al Gore, Barbara Boxer, Chris Dodd, Hillary Clinton, Barney Frank, Debbie Wasserman Schultz . . .

Is it not enough that the Left is malicious and defamatory? Do they have to be so all-fired stupid too?
-Jay Nordlinger

1 comment:

  1. The fact is, leftists find the color they think Brakabama is to be the only interesting thing about him. You see, the official position of the democrat party is that non-whites are weak, stupid, shiftless and violent by nature. They've thought this since the 1700s. When someone like Brakabama comes along who doesn't talk like Uncle Remus or sell crack on the street corner, they consider him a magnificent freak of nature. A bear riding a bicycle. Truth be told, Brakabama is a pathetic dullard whose never had an original thought in his entire worthless life. The left is realizing this, and they're getting insanely defensive about it. Imagine being one of these assholes and realizing what a fool you've been in maniacally supporting this cardboard cutout. What a nightmare that must be.
