Saturday, February 2, 2013

Obama Fires Back at His Critics

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The White House finally released one (1) picture of Barack Obama supposedly shooting sheet, as he does "all the time". To be fair, the caption does say he is shooting "clay targets". Nothing says the targets are in any way "moving". (Note: Most skeet are not shot on the horizon, as the president appears to be aiming.)

By comparison, the president likes to golf and we have hundreds if not thousands of pictures of him golfing. Forgive my skepticism if one staged photograph does not reflect genuine interest in anything other than being tired of caught in yet another meaningless lie.

Update: Prudence (@dennygirltwo) Noticed the following:

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Aug 4, the day Barry was supposedly shooting skeet, was a day Reuters reported him golfing, and then going to Camp David for a "quiet evening". Now, I guess it is theoretically possible for him to have done both, but I find it hard to imagine that he would spend his birthday ding something he enjoys and is evidently fairly god at, to rush over to Camp David to squeeze in a little noisy skeet shooting for his quiet evening. Especially since, if he does it at all, he probably sucks at it. He might have squeezed in a couple hands of Old Maid and a hockey game, too, but I doubt it.

Update II: I just saw the CBS Evening News, who reported the release of the picture uncritically, so there must not be anything to see here. Move along!


  1. You did read the part about not manipulating the dictator in chief's personal once in a lifetime shoulder bruising photo with the shoulder bruising shotgun did you?

    1. Actually I did. If this White House thinks they can eliminate satire with a preemptive statement saying "We won't allow you to do it", it's like saying "don't laugh at Joe Biden". (Or posting a sign saying "gun free zone".)

      My guess is they loaded some kind of squib load or blank shell to reduce the recoil, but still produce some smoke. Doesn't look like there was hardly any recoil on that shot. Video would be better though.

      Should we hold our breath waiting for that to be released?

  2. This was the first place I came after seeing the story and the " do not make fun of me " warning, Proof you are one of a kind!

    1. Well, things are kinda slow. I've got time to meet Eric Holder in Federal Court if they think that phony disclaimer indemnifies them from mocking. Hell's bells! I could probably talk the ACLU into defending me for something like this!

  3. Looks like he's using black powder in that breech loader.

    1. And not that much of it either! I think Barry literally shot his wad here and not much more. Ask yourself, if you were his Secret Service agent, would you trust him with a live round?

    2. I'm pretty certain that the Secret Service agent at the scene felt obligated to explain which end of the gun goes against the shoulder. He should have kept quiet.

    3. You are, for the moment, forgetting which particular drone would replace him should any harm befall him? I think the agent would have thrown himself between the gun and that shoulder!
