Friday, April 19, 2013

"I Think We Can Coexist Better If One of Us is Dead"

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From the 'truth is stranger than fiction' department, I have heard from two different sources now, that the car the two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing used as a getaway car, had a "Coexist" bumper sticker on it. But, then, anyone with that low of a regard for human life would lie about other things, too.

Update: Apparently this was on the back of the car they hijacked. Perhaps now the owners of the car will see the folly of their ways?

Cross posted at LCR.


  1. Those who would support coexistance are usually those in the weaker position or else just loony progressives separated from reality by that dense fog that hides the truth.

    1. Remember the time that St. Rodney King stopped the LA riots by merely whispering the words "Can't we all just get along"? Neither do I.
